Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Administration Guide

Administrative Tasks

The typical administrative tasks to be performed depend on the nature of the environment in which you are running Message Queue. The demands of a software development environment in which Message Queue applications are being developed and tested are different from those of a production environment in which such applications are deployed to accomplish useful work. The following sections summarize the typical administrative requirements of these two different types of environment.

Administration in a Development Environment

In a development environment, the emphasis is on flexibility. The Message Queue message service is needed principally for testing applications under development. Administration is generally minimal, with programmers often administering their own systems. Such environments are typically distinguished by the following characteristics:

Administration in a Production Environment

In a production environment in which applications must be reliably deployed and run, administration is more important. Administrative tasks to be performed depend on the complexity of the messaging system and of the applications it must support. Such tasks can be classified into two general categories: setup operations and maintenance operations.

Setup Operations

Administrative setup operations in a production environment typically include some or all of the following:

Administrator security

General security

Administered objects

Broker clusters


Memory management

Maintenance Operations

Because application performance, reliability, and security are at a premium in production environments, message service resources must be tightly monitored and controlled through ongoing administrative maintenance operations, including the following:

Broker administration and tuning

Administered objects

Client management