Sun Java System Message Queue 4.2 Installation Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Table P–1 describes the contents of this manual. All readers should read Chapter 1, Introduction, followed by the chapter pertaining to their own particular platform.

Table P–1 Contents of This Manual



Chapter 1, Introduction

Describes Message Queue product editions, software modules, and supported platforms and components, as well as migration issues for those upgrading from a previous Message Queue release.  

Chapter 2, Solaris Installation

Provides detailed instructions for installing and uninstalling Message Queue 4.2 on the Solaris platform, along with information on hardware and software requirements, package dependencies, installed directory structure, and the use of Solaris 10 zones to maintain multiple Message Queue installations.  

Chapter 3, Linux Installation

Provides detailed instructions for installing and uninstalling Message Queue 4.2 on the Linux platform, along with information on hardware and software requirements, package (RPM) dependencies, and installed directory structure.

Chapter 4, Windows Installation

Provides detailed instructions for installing and uninstalling Message Queue 4.2 on the Windows platform, along with information on hardware and software requirements and installed directory structure.  

Appendix A, Command Line Options

Describes the command line options available for the Message Queue Installer.