Sun Java System Application Server 7 Update 11 Release Notes


In the server.xml file, res-type is used to demarcate the connection as non-XA or XA. This demarcation is used to identify the configuration of the data source to drive data. For example, in the Datadirect driver, the same data source can be used as either XA or non-XA.

The default behavior of the data source is non-XA. To make the data source behave as XA with the connpool element for transactions, res-type is needed. For the connpool element to work and participate in transactions, add the following for the attributes res-type in the server.xml file:





The connection from XADatasource in non-txn context cannot be used.

This is a known database driver issue. When there is a connection in a non-txn context, with XADataSource the Autocommit is set to false by default.


Use the non-XA datasource class to call the commit/rollback programs explicitly rather than through transactions. 


Non-zero transaction timeout setting causes slow local transactions.

Currently, the Local Transaction Manager does not support transactions with definite timeouts. If you set the timeout-in-seconds attribute in transaction-service element to a value greater than 0, all local transactions will be processed as a global transactions, and will take longer to complete. A local transaction might also fail, if the data source driver does not support global transactions. A timeout value of 0 means that the transaction manager will wait indefinitely if it does not hear back from a participating data source.


Reset the timeout-in-seconds value to its default value of 0.