Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Messages Are Backlogged


To see whether messages are accumulating, check how the number of messages or message bytes in the broker changes over time and compare to configured limits. First check the configured limits:

imqcmd query bkr

Note –

The imqcmd metrics bkr subcommand does not display this information.

Then check for message accumulation in each destination:

imqcmd list dst

To see whether messages have exceeded configured destination or brokerwide limits, check the broker log for the entry

[B2011]: Storing of JMS message from failed.

This entry will be followed by another identifying the limit that has been exceeded.

Possible causes:

Possible cause: There are inactive durable subscriptions on a topic destination.

If a durable subscription is inactive, messages are stored in a destination until the corresponding consumer becomes active and can consume the messages.

To confirm this cause of the problem: Check the state of durable subscriptions on each topic destination:

imqcmd list dur -d destName

To resolve the problem:

Possible cause: Too few consumers are available to consume messages in a multiple-consumer queue.

If there are too few active consumers to which messages can be delivered, a queue destination can become backlogged as messages accumulate. This condition can occur for any of the following reasons:

To confirm this cause of the problem: To help determine the reason for unavailable consumers, check the number of active consumers on a destination:

imqcmd metrics dst -n destName -t q -m con

To resolve the problem: Depending on the reason for unavailable consumers,

Possible cause: Message consumers are processing too slowly to keep up with message producers.

In this case, topic subscribers or queue receivers are consuming messages more slowly than the producers are sending messages. One or more destinations are getting backlogged with messages because of this imbalance.

To confirm this cause of the problem: Check for the rate of flow of messages into and out of the broker:

imqcmd metrics bkr -m rts

Then check flow rates for each of the individual destinations:

imqcmd metrics bkr -t destType -n destName -m rts

To resolve the problem:

Possible cause: Client acknowledgment processing is slowing down message consumption.

Two factors affect the processing of client acknowledgments:

To confirm this cause of the problem:

To resolve the problem:

Possible cause: The broker cannot keep up with produced messages.

In this case, messages are flowing into the broker faster than the broker can route and dispatch them to consumers. The sluggishness of the broker can be due to limitations in any or all of the following:

To confirm this cause of the problem: Check that none of the other possible causes of this problem are responsible.

To resolve the problem:

Possible cause: Client code defects; consumers are not acknowledging messages.

Messages are held in a destination until they have been acknowledged by all consumers to which they have been sent. If a client is not acknowledging consumed messages, the messages accumulate in the destination without being deleted.

For example, client code might have the following defects:

To confirm this cause of the problem: First check all other possible causes listed in this section. Next, list the destination with the following command:

imqcmd list dst

Notice whether the number of messages listed under the UnAcked header is the same as the number of messages in the destination. Messages under this header were sent to consumers but not acknowledged. If this number is the same as the total number of messages, then the broker has sent all the messages and is waiting for acknowledgment.

To resolve the problem: Request the help of application developers in debugging this problem.