Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Object Manager Utility

The Object Manager utility (imqobjmgr) creates and manages Message Queue administered objects. Table 15–11 lists the available subcommands.

Table 15–11 Object Manager Subcommands




Add administered object to object store 


Delete administered object from object store 


List administered objects in object store 


Display administered object information 


Modify administered object 

Table 15–12 lists the options to the imqobjmgr command.

Table 15–12 Object Manager Options



-l lookupName

JNDI lookup name of administered object

-j attribute=value

Attributes of JNDI object store (see Object Stores)

-t objectType

Type of administered object:  

    q: Queue destination

    t: Topic destination

    cf: Connection factory

    qf: Queue connection factory

    tf: Topic connection factory

    xcf: Connection factory for distributed transactions

    xqf: Queue connection factory for distributed transactions

    xtf: Topic connection factory for distributed transactions

-o attribute=value

Attributes of administered object (see Administered Object Attributes and Chapter 18, Administered Object Attribute Reference)

-r readOnlyState

Is administered object read-only?  

If true, client cannot modify object’s attributes.

Default value: false.

-i fileName

Name of command file containing all or part of subcommand clause 


Preview results without performing command 

This option is useful for checking the values of default attributes.  

-javahome path

Location of alternative Java runtime

Default behavior: Use runtime installed on system or bundled with Message Queue.


Perform action without user confirmation 


Silent mode (no output displayed) 


Display version information [Any other options specified on the command line are ignored. ]


Display usage help


Display expanded usage help, including attribute list and examples