A P P E N D I X  B

Using the Browser Interface

This section describes navigating the browser interface. For more information about the management software, you can click the Help button at the top right corner of any window.

Navigating the Common Array Manager Interface

The browser interface provides you with an easy-to-use interface to configure, manage, and monitor the system. You navigate through the browser interface as you would a typical web page. You use the navigation tree to move among pages within an application. You can click a link to get details about a selected item. You can also sort and filter information displayed on a page. When you place your pointer over a button, tree object, link, icon, or column, a tooltip provides a brief description of the object.

The figure shows the Common Array Manager Storage System Summary Screen where you select arrays managed by the software.

Each page uses a form or table format to display data.

The following sections describe the main elements of the browser interface:

Page Banner

Across the top of each page, the banner displays buttons, links, system information, alarm status, and the name of the application. TABLE B-1 displays the contents of the banner.

TABLE B-1 Contents of the Banner



Console Icon

Returns you to the Java Web Console page, where you can navigate between the configuration software and the diagnostic software.

Version Icon

Displays the software version and copyright information.

Refresh Icon

Refreshes the current page.

Search Icon

Enables you to quickly locate logical and physical elements defined in the system. You select a component and enter a name or World Wide Name (WWN) for the component you want to locate. An asterisk (*) searches for all instances of the selected component. For example, you can search for all initiators or only those initiators that match a specified name or WWN.

Service Advisor Icon

Launches Service Advisor.

Log Out Icon

Logs you out of the Java Web Console and the current application.

Help Icon

Opens the Online Help in a separate window.

System Information and Status

User Icon

Displays the name of the user who is currently logged in to the system.

Server Icon

Displays the name of the system.

Number of Users Icon

Displays the number of users currently logged in to the system. Click the link to open the Active User Summary, which displays the user name, role, client type, and IP address for each logged-in user.

ast Update Icon

Displays the latest date and time that data was retrieved from the server that you are administering. The latest data is collected and displayed each time you refresh the browser window or perform an action in the browser.

Current Alarm Icon

Displays the current number of each type of alarm. There are four alarm types:

Down, Critical, Major, and Minor Icons


Down, Critical, Major, and Minor Icons

Major, and

Down, Critical, Major, and Minor Icons


To get more information about the alarms, click the Current Alarms link. The Alarms Summary page is displayed.

TABLE B-1 describes the icons in the banner Navigation Tree. The navigation tree is displayed in the left-hand pane of the interface. You use the navigation tree to move among folders and pages.

The top level of the navigation pane displays the following links:

Clicking the Alarms link displays the Alarms page, from which you can view current alarms for all storage systems and gain access to alarm detail information.

Clicking the Storage Systems link displays the Storage System Summary page, from which you can select an array to manage.

Clicking the General Configuration link displays the Site Information page, where you enter company, storage site, and contact information.

Page Content Area

The content section of each page displays storage or system information as a form or table. You click a link in the page to perform a task or to move among pages. You can also move among pages by clicking an object in the navigation tree.

Controlling the Display of Table Information

Tables display data in a tabular format. TABLE B-2 describes the objects you can use to control the display of data on a page.

TABLE B-2 Table Objects



Filter Icon

Enables you to display only the information that interests you.

When filtering tables, follow these guidelines:

  • A filter must have at least one defined criterion.
  • A filter applies to the current server only. You cannot apply a filter to tables across multiple servers.

To filter a table, choose the filter criterion you want from the table’s Filter drop-down menu.

Display Rows Icon

Enable you to toggle between displaying all rows and displaying 15 or 25 rows one page at a time. When the top icon is displayed on a table, click the icon to page through all data in the table. When the bottom icon is displayed in a table, click the icon to page through 15 or 25 rows of data.

Deselect Check Box Icon

Enable you to select or deselect all of the check boxes in the table. Use the icon on the left to select all of the check boxes on the current page. Use the icon on the right to clear all of the check boxes on the current page.

Ascending Order Icon

Indicates that the column in the table is sorted in ascending order. The ascending sort order is by number (0-9), by uppercase letter (A-Z), and then by lowercase letter (a-z).

Click this icon to change the sort order of the column to descending.

A closed icon indicates the column by which the table is currently sorted.

Descending Order Icon

Indicates that the column in the table is sorted in descending order. The descending sort order is by lowercase letter (z-a), by uppercase letter (Z-A), and then by number (9-0).

Click this icon to change the sort order of the column to ascending.

A closed icon indicates the column by which the table is currently sorted.

Table Entries Icon

Enables you to select the entries that you want to display. Click the button on the left to display the first 25 table entries. Click the button on the right to display the previous 25 table entries.

Previous or Next Table Entries Icon

Click the button on the left to display the next 15 or 25 table entries. Click the button on the right to display the last 15 or 25 table entries.

Number of Table Pages Icon and Go Button

Indicates how many pages are in the table, and displays the page you are currently viewing. To view a different page, type the page number in the Page field and click Go.

TABLE B-2 describes the objects you can use to control the display of data on a page.

Status Icons

Icons are displayed to draw your attention to an object’s status. TABLE B-3 describes these status icons.

TABLE B-3 Status Icons



Critical Error Icon shows an exclamation point on a red circle.

Identifies a critical error. Immediate attention to the failed object is strongly recommended.

Minor Error Icon shows exclamation point on a yellow triangle.

Identifies a a minor error. The object is not working within normal operational parameters.

Unknown Condition Icon shows a question mark.

Identifies an unknown condition. A report on the status cannot be supplied at this time.

TABLE B-3 describes the condition status icons: critical, minor, and unknown.

Using Forms

Forms have menus, buttons, links, and text fields that allow you to select available options and enter information on a page. TABLE B-4 describes these elements.

TABLE B-4 Form Controls



Information Entry Required Icon

Indicates that you must enter information in this field.

isted Options Icon

Lists options from which you can make a selection.

Display Form based on Text Icon

Displays the part of the form that is indicated by the text next to this icon.

Return to Top of Form Icon

Returns you to the top of the form.

Save Icon

Saves the selections and entries that you have made.

Reset Icon

Sets all page elements to the original selections that were displayed when the page was first accessed.

Cancel Icon

Cancels the current settings.

Ok Icon

Causes the current settings to take effect.

TABLE B-4 describes menus, buttons, links, and text fields that allow you to select available options and enter information on a page.

Searching for System Elements

You can easily locate logical and physical elements of the system by using the search feature located in the banner of any page.

You can search for all elements of a selected type for particular elements that match a specified term. For example, you can search for all initiators or you can search for only the initiators that contain a specific World Wide Name (WWN).

Using the Search Feature

1. Click Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager.

2. In the banner, click Search.

The Search window is displayed.

3. Select the type of component you want to locate. You can search for arrays, disks, initiators, storage pools, storage profiles, trays, virtual disks, hosts, host groups, volumes, replication sets, snapshots, or all system elements.

4. If you want to narrow your search, enter a term in the text field.

5. Click Search.

The result of your search is displayed.

6. Click Back to return to the previous page.

Using Help

To view additional information about the configuration software, click Help in the banner of the web browser. The help window consists of a navigation pane on the left and a topic pane on the right.

To display a help topic, use the Navigation pane's Contents, Index, and Search tabs. Click the Search tab and click Tips on Searching to learn about the search feature.

TABLE B-5 Help Tabs




Click a folder icon to display subtopics. Click a page icon to display the help page for that topic in the Topic pane.


Click an index entry to display the help page for that topic.


Type the words for which you want to search and click Search. The Navigation pane displays a list of topics that match your search criteria in order of relevancy. Click a topic link to display the help page for that topic.

Click the Tips on Searching link for information about how to improve your search results.

To search for a particular word or phrase within a topic, click in the Topic pane, press Ctrl+F, type the word or phrase for which you are searching, and click Find.Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager User Guide for Open Systems

TABLE B-5.shows Help Tabs that let you access a topic, clicking an index entry, or searching.