Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure HA on Node 1 Using a Shared Disk for Configuration Files and Binaries

Before You Begin

Fill out the checklists in Table 1–1 and Table 4–2 and have your answers readily available.

You must use a cluster file system if you are using a shared disk for configuration files and binaries, not HAStoragePlus.

  1. Install products and packages in a directory in the cluster file system using the Java Enterprise System installer.

    When you install Instant Messaging, you must specify a directory other than the default directory. See Selecting the Installation Directory (im-svr-base) for specific instructions.

    See Table 4–3 for a list of required products and packages for HA. Refer to theSun Java Communications Suite 5 Installation Guide for specific instructions.

  2. Create a soft link from /etc/opt/SUNWiim that points to /global/im/etc/opt/SUNWiim.

  3. Run the configure utility from the global directory where you installed Instant Messaging (/global/im/im-svr-base/configure).

    See Chapter 1, Configuring Instant Messaging After Installation for instructions.

  4. When prompted for the Instant Messaging Server Runtime Files Directory, enter the value for /global/im/im-runtime-base.

  5. When prompted for the Instant Messaging host name, enter the logical host.

    Choose to accept the logical host even if the configure utility cannot connect to the specified host. The logical host resource may be offline at the time you run the configure utility.

  6. Do not choose to start Instant Messaging after configuration or on system startup.

    In an HA configuration, the Instant Messaging service also requires the logical host to be online for Instant Messaging to work properly.