Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Developer's Guide

Using a Signature to Enable Message Protection for All Methods

To enable message protection for all methods using digital signature, update the message-security-binding element for the EJB web service endpoint in the application’s sun-ejb-jar.xml file. In this file, add request-protection and response-protection elements, which are analogous to the request-policy and response-policy elements discussed in the Configuring Message Security chapter of the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8.2 Administration Guide. In order to apply the same protection mechanisms for all methods, leave the method-name element blank. Configuring Message Protection For a Specific Method Based on Digital Signatures discusses listing specific methods or using wildcard characters.

This section uses the sample application discussed in Understanding and Running the Example Application to apply application-level message security in order to show only the differences necessary for protecting web services using various mechanisms.

ProcedureTo enable message protection for all methods using digital signature

  1. In a text editor, open the application’s sun-ejb-jar.xml file.

    For the xms example, this file is located in the directory install-dir /samples/webservices/security/ejb/apps/xms/xms-ejb/src/conf.

  2. Modify the sun-ejb-jar.xml file by adding the message-security-binding element as shown:

            <message-security-binding auth-layer="SOAP">
                <request-protection auth-source="content" />
                <response-protection auth-source="content"/>
  3. Compile, deploy, and run the application as described in To Run the Sample Application.