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Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide

Stock Ticker Sample Application

A portal provides a single point of access to enterprise data and applications, presenting a unified and personalized view of that information to employees, customers, and business partners.

The Sun™ ONE Web Service Platform Developer Edition product delivers a unified framework for building, launching, and maintaining enterprise portals with the integration of the Sun ONE Portal Server, the Sun ONE Identity Server, the Sun ONE Studio, and the Sun ONE Portlet Builder, as shown in figure below.

   Stock Ticker Sample Application Architecture Overview
This image shows the Stock Ticker Sample architecture overview.

Sun ONE Portal Server

The Sun ONE Portal Server provides technologies that locate, connect, aggregate, present, communicate, personalize, notify, and deliver content. It uses an integrated Web Server as its Web container, and the Sun ONE Identify Server to provide user, services, policy management, authentication, and administration console, and so on.

The Sun ONE Portal Server is installed with a sample portal including five kinds of desktops. The sample portal shows possibilities of the Sun ONE Portal Server, and serves as a place to start when building a portal for your own site.

Sun ONE Portlet Builder

The Sun ONE Portlet Builder is plugged into the Sun ONE Studio as a module to provide an intuitive GUI-base Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to build, test, and package a portlet. A packaged portlet can be deployed to the sample portal or another created portal on the Sun ONE Portal Server.

Stock Ticker Sample Application

The Stock Ticker is a sample that is used to demonstrate the integration of the Sun ONE Portal Server, the Sun ONE Identity Server, the Sun ONE Studio, and the Sun ONE Portlet Builder within the Sun ONE Web Service Platform Developer Edition.

The Stock Ticker is a configurable Web service channel.

The configurable Web service channel provides a front end for accessing any Web service using:

  • A given Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file path or URL.
  • A specified method.

Based on the user's input and request, the channel displays the results. In the same channel, the WSDL file and method can be changed for a different Web service. The Stock Ticker sample application provides a stock quote Web service using:

  • The WSDL file URL:

  • The getQuote method for a stock quote Web service.

When the user provides any valid stock symbol, the sample gets a stock quote and displays it.

The sample is built with the Sun ONE Portlet Builder module of the Sun ONE Studio, deployed to the Desktop in the Sun ONE Portal Server, and managed by the Sun ONE Identity Server.

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