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Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide


This Troubleshooting section offers helpful hints and lists known problems and limitations of the Sun™ ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software.

This section contains the following topics:


  1. Problem
  2. I get an error Cannot create system directory .. while trying to bring up the Sun ONE Studio on Solaris. I am logged in as root.


    Login in to root as su -, to change to the root environment. Access the Sun ONE Studio. Just logging in as su does not change the environment.

  3. Problem
  4. I get DeploymentError:, while trying to deploy Web services on Windows.


    There is a limitation on the length of a full path name for a file on Windows for deploying Web services. As a workaround, install the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software with a short default directory name (for example, C:\Sun\WebServicesPlatform). This is also suggested in the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Installation Guide.

  5. Problem
  6. I get a NestedException: java.sql.SQLException: Connection failure. Connection reset by peer.


    Restart your application server. It is because the PointBase server was restarted.

  7. Problem
  8. Shipments deleted from Cargo Line do not get reflected in the Insurance database.


    This functionality is not implemented in this release.

    If the insurance client tries to pull up details for a shipment that has been deleted, a Failed to get shipment details error is thrown.

  9. Problem
  10. While trying to deploy using Ant, I get modeler error: failed to parse document at "http://<host.domain>:port /CLWS/CLWS?WSDL":


    Make certain that Config.xml is set up correctly according to the instructions above. The location attribute needs to be changed. Localhost should be replaced with a fully qualified hostname.domainname. If this still gives an error, try running wscompile from the command line: <studio_home>/jwsdp/bin/wscompile.bat (.sh) -gen:client -d build/webserviceclient insurance/src/client/config.xml from <install_root>/samples/logistics directory, and try again.

  11. Problem
  12. I get the error: build.xml [121] Unable to remove existing file C:\Sun\WebServicesPlatform\samples\logistics\assemble\cws.war


    The Sun ONE Studio sometimes keeps a file lock. This error shows when, for some reason, the previous process failed. Shutdown the Sun ONE Studio, and try again.

  13. Problem
  14. I get a Cannot create database error while trying to deploy logistics.


    Close all PB_console windows and try again.

  15. Problem
  16. After a successful deploy-all, redeploy-all fails.


    Use undeploy-all and deploy-all instead. Or modify build.xml <target name="redeploy-all" depends="delete-resources_, deploy-all"/>

  17. Problem
  18. After going through the deploying steps via the Sun ONE Studio, the Ant target undeploy-all fails.


    This happens when deploying ordercenter from the Sun ONE Studio and then trying to undeploy it using Ant. The Sun ONE Studio does not provide a property attribute to specify an application name when deploying Web module. Instead, it takes Context Root value without "/" as application name. In this case, ordercenter is the application name. The Ant script specifies it as cargoline-ordercenter which caused this error. The minimum fix is to modify assemble.xml as follows: <property name="cargoline-ordercenter" value="ordercenter"/>

  19. Problem
  20. After deploying cargoline-admin, when I try to login http://<host>.<domain>/cargoline-admin as manager/manager, I get the error: This page cannot be found.


    Enter the full URL (Including index.html).

    The URL gets rewritten later by DSAME. If index.html is omitted, after rewriting cargoline-admin may not get translated into cargoline-admin/index.html by some browsers. This results in an error on the browser: This page cannot be Found. Entering the full URL gets around this issue.

  21. Problem
  22. Could not deploy Cargoline Web Services module using the Sun ONE Studio.

    1. Unmount the webservices directory.
    2. Mount the webservices directory again.
    3. Go all the way to CLWSImpl, right-click and build.
    4. Continue to load the Web Service.

Known Issues

  1. Problem
  2. Any deployed Web services application throws a NullPointerException when the user attempts to visit the Web services model URL for that application (for example, http://<host>:<port>/<wscontext>/<webservice>?model).

    In the DiningGuide Sample Application, you might see a java.lang.NullPointerException while visiting the Web services model URL http://<host>:<port>/DGWSContext/DGWebService?model.

    Similarly, in the Logistics Sample Application, you might see the same java.lang.NullPointerException while visiting the Web services model URL http://<host>:<port>/CLWS/CLWS?model.


    None at this time (plan to fix in a future release).

  3. Problem
  4. During installation of the Sun™ ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software, the installer changes the default realm for the Sun ONE Application Server from file realm to agent realm.


    1. Go to the Sun ONE Application Server admin server URL http://<host>:<admin-port>
    2. Go to server1>Security.
    3. Make file as the default realm.
    4. The default realm settings can be found under the General tab.
    5. Click Apply Changes.
    6. Restart the server instance.

  5. Problem
  6. After an incorrect login, the user is not able to access the Cargo Line administration page.

    You see the login page when you access the Cargo Line Administration URL


    When you log in as a user (for example, sam/sam) who only has permission to access the Cargo Line Order Center, the access is denied.

    The browser displays the following error messages:

    Sun ONE Application Server - HTTP Status 403 Error

    Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested resource has been denied) has been forbidden.

    Type: Status Report

    Message: Access to the requested resource has been denied.

    This is correct behavior, since the user sam is authenticated into the Cargo Line application, but does not have permission to see the Cargo Line Administration resource.


    There are several ways to access the Cargo Line Administration URL for other users in the same browser session.

    Method 1:

    1. Go to the Cargo Line Order Center URL:
    2. http://<server>:80/ordercenter/index.html

      You bypass the login page and go straight to the Welcome page.

    3. Click the Logout link.
    4. Go to the Cargo Line Administration URL and log in as the proper user (for example, manager/manager).

    Method 2:

    1. Go to the Sun ONE Identity Server Administration logout URL:
    2. For Solaris: http://<server>:8888/amserver/logout

      For Windows: http://<server>:58080/amserver/logout

      This takes you to the logout page.

    3. Go to the Cargo Line Administration URL and log in as the proper user (for example, manager/manager).

    Method 3:

    1. Restart the browser.
    2. Go to the Cargo Line Administration URL and log in as the proper user (for example, manager/manager).

  7. Problem
  8. In the Logistics Sample Application, a java exception is displayed instead of a user friendly message when adding a duplicate route.

    When trying to add a duplicate route in the cargoline-admin module in the Logistics Sample Application, the following Java exception is displayed instead of giving a user friendly message to indicate that the route has already existed:

    interface java.util.Collection : java.lang.InstantiationException: java.util.Collection


    None at this time (plan to fix in a future release).

  9. Problem
  10. Logistics

    Ordercenter login page hangs for the non-default dir installation


    You receive an error message while running

    #./amserver start

    stopping web server ... done.
    stopping web server administrator ... done.
    starting auth helpers ...
    checking for directory server ... directory server is not running
    starting directory server ...

    Server not running!! Failed to start ns-slapd process.
    unable to start


    The directory server could not be started, as described above.

    You might need to change the following line in the /etc/init.d/amserver script from:

    check_for_running_ds() {

    pid=`/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep ns-slapd | /usr/bin/grep "$NDS_SERV

    ER -i" | /usr/bin/awk '{ printf "%s", $2 }'`


    check_for_running_ds() {

    pid=`/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep ns-slapd`

    to compensate for a long directory name not allowing the amserver start script find the ns-slapd process to kill.

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