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Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide

About This Guide

This guide provides information about the concepts and procedures needed by a developer in a Sun™ ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition environment.

This preface contains the following sections:

Audience For This Guide

This guide is meant principally for:

  • J2EE™ architects
  • Information architects
  • RAD developers
  • Portal developers

With this comprehensive platform, these users are able to quickly create large-scale applications with a rich set of tailored services.

  • The Sun ONE Studio allows developers to create J2EE applications and Web services.
  • The Sun ONE Application Server provides a high performance J2EE platform suitable for broad deployment of application services and Web services.
  • The Sun ONE Application Framework speeds development and encourages best design practice for business application developers.
  • The Sun ONE Connector Builder creates J2EE™ Connector Architecture adapters to Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) for information architects.
  • The Sun ONE Portal Server enables portal developers to create sophisticated portals.
  • The Sun ONE Identity Server provides a comprehensive solution for managing identities, and for enforcing authorized access to network services and resources.
  • The Sun ONE Portlet Builder is a plugin into the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition which enables users to create portlets and deploy them to the Sun ONE Portal Server.
  • The Sun ONE Integration Server EAI Edition provides a tool for XML developers to design and edit the required XML documents and style sheets for integration.

Organization of This Guide

The Contents table below briefly describes the contents of each section contained in this Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide.




About This Guide


Provides information about concepts and procedures needed by a developer in a Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition environment.


Logistics Sample Application: Design


A view of the design of the Logistics Sample Application, which is based on the patterns and best practices that are preached by Sun's Blueprints.


Logistics Sample Application: Overview


Provides an introduction to the most important of all of the sample applications shipped with the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition, along with the architecture of the Logistics Sample Application components.


Logistics Sample Application: Deploy and Run


A description of how to set up the development environment for the Logistics Sample Application, and how to compile, package, and deploy the application to the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition.


Logistics Sample Application: Customize


A description of the modifications you can make to customize the Logistics Sample Application.


Logistics Sample Application: Sample Data


A look at the pre-populated data that is loaded into the Logistics Sample Application database, and an explanation of the routing algorithm.


Logistics Sample Application: Internationalization


A look at various aspects of internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) issues relative to the Logistics Sample Application.


My Sun ONE Benefits Portal Sample Application


A synopsis of a tutorial sample application that enables users to create a typical corporate intranet portal for viewing and/or administering employee benefits.


Customer Order Tracking System (COTS) Sample Application


A synopsis of a Sun ONE Connector Builder sample application tutorial demonstrating the capabilities of the Sun ONE Studio and the Sun ONE Connector Builder for developing a J2EE™ CA compliant resource adapter.


Dining Guide Sample Application


A Sun ONE Studio tutorial sample application demonstrating its capabilities to develop and deploy Web services using SOAP on the Sun ONE Application Server.


Parts Supplier Sample Application


A synopsis of a tutorial sample application that illustrates how to build and deploy related CMP entity beans for the Sun ONE Application Server.


Stock Ticker Sample Application


A portal provides a single point of access to enterprise data and applications, presenting a unified and personalized view of that information to employees, customers, and business partners.


Other Sample Applications in Point Products


An introduction to the point product sample applications.




Helpful hints and known problems and limitations of the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software.


High Level Targets


Describes the high-level targets in the various build files.


Documentation Conventions

This section describes the types of conventions used throughout this document.

General Conventions

The following general conventions are used in this guide:

  • File and directory paths are given in UNIX® format (with forward slashes [/] separating directory names). For Windows versions, the directory paths are the same, except that backslashes (\) are used to separate directories.
  • URLs are given in the format:
  • http://server.domain/path/file.html

    In these URLs, server is the server name where applications are run; domain is your Internet domain name; path is the server's directory structure; and file is an individual filename. Italic items in URLs are placeholders.

  • Font conventions include:
    • The monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, API and language elements (such as function names and class names), file names, path names, directory names, and HTML tags.
    • Italic type is used for code variables, book titles, emphasis, variables and placeholders, and words used in the literal sense.
    • Bold type is used as either a paragraph lead-in or to indicate words used in the literal sense.

  • Installation root directories are indicated by install_dir in this document.

Other Documentation Resources

In addition to this guide, the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software provides additional documentation resources.

The Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Documentation Set

The Documentation Set table below lists the documents that make up the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition documentation set. These documents appear in the order in which you would normally use them.

   Documentation Set




Getting Started


Developers and Administrators


Introduction to the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition, including information about registration, online resources, and managing the servers.


Release Notes


Developers and Administrators


Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation, including product features, limitations, known bugs, and technical notes.


Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Installation Guide (for Solaris and Windows)


Developers and Administrators


Describes system requirements, and explains how to install and troubleshoot the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software and its various components on the Solaris 8 for SPARC and Windows 2000 operating systems.


Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition Developer's Guide




Provides a quick-start tutorial and programming information relevant to the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition software.


Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition My Sun ONE Benefits Portal Sample Application


Developers and Administrators


Provides information about the concepts and procedures needed by a developer in the Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition environment to create a typical corporate intranet portal for viewing and/or administering employee benefits.


Using the Documentation

The Sun ONE Web Services Platform Developer Edition documents are available as online files in Portable Document Format (PDF) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) formats, at:

Technical Support

Expert Developer Technical Support is available on a per incident, multi-incident, and personalized support basis.

Developer Technical Support offers world-wide coverage of engineer-to-engineer development level technical support, in-depth problem analysis, and technical account management.

For details, see

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