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Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide



About This Guide   1, 2
audience for this guide
Information architects   1
J2EE architects   1
Portal developers   1
RAD developers   1


Benefits Portal Sample Application   1, 2
Benefits sample
401(K) tab   1
channel design   1
database   1
employee tab   1
install design   1
Overview   1
Personal Information Channel   1
simulates corporate intranet portal   1
user roles   1
best practices in Logistics   1
business logic in Logistics   1


Cargo Line   1
Client Tier   1
EIS Tier   1
Middle Tier   1
Multi-Tier   1
Sample Architecture Overview   1
Customer Order Tracking System (COTS) Sample Application   1, 2


date, number, and currency formatting   1
Declarative Security   1
Dining Guide
database tables   1
EJB tier   1
Overview   1
Sample Application Architecture   1
Dining Guide Sample Application   1, 2
DSAME, use of   1


EIS billing   1
EJBs in Logistics   1


High Level Targets   1, 2


Insurance Co.   1
integrated set of Sun ONE products   1
Internationalization   1, 2


JSP pages in Logistics   1


Known Issues   1


display specific pages   1
localize messages   1
architecture overview   1
compile, package, and deploy to Sun ONE Application Server   1
components   1
components, diagram   1
Deploying and Running   1, 2
Design   1, 2
intention of   1
mount filesystems through Sun ONE Studio   1
Overview   1, 2
quick install using Ant   1
sample data   1, 2
Sample Data, description   1
set up databases   1
set up development environment   1
set up tasks   1


Parts Supplier
Architecture Overview   1
database   1
Overview   1
Parts Supplier Sample Application   1, 2
presentation logic in Logistics   1


Sample Applications
Index of, in Sun ONE Application Server 7   1
sample applications in point products   1, 2
Servlets in Logistics   1
Stock Ticker Sample Application   1, 2
Application Framework, about   1
Application Server, about   1
Connector Builder, about   1
Identity Server, about   1
Integration Server, about   1
Portal Server, about   1
Portlet Builder, about   1
Studio, about   1
Sun ONE Application Server 7
Accessing Backend CORBA Resources examples   1
Application Client Container (ACC) examples   1
Distributed Transaction examples   1
Duke's Bank examples   1
Enterprise JavaBean examples   1
HTTP Server NSAPI examples   1
i18n examples   1
J2EE Connector Architecture examples   1
J2EE Web Application examples   1
Java Database Connectivity examples   1
Java Message Service examples   1
Java Naming and Directory Interface examples   1
Java Web Services examples   1
JavaMail examples   1
Lifecycle Listener (Startup) Class examples   1
Logging examples   1
Migration example   1
Packaging examples   1
Petstore example   1
RMI/IIOP examples   1
Security examples   1
Smart Ticket example   1
Wireless example   1
XML Processing examples   1
Sun ONE Identity Server
amadmin CLI examples   1
Authentication examples   1
Integrating with DSAME on Application Server examples   1
samples   1
SDK examples   1
SSO examples   1
Sun ONE Portal Server
Channels in the My Front Page tab   1
Channels in the Samples tab   1
Channels in the Search tab   1
Portal Server Desktop, JSPTabContainer sample   1
Sun ONE Studio Enterprise Edition
ProductRichClient example   1
sample applications   1
StockApp example   1
Warehouse example   1
Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition
sample applications   1


targets in assemble.xml file   1
targets in common.xml file   1
targets in compile.xml file   1
targets in deploy.xml file   1
This screen capture shows the path to follow to install the application.   1
Transport Co.   1
Troubleshooting   1, 2


user locale   1

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