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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Workflows, Forms, and Views 2005Q4M3  


Identity Manager Forms

This chapter describes how you can customize the appearance and behavior of selected pages in Sun Java™ System Identity Manager Administrator and User Interfaces by customizing the forms that define these pages.

Topics in this Chapter

This chapter is organized into the following sections:

Related Chapters

See these related chapters:

Understanding Forms

To customize Identity Manager’s Web-based user interface appearance and function, you must modify the form associated with the web page you want to edit.

The term form can describe both the web page where users enter information and the object that contains rules about how to display data in the view. Throughout this guide, the term form typically refers to the object that contains rules about how to display data in the view.

This section covers the following topics:

What Are Forms?

A form is an object associated with a page that contains rules about how the browser should display user view attributes on that page. Forms can incorporate business logic and are often used to manipulate view data before it is presented to the user.

For example, to create a new user account, you use the Create User page, in which you enter information about the new user. This page is generated using an object (a form) in the Identity Manager repository named Tabbed User Form. This form specifies which fields are visible on the Create User page and which HTML form element (for example, text box, check box, or select box) is used to represent each field. This form also specifies additional logic for disabling fields, populating empty fields with default values, and calculating field values from the values of other fields.

What Forms Control

Forms control:

Sample Form and Displayed Browser Page

The following Identity Manager page presents four fields to a user:

The user enters information into the First Name and Last Name fields, and the system calculates the value of the last field, Full Name, from the values of these two fields.

Sample Browser Page

The rendering of this form in the browser is shown in the following illustration.

Form for entering user names

Figure 1. Form for Entering User First Name and Last Name

Sample Form

The following XML example defines the form fields that are used to render the browser fields in the preceding illustration. It specifies how the user’s full name is built out of the information entered into the First Name and Last Name fields.

<Field name='waveset.accountId'/>

   <Display class='text'>

     <Property name='title' value='AccountID'/>



<Field name='global.firstname'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='First Name'/>

      <Property name='size' value='32'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='128'/>



<Field name='global.lastname'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Last Name'/>

      <Property name='noNewRow' value='true'/>

      <Property name='size' value='32'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='128'/>



<Field name='global.fullname'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='FullName'/>

      <Property name='size' value='32'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='32'/>





            <s> </s>





Why Edit Forms?

Why customize the default Identity Manager pages, which already provide all the fields that you need to perform actions within the product? Customizing the default forms allows you to better enforce your company’s policies and processes:

Customizing the default fields in Identity Manager forms allows you to extend and customize the application for your environment. Specifically, you can customize the default forms to:

Example Scenario

Forms are especially useful in environments where people with varying needs and purposes must access the same data.

For example, you can create a form that hiring managers at your company will use to create a new employee account. The default Tabbed User Form displays more information than the hiring managers need. Rather than displaying all 99 fields in a distractingly busy form that might complicate the user’s task, you can create a form in which the hiring managers must fill in only 10 attribute fields and the other 89 attributes are set based on rules that you, the administrator, define.

Identity Manager Pages that Use Forms

Identity Manager forms are typically classified into one of two categories:

The following table shows some of the Identity Manager pages that use forms of the first type. Use this table to identify the form that controls the display characteristics of the page you want to edit.

Page You Want to Edit

Associated JSP

Associated Form

Create/Edit User


Tabbed User Form

Change User Account Attributes


End User Form



Anonymous User Menu

Edit Work Item


Approval Form

Commonly Edited Forms

Of the default forms that ship with Identity Manager, you will probably edit one of the following five forms:

These commonly edited forms control the creation and modification of users and the display of the main menu that the user sees. They are described in greater detail in the following sections.

End User Menu Form

End User Menu Form controls the display of the main menu in the Identity Manager User interface. Typically, this form contains links for changing the user's password, editing account attributes, and changing answers to authentication questions.

You can customize End User Menu Form to add links to launch special workflow processes that are accessible to the user (for example, a process to request access to a system).

For example, to present the End-User Test Process as a link to click from the end user pages, add the following:

<Configuration id='#ID#Configuration:EndUserTasks' name='End User Tasks'>




        <String>End-User Test Process</String>

        <String>An example end-user workflow</String>



The Identity Manager User Interface displays a list of self-service processes for selection. This is expected to be a list of lists. The first element of the sublist displays the process name, and the second element describes what the process does.

Anonymous User Menu Form

Anonymous User Menu Form controls the display of the main menu in the Identity Manager User interface when an unknown user logs in. 

Identity Manager uses the anonymous end user pages for users who are not defined in the system through the process of user self-provisioning. For example, a Identity Manager administrator can set up pass-through authentication for an Active Directory resource. As a result, any person who has an Active Directory account can log in to the Identity Manager User interface. You can customize those pages so that when a user who does not have a Identity Manager account logs in, an Identity Manager user object is created and the Active Directory resource is added. Subsequently, through a series of questions, the system can set up the user’s role, organization, and other resources.

You can customize Anonymous User Menu Form to launch workflow processes to request services before an Identity Manager user exists.

Tabbed User Form

Tabbed User Form is the default form used for user creation and modification in the Identity Manager Administrator Interface. You can customize a copy of this form by extending it with a form of your design. 

Tip  Do not directly edit the Tabbed User Form. Instead, Sun recommends that you make a copy of this form, give it a unique name, and edit the renamed copy. This will prevent your customized copy from being overwritten during service pack updates and upgrades.

Customize your copy of Tabbed User Form to:

Basic Fields

Tabbed User Form contains these fields:

By default, every attribute defined on a resource that is assigned to a user appears on the Create User and Edit User pages as a text box (or checkbox for Boolean values).

End User Form

End User Form controls the page that the system displays when a user selects Change Other Attributes from the /user/main.jsp on the Identity Manager User interface. From this page, a user can change his password, authentication questions, and email address.

You can customize End User Form to grant users control over other fields, such as those that handle phone numbers, addresses, and physical office locations. For example, you can add a field through which users can request access to additional NT groups through the Identity Manager pages.

Approval Form

Approval Form controls the information that is presented to a resource, role, or organization owner when he is designated an approver of user requests.  By default, this page displays a set of read-only fields that contain the name of the administrator that started the process. It also displays information about the user, including the account ID, role, organization, and email address.

This form ensures that the resource owner gets a last chance to change a user value before the user is created. By default, approving a user displays all the user attributes in read-only fields.  

You can customize Approval Form to:

How Do Forms Work?

Various factors affect how the browser displays a form. However, form behavior within the browser is primarily determined by:

User View and Forms

The user view is a data structure that contains all available information about an Identity Manager user. It includes:

Views contain many attributes, and a view attribute is a named value within the view (for example, waveset.accountId is the attribute in the user view whose value is the Identity Manager account name).

Most form field names are associated with a view attribute. You associate a field with a view attribute by specifying the name of the view attribute as the name of the form field. For more information, see Defining Field Names.

For more information on the user view, including a reference for all attributes in the user view, see the chapter titled Views.

Undefined Attributes

When a resource or role is assigned to a user through the administrative interface, a refresh occurs. The new resource account attributes are then defined in the User view. <FormRef name = 'Missing Fields'/> in the Tabbed User Form indicates to the form generator that text fields should be generated for any resource account attributes that do not have a corresponding field explicitly defined in the form. To disable this feature in the Tabbed User Form, delete <FormRef name = 'Missing Fields'/>.

Form Evaluation

How the system processes a form helps determine the behavior of the form in the browser. All form-driven pages are processed similarly, as described below:

  1. A page is requested from the Identity Manager User or Administrator Interface.
  2. The interface requests a view from the server. A view is a collection of named values that can be edited. Each view is associated with a form that defines how the values in the view are displayed to the user.
  3. The server assembles a view by reading data from one or more objects in the repository. In the case of the user view, account attributes are also retrieved from resources through the resource adapter.
  4. Derivation expressions are evaluated. These expressions are commonly used to convert cryptic, encoded values from the resource into values that are more meaningful to the user. Derivations are evaluated when the form is first loaded or data is fetched from one or more resources.
  5. Default expressions are evaluated. These fields are set to the default value if the field is null.
  6. HTML code is generated. The system processes view data and the form to produce an HTML page. During this processing, the allowedValues properties within expressions are evaluated to build Select or MultiSelect HTML components.
  7. The page is presented in the browser, and the user can edit the displayed values. During editing, the user typically modifies fields, which can result in a refresh or recalculation of the page. This causes the page to be regenerated, but the system does not yet store the edited data in the repository.
  8. Modified values are assimilated back into the view. When a refresh event occurs, the interface receives values for all the form fields that were edited in the browser.
  9. Expansion expressions are evaluated. This can result in additional values being placed into the view. Expansion rules are run whenever the page is recalculated or the form is saved.
  10. The view is refreshed. The interface asks the server to refresh the view and provides the current set of edited values. The server may insert more values into the view by reading data from the repository or the resources.
  11. Derivation expressions are evaluated. Typically, derivation expressions are not evaluated when a view is refreshed. In some complex cases, the system can request derivations after the refresh.
  12. The system processes the refreshed view and form and builds another HTML page, which is returned to the browser. The user sees the effects of the refresh and continues editing. The user can cause the view to be refreshed any number of times (repeating steps 7 through 12 each time) until the user either saves or cancels the changes.
  13. A. If the edit is canceled, all the data accumulated in the view is discarded, and the server is informed. As a result, the server can release any repository locks, and control passes to a different page.
  14. B. If the edit is saved, the interface receives the values that have been modified and assimilates them into the view (see step 8).

  15. Validation expressions are evaluated. If field values do not meet required specifications, then an error is presented and the field values can be corrected. Once the changes have been made, the process returns to step 13.
  16. Expansion expressions are evaluated one last time (see step 9).
  17. If the server saves the view, this typically results in the modification of one or more objects in the repository. With user views, resource accounts may also be updated.

Several of the preceding steps require iteration over all the fields in the form. These include the evaluation of Derivation expressions, the evaluation of Default and Validation expressions, the generation of HTML, and the evaluation of Expansion expressions. During all field iterations, Disable expressions are evaluated to determine if this field should be processed. If a Disable expression evaluates to true, the field (and any nested fields it contains) is ignored. See Defining Field Elements in this chapter for more information on these special types of expressions.

Customizing Forms

After familiarizing yourself with the default operation of the Identity Manager product, you can identify pages you’d like to customize.

  1. Consult the section titled Commonly Edited Forms for a list of editable pages and their corresponding forms.
  2. To edit a form, launch the Business Process Editor (BPE) and select Open Repository Object. Select the form you want to edit from the popup dialog that is displayed.

This section covers the following topics:

Overview of Customization

You can customize a form to make it more user-friendly, change its display characteristics, or include logic for processing field data.

Basic Steps

The basic steps for customizing any form in the Identity Manager system include:

Typical Tasks

When you edit a form, you typically perform the following tasks:

Using the Business Process Editor (BPE)

The Business Process Editor (BPE) application is a standalone, Swing-based Java application that provides a graphical and forms-based view of Identity Manager forms, rules, workflows, and email templates. It also permits the display of view attributes for reference while you customize forms and rules.

For guidelines on starting the BPE and using keyboard shortcuts, see Introduction to the Business Process Editor. This chapter also discusses how to use the BPE debugger to debug forms, workflows, and rules.

To display information about forms in the BPE:

Loading a Form

To load a form into the Business Process Editor (BPE):

  1. Select File Open Repository Object from the menu bar.
  2. If prompted, enter the Identity Manager Configurator name and password in the displayed login dialog, and then click Login.

The BPE displays a list of items to select. The specific objects displayed depend upon the contents of your repository and your access permissions.

The BPE displays a list of items to select, which include:

Getting Around in the Business Process Editor

Before you start customizing a form, you should know how to work, view and enter information, and make selections in the BPE.

The BPE interface includes a menu bar and dialogs for selections. When editing a form, the primary display is divided into three panes: the tree view, the property view, and the graphical view.

Tree View

The tree view (in the left interface pane) shows a hierarchical view of a task, form, view, or rule. It lists each element in order, nesting sub-elements under their parent.

Tree view of a form

Figure 2. Tree View Display of Form (Expanded)

The tree view displays form elements as:

Using the BPE to create these form elements is covered in later sections.

Property View

The property view appears in the upper right interface pane, and provides a schematic representation of form elements. Each entry in the property view represents a form element.

You can change form elements in the Property view, then select Refresh from the action menu. The Graphical pane of the main display changes to reflect your changes if the changes affect the visible features of the form.

Property view of a form

Figure 3. Property View of Form

This view provides the following information about form elements:




Specifies the text that displays adjacent to the form field.


Identifies the HTML display class to which the element belongs.


Identifies whether the element is required to process the form. This field must have a non-null value upon submission. When set, results in a red asterisk appearing to the right of the field. Message text at the bottom of the form indicates that red asterisk denotes fields that must have a value for submission to proceed.


When set, a change causes the page to refresh any Select or MultiSelect controls. In the Identity Manager Administrator Interface, this causes the underlying view to be refreshed. Role selection exemplifies this behavior. When a new role is selected in the Tabbed User Form, the view is refreshed to reflect the resources that are assigned through that role during that edit session. After the view has been refreshed, resource account attributes on those newly assigned resources can be explicitly set.

No New Row

Used strictly for form layout. When true, forces the field to appear to the right of the proceeding field. For example, Name fields are examples where this is useful, where it is desirable to allow the user to enter the last name, first name, and middle initial from right to left, rather than down the page.


Indicates the field should not be visible to the user. The field is typically used to set attribute values that are calculated form other fields, such as constructing the full name from a concatenation of first and last name.


Controls the character width of the control (text boxes).


Specifies the character width of the control buffer (text boxes). Characters scroll if the user types in a string greater than the value specified by the size property.


Identifies the name for this form field, typically a path expression in to the view that is used with this form.

Graphical View

The graphical view of the form appears in the lower right pane of the BPE display. It displays the form HTML as displayed by Identity Manager.

Right-clicking in this area of the display accesses the action menu that contains the following options:

Form Dialogs

Each form and form element has an associated dialog that allows you to define the element type and its characteristics.

The major form dialogs include:

The following sections give general tips on working with form-related dialogs.

Form Dialog

Use the Form dialog to view and set the essential characteristics of a form. Double-click the form name in the tree view to display this dialog.

Four views of information on the selected form are accessible from this dialog:

Main Tab

Click to display the Main view (typically displayed by default).

Main tab view of AIX Create Group Form

Figure 4. Main Tab View of Form (AIX Create Group Form)

Set the characteristics in the following table from the Main tab view.




Enter the name for this field. A field name is typically a path expression into the view that is being used with this form. All fields that display as editing components (such as text boxes, checkboxes, and selects) must have a name that specifies a view path. Fields that do not display as editing components (such as SectionHead and Javascript) do not require names. However, you can give non-editing fields names if they need to be referenced by another form through a Field reference.


Enter a title for the field. This title displays adjacent to the field on the form. Select the data type of this element from the drop-down menu immediately adjacent to this field. To edit the text displayed in this field, click the adjacent Edit button.

Sub Title

(Optional) Specify text that Identity Manager can display beneath the form title. Select the data type of this element from the drop-down menu immediately adjacent to this field. To edit the text displayed in this field, click the adjacent Edit button.

Help Catalog

Enter the help key that associates guidance help with the field. This value is the name of an entry in an associated help catalog specified by the form. Specifying a help key causes an icon to appear to the left of the field. Moving the mouse over the icon causes the text referenced in the help catalog to display.

Base Context

(Not typically used in standard user forms.) Enter the base context to avoid the need to specify the full path in every field. Base context identifies the underlying Map (specifically, com.waveset.object.Genericobject and is typically named user or userview. In the administrative interface, the editing context is user, so the base context reference is left blank. In forms launched from manual actions, such as approvals, the workflow context is the context of the form.


Select one or more display options for the field:

  Required -- Identifies whether the element is required to process the form. This field must have a non-null value upon submission. When set, results in a red asterisk appearing to the right of the field. Message text at the bottom of the form indicates that red asterisk denotes fields that must have a value for submission to proceed.

  Button -- Causes the field to display in a single, horizontal row at the bottom of the form. Otherwise, it displays on the next line of the form. This is most commonly set with fields that use the display class Button.

  Action -- When set, a change causes the page to refresh any Select or MultiSelect controls. In the Identity Manager Administrator Interface, this causes the underlying view to be refreshed. Role selection exemplifies this behavior. When a new role is selected in the Tabbed User Form, the view is refreshed to reflect the resources that are assigned through that role during that edit session. After the view has been refreshed, resource account attributes on those newly assigned resources can be explicitly set.

  Library -- Indicates that a field should only display when it is referenced, rather than when it is declared. This is useful when the order in which fields are evaluated on a form may differ from the order in which they are displayed to the user.


Specify an expression to calculate a default value for the field. The default expression is called before the form is displayed if the current value for this field is null.


Specify an expression to calculate the value of a field before it is displayed. It is similar to a Default expression, except that it is evaluated even if the current field value is non-null. The derivation expression is evaluated before the form is first displayed, and then again each time the form is refreshed.


Specify logic to determine whether a value entered in a form is valid. Validation expressions return null to indicate success, or a string containing a readable error message to indicate failure


Specify an expression to calculate the value of the field after the form has been submitted. Expansion expressions are typically used with fields that are also marked hidden. Since hidden fields are not directly editable by the user, the value can be calculated with an Expansion expression. See Hiding Fields later in this chapter.


Specify an expression that, if evaluated to true, disables the field and any of its nested fields. A disabled field does not display on the form. It is commonly used to determine if a user has a specific type of resource. If the user does, the form then displays the appropriate fields for that resource.

Display Class

Identify the HTML component class used to render this form component in the browser. By default, the Display Class selection is EditForm. If the form is a link form (such as the End User menu), then select LinkForm from the Display Class options.

See the HTML Display Class table in HTML Display Components.


Controls the character width of the control (text boxes).


Specify the maximum number of characters for this element.

To edit a display property, double-click the item in the Properties area.

To delete a display property, click to select it, and then click Delete.

The properties you can edit are listed in the Main menu (title, subTitle, and width). The value of the property can be a simple string or computed by an expression. If you use an expression, click Validate to test it. Click OK to save the values.

Property Tab
  1. Click to display the Properties view, from which you can add a property to the form.
Properties Tab view of a form

Figure 5. Properties Tab View of Form

  1. To create a display property, click New, then double-click the new, blank entry in the Properties area to display the Property dialog.
Includes Tab

Click the Includes tab to list the names and types of files, form fields in external forms, or view attributes to be included in the selected form. The referenced form must exist in the Identity Manager repository when this form is loaded into Identity Manager.

Includes tab view of a form

Figure 6. Includes Tab View of Form

This view displays the following fields:

Type – UserForm

Name – Lists full path of the file or view attribute being included.

XML View

Click the XML tab to display a formatted XML version of the form.

XML tab view of a form

Figure 7. XML Tab View

Creating a Field
  1. In the Properties view, right-click, then select New Field from the actions menu. The BPE displays a new, unlabeled field icon in the tree view of the form.
  2. Double-click the new field icon to display the Field dialog. Use this dialog to set field characteristics.

New Field dialog

Figure 8. New Field Dialog

  1. Enter the values you want, then click OK.

Required attributes include:

For a description of these elements, see Form Element Dialog later in this chapter.

Tip  A field name is often a path expression into the view that is being used with this form, and is typically associated with a particular attribute on a resource. To browse a list of resources and their attributes, click Browse resources. The Browse resource dialog opens, displaying an expandable tree of resource types. Click the name of the resource type to display a list of resource instances and the names of their attributes. To use the name of resource attribute as your new form field name, click the resource attribute name, then click OK. This inserts the attribute name into the Name field.

Creating a Loop
  1. In the Properties view, right-click, then select New Loop from the actions menu. The BPE displays a new, unlabeled field icon in the tree view of the form.
  2. Double-click the new field icon to display the Field dialog, which you can use to set field characteristics.

Customized user registration form

Figure 9. New Loop Dialog

  1. Complete these fields, then click OK.

Required values:

Iteration Variable – Variable that defines the element over which you want to iterate.

Source List – Data type of the source list. Valid types include String, List, Expression, and Rule).

Creating a Reference to Another Form or Field
  1. In the Properties view, right-click, then select New Form Reference or Field Reference from the action menu. The BPE displays a new, unlabeled form or field icon in the tree view of the form.
  2. Double-click the new icon to display a dialog that you can use to set field characteristics.
New reference to Form Field dialog

Figure 10. New Reference to Form/Field Dialog

  1. Enter the following values, then click Ok. BPE inserts the reference in the form code with a <FormRef> or <FieldRef> element.

Name -- Identifies the name for this form field, typically a path expression in to the view that is used with this form.

Base Context -- Path used when building dynamic lists of DN strings.Base context identifies the underlying Map (specifically, com.waveset.object.GenericObject and is typically named user or userview. In the administrative interface, the editing context is user, so the base context reference is left blank. In forms launched from manual actions, such as approvals, the workflow context is the context of the form.

Creating an Expression

Note  See XPRESS Language for information on using the XPRESS language.

  1. In the Properties view, right-click to select New Expression from the actions menu. The BPE displays a new, unlabeled field icon in the tree view of the form.
  2. Double-click the new expression icon to display the Expression popup, which you can use to create an expression.

  3. Expression pop-up dialog

    Figure 11. Expression Popup

  4. In the Expression popup, right-click to access an actions menu, from which you can choose New option, where option represents one of the following types of expressions:
    • Values
    • Logical
    • Strings
    • Variables
    • Math
    • Control
    • Rule
    • See XPRESS Language for more information about these functional categories of expressions.

You can also use this menu to delete code, clear the Expression window, and change the popup display.

Adding a Reference to an External Form Field

To include a reference to a form field in another form

  1. Click the Includes tab. BPE displays the Includes view, which lists the names and types of all fields and files included in the selected form.
  2. Click the New button. The Reference dialog opens.

  3. Reference dialog

    Figure 12. Reference Dialog

  4. From the drop-down options menu, select the form that contains the field you want to include.
  5. In the Name field, enter the name of the field you want to include. This creates a <FieldRef> element in the form.
  6. Click OK.
Adding a Property
  1. Click the New Property button to display a popup of the properties available for this component type.

Available properties pop-up dialog

Figure 13. Available Properties Popup


Select the Properties view by clicking the Properties tab. From this view, click the New Property button. The New Property Name dialog opens, which you can use to enter the name of the new property.

New Property Name pop-up dialog

Figure 14. New Property Name popup

  1. Enter the property name, then click Ok.
Changing Display Class

Use the options menu to select a new HTML component display class to render this form element. Note: Refer to Display Class Reference for brief descriptions of each display class. Options include the components in the following table:

HTML Component



Inserts an applet reference into the page.


Displays a link that returns to the previous page.


A container that organizes its components into 5 regions: north, south, east, west, and center.


Displays a button.


A container that arranges its components in a horizontal row with padding in between. Typically used to display a row of Button components


Arranges its components in a horizontal row with padding in between. Typically used to display a row of Button components. (Container)


Displays a calendar icon on the page. The user can click this icon to select a calendar date and populate a page field.


The default container for forms. Displays component titles in one column and components in another. Each row has an alternating gray or white background.


Variant of the Text component used for specifying the name of a file to be uploaded.


A component used to include data into the HTML page that is not displayed


Inserts pre-formatted HTML into the page.


Defines JavaScript functions.


Displays read-only text.


Places a link on the page.


Places components in a bulleted vertical list with no titles. Typically used for pages that contain lists of Link components. Alternative to EditForm container. (Container)


Displays a multiselection box, which displays as a two-part object in which a defined set of values in one box can be moved to a “selected” box.


Displays a list of name/value pairs in a simple table with a beige background.


Organizes its components in either a horizontal or vertical line.(Container)


Displays a horizontal list of one or more radio buttons. A user can select only one radio button at a time. If the component value is null or does not match any of the allowed values, no button is selected.


Displays a section heading. These are recognized by the EditForm container to and are rendered in bold text that spans both the title and component columns.


Displays a single-selection list box.


Arranges components in a simple grid with a row of column titles.


Identifies the text that displays below the form title.


Default display type. Displays a regular text entry box.


Displays a multi-line text entry box.


Identifies the text that displays at the top of the form.

Form Element Dialog

Double-clicking a form element name in the tree view opens the Form Element dialog. From this dialog, you can view or change the following types of information about the element.

This dialog provides two views of the element information:

Main View

Click the Main tab on the Element dialog to display this view (typically the default display).

Main view of Form Element Dialog

Figure 15. Form Element Dialog (Main View)

This dialog closely resembles the Form dialog. Not all fields in the following table are displayed for each selected element. For example, the maxLength property is displayed for text elements only.




Enter the name for this field. A field name is typically a path expression into the view that is being used with this form. All fields that display as editing components (such as text boxes, checkboxes, and selects) must have a name that specifies a view path. Fields that do not display as editing components (such as SectionHead and Javascript) do not require names. However, you can give non-editing fields names if they need to be referenced by another form through a Field reference.


Enter a title for the field. This title displays adjacent to the field on the form. Select the data type of this element from the drop-down menu immediately adjacent to this field. To edit the text displayed in this field, click the adjacent Edit button.

Help Key

Enter the help key that associates guidance help with the field. This value is the name of an entry in an associated help catalog specified by the form. Specifying a help key causes an icon to appear to the left of the field. Moving the mouse over the icon causes the text referenced in the help catalog to display.


Select one or more display options for the field:

  Required -- An entry or selection in this field is required to process the form.

  Button -- Causes the field to display in a single, horizontal row at the bottom of the form. Otherwise, it displays on the next line of the form. This is most commonly set with fields that use the display class Button.

  Action -- When set, a change causes the page to refresh any Select or MultiSelect controls. In the Identity Manager Administrator Interface, this causes the underlying view to be refreshed. Role selection exemplifies this behavior. When a new role is selected in the Tabbed User Form, the view is refreshed to reflect the resources that are assigned through that role during that edit session. After the view has been refreshed, resource account attributes on those newly assigned resources can be explicitly set.

  Library -- Indicates that a field should only display when it is referenced, rather than when it is declared. This is useful when the order in which fields are evaluated on a form may differ from the order in which they are displayed to the user.


Specify an expression to calculate a default value for the field. The default expression is called before the form is displayed if the current value for this field is null.


Specify an expression to calculate the value of a field before it is displayed. It is similar to a Default expression, except that it is evaluated even if the current field value is non-null. The derivation expression is evaluated before the form is first displayed, and then again each time the form is refreshed.


Specify logic to determine whether a value entered in a form is valid. Validation expressions return null to indicate success, or a string containing a readable error message to indicate failure. Validation rules are evaluated only when a form is submitted, not after each refresh or recalculate.


Specify an expression to calculate the value of the field after the form has been submitted. Expansion expressions are typically used with fields that are also marked hidden. Since hidden fields are not directly editable by the user, the value can be calculated with an Expansion expression.


Specify an expression that, if evaluated to true, disables the field and any of its nested fields. A disabled field does not display on the form. It is commonly used to determine if a user has a specific type of resource. If the user does, the form then displays the appropriate fields for that resource.

Display Class

Identifies the HTML component class used to render this form component in the browser. By default, the Display Class selection is EditForm. If the form is a link form (such as the End User menu), then select LinkForm from the Display Class options.

See the HTML Display Class table in HTML Display Components.


Specifies the property attribute. Typically is a String.


Specifies the maximum number of characters for this element.

From this tab, you can change the data type of the following form elements:

Drop-down options menus adjacent to the field displays the valid data type options.

XML View

Click the XML tab to display the XML for the selected form element.

XML view of MultiSelect element

Figure 16. XML View of MultiSelect Element

About the Forms Toolbox

Use the toolbox to quickly drag and drop form elements into the BPE property view.

Forms Toolbox dialog

Figure 17. Forms Toolbox Dialog

To open the toolbox, right-click in the diagram view and select the toolbox option.

Default Services

Toolbox elements are divided into two categories: Basic and user.




Displays a regular text entry box.

Secret Text

Displays text as asterisks (*). Typically used for encrypted data like passwords


Displays a single-selection list box. Values for the list box must be supplied by the allowedValues property.


Displays a multiselection text box, which displays as a two-part object in which a defined set of values in one box can be moved to a selected box. Values in the left box are defined by the allowedValues property, values are often obtained dynamically by calling a Java method such as FormUtil.getResources. The values displayed in the right side of a multiselection box are populated from the current value of the associated view attribute, which is identified through the field name. 


Displays a checkbox. When checked, the box represents a value of true. An unselected box represents a false value.


Displays a string of text.


Displays a multi-line text entry box


Displays a horizontal list of one or more radio buttons. A user can select only one radio button at a time. If the component value is null or does not match any of the allowed values, no button is selected.


Places a link on the page.


Displays a button.


Refers to a variable that is defined by the view that is used with this form.

Additional Customization-Related Topics

The following topics are covered in this section:

Form Structure

Forms are stored as XML objects within the Identity Manager repository. Each form is stored as its own object with the following structure.

Note  You do not need to know the XML structure of a form. The Business Process editor simplifies working with form structure. This information is supplied for your reference only.

The following stub form illustrates the general structure of a form.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE Configuration PUBLIC 'waveset.dtd' 'waveset.dtd'>

<!-- id="#ID#UserForm:EndUserMenu" name="End User Menu"-->

<Configuration id='#ID#UserForm:EndUserMenu' name='End User Menu' createDate='1012185191296' lastModifier='Configurator' lastModDate='1013190499093' lastMod='44' counter='0' wstype='UserForm'>


   <Form name='End User Menu'>

      <Display class='LinkForm'>

         <Property name='title' value='User Self Service'/>

         <Property name='subtitle' value='Select one of the following          options'/>


… Field content




   <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>



Form Components

The following table identifies form components in the order in which they appear in the form. Each form component is discussed in greater detail below.

Form Component



Introduces information about the form object definition. Includes start tags for <Form>, <Extension>, and <Configuration> elements and defines form properties (such as title, subtitle, titleWidth displayed when the form is launched).

form body

Contains field definitions, form functions, form variables. This is the part of the form that you will edit.


Closing tags for <Form>, <Extension>, and <Configuration> elements.


The form header includes:

The header contains information about the form, including internal identification such as date of creation, login of whoever last modified the file, and the form type. The page processor typically generates this information.

Note: The system generates the following information for internal use only. Do not edit these attributes.





Required to wrap the <Form> element.



Contains information that the system uses internally when processing the form object, including the date of last modification and login of the user who last modified this form. Most of this information is typically associated with any persistent object that is stored in the Identity Manager repository. You typically do not need to edit this information.

Configuration id='#ID#UserForm:EndUserMenu' name='End User Menu' createDate='1012185191296' lastModifier='Configurator' lastModDate='1013190499093' lastMod='44' counter='0' wstype='UserForm'>

Form Body

The form body is composed of:

The following table lists form header properties.




Identifies the text that appears at the top of the form. Typically, this title is in a bold font typically larger than the other font on the screen. The form title appears under the Identity Manager page. You cannot edit the display characteristics of title.

In the example given in the section titled Form Components, the value of title is User Self Service


Identifies text that appears under title of the form on the page defined by this form. You cannot edit the display characteristics of title.

In the preceding example, the value of subtitle is Select one of the following options


Defines the width in pixels of the value of title in the browser window.



   <Property name='titleWidth'>








Defines an XPRESS function. This element can be called by any field element in a form.

<defun name='add100'>

<def arg name='x'/>





Defines an XPRESS variable that is commonly used to hold the results of a computation.

<defvar name='nameLength'






Identifies the display components that will define the appearance of the field. See the section titled Display Element for more information.

<Display class='LinkForm'>

<Property name='title' value='User Self Service'/>

<Property name='subtitle' value='Select one of the following options'/>



Main element used within the form body. See the section titled Field Element for more information.

<Field name='fullname'/>


Provides a reference to a field defined in an included form.

<FieldRef name='fieldName'/>


Provides a reference to another form object. Once included in the current form, the fields defined in the form can be referenced and displayed.


   <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#UserForm:UserFormLibrary'/>



Provides a reference to another form object.

<FormRef name='formName'/>


Provides a way to define a shortcut to a view. The shortened name can then be used in field names and references instead of the longer name. When using the name substitution, use a colon (:) following the name.

<Namespace name='w' value='waveset'/>

Form Element

The <Form> element must surround all Field elements and contains the unique name of the form. The elements listed on the previous page are contained within the beginning and ending Form tags.

<Form name='Create User Form'

   <Field name='waveset.accountId'>

  … additional fields


Additional example:

<Form name='Task Launch Form'>

   <Display class='EditForm'>

      <Property name='title' value='Task Launch'/>

      <Property name='subTitle' value='Enter task launch parameters'/>




Display Element

A Display element within the Form element describes the component that will be used to render the form. By default, this Display element is the commonly used EditForm component. You will rarely need to change the Form component class, but you can set component properties. The two most common properties to specify are title and subTitle.

EditForm also supports the adjacentTitleWidth property, which can be used to set the width of the titles of adjacent fields. If this property is not defined, it defaults to zero.

If you define adjacentTitleWidth as equal to zero, columns titles will automatically resize. If set to a non-zero value, then the title width of adjacent columns (for example, the second and third columns) will be the value of adjacentTitleWidth.

<Form name='Default User Form' help='account/modify-help.xml'>

   <Display class='EditForm'>

     <Property name='titleWidth' value='120'>

     <Property name='adjacentTitleWidth' value='60'>


Field Element

The Field element is the main element used within the form body. Fields are used to define each of the user's attributes. You can use Field elements to include XPRESS logic in form fields. For more information on working with form field elements, refer to the section titled Defining Fields.

The following example creates an editing field with the label Email address.

<Field name=''>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property title='Email Address'/>

      <Property size='60'/>

      <Property maxLength='128'/>




The name of an editing field is typically a path expression within a view that is being used with the form. In this example, refers to the email address associated with a user object in the Identity Manager repository.


The footer contains information about the Identity Manager object group or organization with which the form is associated. It also contains the closing tags for the </Form>, </Extension>, and </Configuration> elements or other elements opened in the header. The footer in the preceding example is:




      <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' id='#ID#Top' name='Top'/>



<MemberObjectGroups> identifies the object group or organization into which the system stores an object. If you do not specify an object group, by default the system assigns the object to the Top organization. For Configuration objects that contain forms, are typically found in the All group with this syntax:


   <ObjectRef type='ObjectGroup' name='All'/>


What Is a Form Field? 

The form body contains Field elements that define how each element of the Web page appears and behaves. Each Field can contain other fields, each with its own display component.

Form fields comprise several parts, which are encapsulated by the <Field> tag set:

In the BPE Tree view, form fields are displayed with the field icon form field icon

Creating Variables

Use the following syntax to include variables that contain long lists of constant or static data. This syntax builds a static list once and reuses it on each reference

<defvar name='states'>






The former syntax is preferable to <list><s>Alabama</s>...</list>, which builds a new list each time it is referenced.

Defining Fields

This section describes procedures you perform when customizing any form. These procedures include:

Using the BPE to Define a New Field

From the BPE, you can add field to a form by:

  1. Right-click in the Property view in the Main display of the form to access the actions menu.
  2. Select New -> Field. BPE displays a field icon below the last field icon in the expanded Tree view of the form. No field name follows the icon.
  3. Click the new field icon to display a Form Field dialog. Define the field characteristics.
  4. When you’ve finished setting field characteristics, click OK.

The following sections discuss in more detail the field characteristics you will set.

Defining Field Names

You use the field name to match the attribute defined on the resource to the text entry field that is displayed on the web page. When the resource is defined, the system sets up a schema map that maps resource account attributes to Identity Manager attributes. For example, your Active Directory resource might have attributes that include firstname, lastname, and Office Phone. When referring to these attributes in the form, you must know the name of the attribute on the Identity Manager schema plus the path to the attribute from the view.

There are two ways of defining the name attribute of the Field element:

Determining whether a Field name represents a path expression for the view or is simply a reference name depends on the value of the class attribute selected in the Display element. If the display class is the name of an editing component class, then the name is expected to be a path expression for the view. See the section titled HTML Component in the HTML Display Components chapter for a detailed explanation of the component classes.

Creating a Path Expression to a View Attribute

Typically, you define a Field name by including the path to an attribute in the user view (the path expression). For a list of these attributes, see Views.


The following field definition renders a text field to edit the Identity Manager email address:

<Field name=''>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='size' value='60'/>



The string is a path expression for the user view that targets the email address stored in the Identity Manager repository.


This example field edits the email address defined for a particular resource account. The field name references a resource in the account:

<Field name='accounts[Microsoft Exchange].email'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='size' value='60'/>



The string accounts[Microsoft Exchange].email is a path expression to another location within the user view that holds information about account attributes for a specific resource. In this example, the resource named Microsoft Exchange.


This example field defines the email address for all resources including Identity Manager that contain an attribute named email on the left side of the schema map.

<Field name=''>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='size' value='60'/>



Identifying the Field for Reference

Naming a field provides you a way to reference the field value in other fields. Use the <ref></ref> tag set to reference a field value from another field. The following example concatenates into the fullname field the firstname and lastname field values with a string, a comma, and a space such as: lastname, firstname. The <s> tag designates a string.


<Field name='global.firstname'>

   <Display class='Text'/>


<Field name='global.lastname'>

   <Display class='Text'/>


<Field name='global.fullname'>



         <ref>global.lastname</ref><s>, </s>          <ref>global.firstname</ref>




Not all Field names represent path expressions for the view. Some fields are defined to represent containers of other fields and do not correspond to any one attribute of the view. In these cases, the Field name is used to identify the field so that it can be referenced by a FieldRef element. If the field does not need to be referenced, you do not need to specify the name.

For example, a form button performs an action, but does not contain a value or need to be referenced by another form. Therefore, it does not need a field name:


   <Display class='Button'>

      <Property name='label' value='Recalculate'/>

      <Property name='command' value='Recalculate'/>



For more information on user views, see the section titled User Views and Forms.

Field Display Properties

The Display element is common to all visible form fields. Display elements contain Property elements that define the characteristics of the field rendered by the browser. By defining a Display element for a form, it will be visible on the screen unless there is a Disable element in the field that evaluates to true. There can be conditions in which the form is displayed until another field or value is set and when the form recalculates the field can become hidden from the screen. See the section titled Disabling Fields.

Defining Element Display Type in the BPE
  1. In the Form Element dialog, click on the Display Class dropdown menu icon. BPE displays a menu of the available display class types.

  2. Display Class area of Form Element dialog

    Figure 18. Display Class Area of Form Element Dialog

  3. After you choose the display class type, the dialog changes and shows attributes relevant to the display type. For example, if you select Text from the Display Type pull-down menu, the dialog changes to display the size and maxLength fields.
  4. Display

Describes class and properties of the visible field. This element specifies a component class to instantiate and a set of property values to assign to the instance.


<Display class='Text'>

   <Property name='size' value='20'/>

   <Property name='maxLength' value='100'/>


The class attribute of the Display element must be the name of a Component class. By default, these classes are expected to reside in the com.waveset.ui.util.html package and include Applet, Button, and DatePicker among others. A list of all the default classes and their descriptions can be found in the Base Component Class section of the HTML Display Components chapter. To reference a class that is not in this package, you must use a fully qualified class name for the class attribute. All classes described in this document are in the default package and do not require qualified names.


Occurs within the Display element. These define the names and values of properties that are to be assigned to the component. The property name is always specified with the name attribute.

Specifying Property Values for a Display Element

You can specify the Property value for a Display element through the use of:

For most property values, you can use the value attribute and let the system coerce the value to the appropriate type.

Use of the value Attribute

The most common way of specifying the property value is with the value attribute. The value of the value attribute is treated as a string, but if necessary, the system will coerce it to the data type desired by the component. (See the section titled Data Types for more information on type coercion.) In the previous example, the property size is set to the integer value 20, and the property maxLength is set to the integer value 100.

Example of Display Element in a Field Component

The following example creates a field that uses SimpleTable to organize several subfields. Within XML forms, the most common Container components used are SimpleTable and ButtonRow.

<Field name='SelectionTable'>

   <Display class='SimpleTable'>

      <Property name='columns'>







<Field name='accounts[LDAP].selected'>

   <Display class='Checkbox'>

      <Property name='label' value='LDAP'/>




   <Display class='Label'>

      <Property name='text' value='Primary Corporate LDAP Server'/>



<Field name='accounts[W2K].selected'>

   <Display class='Checkbox'>

      <Property name='label' value='Windows 2000'/>




   <Display class='Label'>

      <Property name='text' value='Primary Windows 2000





The browser displays the preceding code as shown below.

SimpleTable and ButtonRow components

Figure 19. SimpleTable and ButtonRow Components as Displayed in the Browser

Within the Display element are zero or more Property elements. These define the names and values of properties that are assigned to the component. The Property name is always specified with the name attribute. The property value is most commonly specified with the value attribute. The value of the value attribute treated as a string, but if necessary it will be coerced to the data type desired by the component.

Use of XML Object Language

You can also specify property values using the XML Objects language. This approach is useful primarily when specifying list values. This language provides a syntax for describing several standard Java objects as well as other objects defined by Identity Manager.

The more common Java XML objects include:

When you use the XML Object syntax to specify property values, an element is placed inside the Property element. For more information on the XML Object language, see XML Object Language.


<Property name='size'>



<Property name='title'>

   <String>New Password</String>


<Property name='leftLabel'>



<Property name='allowedValues'>







All properties that expect list values recognize the List element. Most attributes, in addition, recognize the comma list syntax for specifying lists.

Use of an Expression to Calculate the Value

You can also specify a Property value through an expression. This allows a value to be calculated at runtime, possibly combining fixed literal values with variable values defined by the page processor.


<Property name='title'>


      <s>Welcome </s>


      <s>, select one of the following options.</s>



In the preceding example, waveset.accountId is a reference to a variable. When the system generates the HTML for this component, the page processing system supplies the value for the waveset.accountId variable. The names of the variables that can be referenced are defined by the page processor. In most cases, these are defined by a view that is used with the XML form. Form designers must be aware of the view with which the form will be used and only reference attributes defined by that view.

Defining Field Elements

To create any type of field element using the BPE

  1. Right-click in the Property pane, then select New Field. The tree view displays a new Field icon.
  2. Double-click the new Field icon to display the Form Element dialog for the new field.
  3. In the Form Element dialog, select the display class that will define the new field from the Display Class menu.
Disable Element

Calculates a Boolean value. If true, the field and all its nested fields will be ignored during current form processing.


This example illustrates a field definition that uses an expression within the <Disable> element to control the visibility of the field. accountInfo.typeNames is used to find the type of all resources that a user is assigned to. The type returned is a list of all the user’s resource types (for example, Windows NT). If the list of returned type names contains Solaris, then this field is displayed on the screen. Otherwise, this field is disabled.

<Field name='HomeDirectory' prompt='Home Directory'>

   <Display class='Text'/>










From the BPE, you set a Disable element from the Form element dialog for the selected element.

Default Element

Calculates a value to be used as the value of this field, but only if the field does not already have a non-null value. Default is essentially the same as Derivation, except that the value applies only if the current value is non-null. Default expressions are calculated when:


This example shows a field definition that uses string manipulation expressions to return a default account ID composed of the first initial of the first name plus the user’s last name.

<Field name='waveset.accountId'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='AccountID'/>













From the BPE, you set a Default element from the Form element dialog for the selected element.

Derivation Element

Unconditionally calculates a value for the field. Whenever a Derivation expression is evaluated, the current field value is replaced.

Derivation expressions are calculated when the form is first loaded or data is returned from one or more resources


The following example shows a field definition that uses conditional logic to map one set of values into another set. When this field is processed, the expression in the <Derivation> element is evaluated to determine the descriptive value to be displayed for this field based on the location code returned from the resource.

<Field name='location'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Location'/>

















            <case default='true'>






From the BPE, you set a Derivation element from the Form element dialog for the selected element.

Expansion Element

Unconditionally calculates a value for the field. It differs from Derivation in the time at which the expression is evaluated.

Expansion statements are calculated when:


The following example shows a field definition that uses conditional logic to convert the value derived for the location field in the previous example back into a three-letter abbreviation that will be stored on the Oracle resource. Notice the difference in the field names. The location field value is not saved on any resource. It is used to calculate another field.

<Field name='accounts[Oracle].locCode'>



















From the BPE, you set an Expansion element from the Form element dialog for the selected element.

Validation Element

Determines whether a value entered in a form is valid. Validation rules are evaluated whenever the form is submitted.


This example Validation rule checks to make sure that a user’s zip code is five digits.










      <s>zip codes must be five digits long</s>



From the BPE, you set a Validation element from the Form element dialog for the selected element.

Editing and Container Fields

When the Display element appears with the Field element, it describes the component that will be used to render that field. There are two types of fields:

Editing fields must have names and are always used with one of the editing components such as Text or Checkbox.

Example Editing Field

<Field name=''>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property title='Email Address'/>

      <Property size='60'/>

      <Property maxLength='128'/>




The name of an editing field is typically a path expression within a view that is being used with the form. In the preceding example, refers to the email address associated with a user object in the Identity Manager repository.

A Container field may not have a name and is always used with one of the Container components, such as ButtonRow, SimpleTable, or EditForm.

One common type of container is the EditForm container, which builds an HTML table that contains titles in one column and components in another. These titles are defined in the title property and are rendered on the Identity Manager page associated with the form.

Disabling Fields

When you disable a field, the field (and any fields nested within it) is not displayed in the page, and its value expressions are not evaluated or incorporated in to any global.* attributes. If the view already contains a value for the disabled field, the value will not be modified.



<Field name='waveset id'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property title='accountId'>






Note  Disable expressions are evaluated more frequently than other types of expression. For this reason, keep any Disable expression relatively simple. Do not call a Java class that performs an expensive computation, such as a database lookup.

Use caution when referencing fields with Disable rules. Otherwise, fields inside containers might be disabled.

Hiding Fields

When you hide a field, the field (and any fields nested within it) is not displayed on the page, but its value is included in the form processing.

To hide a field, simply do not assign a Display class to the field.

<Field name='field A'/>

You can use the BPE to hide fields in two ways:

Calculating Field Values

Field values can be calculated from the values of other fields or any logical expression. For example, you can calculate the user’s full name from the first name, middle initial and last name.


<Field name='global.fullname'>




         <s> </s>


         <s> </s>





Setting Default Values

You can set the email address based on the user’s first initial and the first seven characters of the user’s last name. In this example, the system performs an additional check to ensure that the values have been set before performing the concatenation. This additional check is performed to:


<Field name=''>

























Deriving Field Values

Some fields are used on the form solely to calculate other fields. These fields cannot be stored on any resource to which the user belongs. When the user record is edited, each of the resources is contacted and the field values for the attributes are populated. To populate the fields that are used for calculations, you can write derivation rules.


A phone number field can be represented on the form as a single text box. However, a more advanced form might have three fields for the area code and phone number, which are used to calculate the phone number that is saved to the resource.

In the simple case of representing a phone number, you can have form fields that resemble the ones listed below.


<Field name='P1'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Office Phone Number'/>

      <Property name='size' value='3'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='3'/>



<Field name='P2'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='-'/>

      <Property name='size' value='3'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='3'/>



<Field name='P3'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='-'/>

      <Property name='size' value='4'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='4'/>



<Field name='global.OfficePhone'>










The following example expands on the field definition for the field P1 defined above. It defines how a phone number attribute is read into the form, and consequently expands into the three field displays.

<Field name='P1'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Office Number'/>

      <Property name='size' value='3'/>

      <Property name='maxlength' value='3'/>



When a user enters data into Identity Manager, the form can ensure the data is entered properly. However, Identity Manager cannot ensure that data entered directly into the resource meets the same requirements. For example, over the years, administrators might have entered the phone number as 123-4567 (8 characters), 123-123-4567 (12 characters), or (123) 123-4567 (14 characters).


The definition of the OfficePhone field remains the same as described previously, but each of the three fields (P1, P2, and P3) should be updated to use derivation rules, as this example illustrates for the P1 field.

<defvar name='lenOfficePhone'>

   <length><ref>Office Phone</ref></length>


<Field name='P1'>

   <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Office Phone Number'/>

      <Property name='size' value='3'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='3'>







         <s> </s></eq>






               <ref>Office Phone</ref>









               <ref>Office Phone</ref>








When you are calculating fields, you must consider the data’s current format and quality in the resource. It is much easier to ensure the correct field values when creating new users. It is much harder to get existing data to conform to the field when reading it off the resource. You can use derivation rules for any field to check the format of the attribute as it is being read in.

Recalculating Fields

The system performs field calculations many times when a user is working on a form. The field is calculated when it is first displayed, which sets any default values, and the form is calculated when the user clicks Save. Two other actions can cause the form to be evaluated: clicking Recalculate on the Edit User page and action fields.



   <Display class='Button'>

      <Property name='label' value='Recalculate'/>

      <Property name='command' value='Recalculate'/>



To ensure that the system recalculates the value of a field, set action to true in the Display class element as shown below:

<Display class='Select' action='true'>

Add this value only to fields that the user selects or clicks on. Do not add it to test or text area fields. When a field has action=true set, the form recalculates this form whenever the field is modified in the browser.


<Field name='Region'>

   <Display class='Select' action='true'>

      <Property name='title' value='Geographic Region'/>

      <Property name='allowedvalues' value='North, South,

Central, Midwest'./>

<Property name='nullValue' value='Select a region'/>



Guidelines for Structuring a Form

Use the following guidelines when creating the structure of your new form or editing an existing form.

Optimizing Expressions in Form Fields

Some activities performed in forms can call out to resources external to Identity Manager. Accessing these resources can affect Identity Manager performance, especially if the results are long lists of values (for example, compiling a list of groups or email distribution lists). To improve performance during these types of calls, follow the guidelines in the section titled Using a Java Class to Obtain Field Data.

Example Scenario

The following example illustrates a type of expression optimization.

If you want to query a database for information that is not stored in Identity Manager or accessible as a resource account attribute, follow these general steps:

  1. Write a Java class that performs the database access.
  2. Define a form field that uses a default expression to call the Java class.
  3. Reference the hidden variable.
Using a Java Class to Obtain Field Data

You will need to write a Java class that has methods that can be called to retrieve information. The example in the following section, Defining a Hidden Form Field, uses the getJobGrade method, which is a custom method. You should locate this custom class in the idm\WEB-INF\classes\com\waveset\custom directory structure. (If these directories do not exist on your system, you must create them.)

Follow these guidelines when writing this class:

Defining a Hidden Form Field

First define a hidden form field that uses a default expression to call the Java class by not including any Display class in the field definition:

<Field name='jobGrade'>


      <invoke name='getJobGrade'






Default expressions are evaluated only if the view does not contain a value for the attribute jobGrade. Once the default expression has been run, the result is stored in jobGrade, and the expression is not run again.

From the Form Element dialog for the element

  1. Select Hidden from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click Ok.
Referencing the Hidden Attribute

Once you have defined a hidden attribute, you can reference it in other expressions, such as:

<Field name='secureKey'>




You can use XPRESS defvar variables to hold the results of a computation, but the results are typically not as efficient as using a hidden form field.

Note about Optimizing Variables Beyond a Single Iteration

XPRESS variables typically persist for only a single iteration over the form fields. As a result, you can use a variable within an Expansion phase but not on a subsequent Derivation phase. If you need a computed value to remain relevant beyond one field iteration, use a hidden form field instead. Hidden field values are stored in the view and will persist until the editing session is either canceled or saved.

Calling Resource Methods from Forms

You can invoke methods on a resource from a form by using the invoke method.

The invoke method is called by specifying the class name and name of the method. Arguments can also be passed to the method within the invoke tags as shown in the following example.



      <defvar name='vmsResName'>

         <index i='0'>




         <invoke name='callResourceMethod'







From the Form Element dialog for the field

  1. Select Javascript from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click OK.

Referencing a Form from Another Form

You can reference particular fields in a separate form (rather than a complete form) through the use of the <FormRef> element.

Use the <FormRef> element to include another form from within an external form. The following example calls the form named MissingFields.

<FormRef name='MissingFields'/>

   <FieldRef name='AuthenticationAnswers'/>

   <FieldRef name='AccountInformation'/>

   <Field name='waveset.backgroundSave'>

      <Display class='Hidden'/>


Using the BPE to Reference Another Form
  1. Create a new field by right-clicking in the Property view, then selecting New Form Reference.
  2. Double-click on the new Form Reference icon in the tree view. The select element’s Form Reference dialog opens.
  3. After completing the Name and Base Context fields, click OK.

Referencing Fields from Another Form

You can reference particular fields in a separate form (rather than a complete form) through the use of the <FieldRef> element.

Use the <FieldRef> element to include a specific field from within an external form. Include:



<ObjectRef type='UserForm'


name='Password Library'/>

<ObjectRef type='UserForm'


name='Account Summary Library'/>

<ObjectRef type='UserForm'


<ObjectRef type='UserForm' name='Global Attributes'/>



<Field name='global.fullname' hidden='true'>









             <s> </s>









In the following example, the <FieldRef> element identifies the name of the attribute you want to reference.







    <FieldRef name='DynamicChangePasswordFields'/>


Using the BPE to Add a Reference to a Field in Another Form
  1. Create a new field by right-clicking in the Property view, then selecting New Field Reference.
  2. Double-click on the new Field Reference icon in the tree view. The select field reference element’s dialog opens.
  3. In the Form Element dialog, select FormRef from the Display Class menu.
  4. After completing the Name and Base Context fields, click OK.

Editing a Form

You can edit a form to change its display characteristics or add logical processing to select fields or components. This section divides form-related editing tasks into these two categories:

The HTML components described in this task-oriented section are listed in alphabetical order in the chapter titled HTML Display Components.

Working with Display Elements

The display elements you will most commonly modify or add to an Identity Manager form are buttons, fields, and text entry boxes. Other display elements include tables and section headers.

Any display element that does not have a specified Display class will be hidden.

Using the BPE to Change Display Class

In the BPE, you work on all display elements from the Field dialog associated with the selected field element.

To select an element’s display class

  1. Double-click the element icon in the tree view.
  2. Click the Display Class button.
  3. Select a display class from the options menu of available display classes that opens.
  4. Click the New Property button, which displays the Select Property popup.
  5. From the Select Property popup, select a property you want to assign to the element.
  6. Click OK. The popup closes, and a field associated with the property you selected appears on the Form Element dialog immediately below the Display class button.
  7. Complete the newly displayed fields.


To create a typical push button, use the <Button> component.

To align multiple buttons in a horizontal row, use the <ButtonRow> component. For more information on this component, see the section titled Aligning Buttons with <ButtonRow> Component.



   <Display class='Button'>

      <Property name='location' value='true'/>

      <Property name='label' value='Cancel'/>

      <Property name='command' value='Cancel'/>



To position the button in a button row, include the following code in your button definition: <Property name='location ' value=' button '/>. If you do not set this Property field, the button will appear in the form in the order in which you include it in the form.

From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select Button from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select value, then click OK. A field labeled value displays on the Form element dialog.
Assigning or Changing a Button Label

When defining a button, its label is identified by the value setting in the label property as indicated below.

<Display class='Button'>
<Property name='label' value='Cancel'/>

The browser displays the preceding code as a button labeled Cancel.

From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select the Button object from the left pane.
  2. Right-click and select Edit.
  3. Change the appropriate field.
Overwriting Default Button Names

Two buttons typically are displayed at the bottom of Identity Manager forms. By default, the buttons are labeled Save and Cancel. To change the names of these buttons, modify the form as follows:

  1. On the line that defines the form name (in the header), change the name field
  2. <Form name='Anonymous User Menu'>


    <Form name='Anonymous User Menu' noDefaultButtons=true>

  3. At the bottom of the form, add the following fields for the Save and Cancel buttons, and change the labels as desired:
  4. <Field>

       <Display class='Button'>

          <Property name='label' value='Submit'/>

          <Property name='name' value='submitButton'/>

          <Property name='value' value='true'/>

          <Property name='command' value='Save'/>




       <Display class='Button'>

          <Property name='label' value='Cancel'/>

          <Property name='command' value='Cancel'/>

          <Property name='location' value='true'/>



From the Form Element dialog in the BPE, select the No Default Button option.

Command Values and Buttons

Note  This section is important only if you are building Button objects. If you are building components from XML forms, you can assume that the values in the following table are recognized.

All pages in the Identity Manager interfaces have used the post data parameter named command as a mechanism to convey which form submission button was pressed. Page processing systems using components are not required to follow the same convention, but there are some components that contain special support for the command parameter, in particular the Button component.

Some page processing systems, notably the one that processes XML forms, expect the command parameter to be used. Further, several command parameter values have been used to indicate particular actions. These values are described in the following table.




Indicates that the contents of the form should be saved.


Indicates that contents of the form should be thrown away.


Indicates that the form should be refreshed based on entered data.

Any value can be used for the command parameter, but you must know which command values are recognized by the page processing system. Posting an unrecognized command value usually results in a redisplay of the page.

Aligning Buttons with <ButtonRow> Element

To align multiple buttons in a row, use the ButtonRow element.


<Field name='OrganizeButtons'>

   <Display class='ButtonRow'>

      <Property name='title' value='Choose a Button'/>


<Field name='ChangePassword'>

   <Display class='Button'>

      <Property name='label' value='Change Password'/>

      <Property name='value' value='Recalculate'/>



<Field name='ResetPassword'>

   <Display class='Button'>

      <Property name='label' value='Reset Password'/>

      <Property name='value' value='Recalculate'/>



Text Fields

You can include both single-line and multi-line text entry boxes in a form. To create a single-line text entry field, use the <Text> element. To create a multi-line text entry field, use the <TextArea> element.

Example of <Text>

<Display class='Text'>

   <Property name='title' value='Zip Code'/>

   <Property name='size' value='10'/>

   <Property name='maxLength' value='10'/>

   <Property name='required' value='true'/>


Using the BPE to Work with Text Fields

From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select Text from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select text, then click OK.
Assigning or Changing a Field Label

When defining a text field or area, its label is identified by the value property of the label property as indicated below.

<Display class='Text'>

   <Property name='label' value='Input'/>

The browser displays the preceding code as a text entry field labeled Input.


Some display elements are contained within components called container components. Container components offer a way to:

Creating a container class typically results in the generation of an HTML table tag.

Typical container components are described in the following table.




Arranges components in a grid with an optional row of column titles at the top


Arranges button in a horizontal row. This component is essentially a panel that is preconfigured for horizontal layout.


Positions components into five regions: north, south, east, and west


Displays a blue and beige table with sortable columns.

You manipulate container components in the BPE in the same way that you work with other display components.

Creating a Simple Table

The <SimpleTable> component is a frequently used container component in Identity Manager forms. It arranges components in a grid with an optional row of column titles at the top. The only property for this display component is columns, which assigns column titles and defines the width of the table as defined in a list of strings.


In the following example, a field that uses SimpleTable to organize several subfields:

<Field name='SelectionTable'>

   <Display class='SimpleTable'>

      <Property name='columns'>







   <Field name='accounts[LDAP].selected'>

      <Display class='Checkbox'>

         <Property name='label' value='LDAP'/>




      <Display class='Label'>

         <Property name='text' value='Primary Corporate LDAP Server'/>



   <Field name='accounts[W2K].selected'>

      <Display class='Checkbox'>

         <Property name='label' value='Windows 2000'/>




      <Display class='Label'>

      <Property name='text' value='Primary Windows 2000 Server'/>




A browser displays the preceding code as follows:

Simple Table

Figure 20. Simple Table

Grouping Components

To group multiple components on a form to hide or disable them, use the <SimpleTable> container as shown in the following example.







            <s>Windows Active Directory</s>




      <Field name='accounts[AD].HomeDirectory'>

         <Display class='Text'>

            <Property name='title' value='Home Directory'>




Working with Lists

The component you use to create a list depends upon list length and whether the user can select more than one option simultaneously.

Text boxes often supply a list of options from which a user can select. These lists are populated by specifying choices within a property called allowedValues or by obtaining values dynamically through a method call (FormUtil class methods) to the resource. For information on populating text areas with lists, see the section titled Populating Lists.

The following table describes typical list types and the HTML display components used to create them.

Type of List

HTML Component

Option list that offers mutually exclusive values such as true and false


See the section titled Creating a Checkbox.

Multiple-option list in which users can select only one option


See the section titled Creating a RadioButton.

Multiple-option list (with many options) in which users can select only one option


See the section titled Creating a Single-Selection List.

Multiple-option list in which multiple options can be selected simultaneously


See the section titled Creating a Multi-Selection List.

Creating a Checkbox

Use the <Checkbox> component to display a checkbox. When checked, the box represents a value of true. An unselected box represents a false value. You can change the checkbox name by editing the value of the label property.

Example 1

<Field name='accounts[LDAP].selected'>

   <Display class='Checkbox'>

      <Property name='label' value='LDAP'/>



Example 2

<Field name='global.Password.Expired'>

   <Display class='CheckBox'>

      <Property name='title' value='User must change password at

      next login'/>

      <Property name='alignment' value='left'/>



From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select Checkbox from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select the properties you want to assign, then click OK.

Creating a Radio Button

Use the <Radio> component to display a horizontal list of one or more radio buttons. A user can select only one radio button at a time. If the component value is null or does not match any of the allowed values, no button is selected.


<Field name='global.EmployeeType'>

   <Display class='Radio'>

      <Property name='title' value='EmployeeType'/>

      <Property name='labels' value='Employee, Contractor, Temporary, Part Time'/>

      <Property name='required' value='true'/>



From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select Radio from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select radio, then click OK.

Creating a Single-Selection List

Along with the <MultiSelect> component, the <Select> component provides a list of items to select from. With longer lists of values to select from, the radio buttons can begin to take up precious space on a form. Alternatively, select lists can provide a way for the user to select from a long list of possible values. This list supports type-ahead if the list is ordered. You can use the allowedValues property to specify the choices from which the user can pick.


<Field name='global.title'>

   <Display class='Select'>

      <Property name='title' value='Title'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues'>










Creating a Multiselection List

The <MultiSelect> component displays a multiselection list box. This textbox displays as a two-part object in which a defined set of values in one box can be moved to a selected box. Values for the list box can be supplied by allowedValues elements or obtained dynamically through a method call, such as getResources.

Along with the <Select> component, the <MultiSelect> component can dynamically provide a list of items from which to select. These lists are populated by specifying choices within a property called allowedValues or by obtaining values dynamically through a method call to the resource. For information on populating lists within a multiselection entry box, see the section titled Populating Lists.


<Field name='waveset.roles'>

   <Display class='MultiSelect' action='true'>

      <Property name='title' value='Roles'/>

      <Property name='availableTitle' value='Available Roles'/>

      <Property name='selectedTitle' value='Current Roles'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues'>

            <invoke name='getObjectNames'                class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>








The browser displays a multiselection box as follows:

Figure 21. MultiSelection Box in Browser

Alternative Display Values in a Select List

You can create a Select list that displays a different set of values than the values that will actually be assigned to the field. This is often used to provide more recognizable names for cryptic values, or to perform internationalization. This is accomplished by using the valueMap property to associate the displayed value with the actual value.

<Field name='waveset.organization'>

   <Display class='Select'>

      <Property name='title' value='Add Account'/>

      <Property name='nullLabel' value='Select...'/>

      <Property name='valueMap'>



            <s>Top Level</s>


            <s>Ted's Organization</s>


            <s>Super Secret Org</s>





In the preceding example, the value map is specified as a list of pairs of strings. The odd-numbered strings are the actual values that are assigned to this field. The even-numbered strings are the values that are displayed in the select list. For example, if the select list entry Ted's Organization is selected, the value of this field becomes Top:Orgb.

Populating Lists

Lists are frequently populated with options that are dynamically calculated from information that resides in the user object or an external resource. When creating this type of list, you must first create the HTML list components in the form before populating the list. (For additional information on using the HTML text box components, see the sections titled Creating a Single-Selection List and Creating a Multiselection List.)

There are two ways to populate these lists, including the methods covered in this section:

See the section titled Representing Lists in XML Object Language Instead of XPRESS for a discussion of the advantages to using XML Object language rather than XPRESS for certain tasks.

Populating Lists of Allowed Values

The most typical way of populating lists in forms is through the use of the allowedValues property. From this property, you can specify an optional list of permitted values for <Select> and <MultiSelect> elements. The value of this component is always a list and usually contains strings.

Example of allowedValues Property  

<Field name='department'>

   <Display class='Select' action='true'>

      <Property name='title' value='Department'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues’>



         <String>Human Resources</String>







Dynamically Populating a Multiselection List of Groups

Multiselection lists typically contain two parts:

Adding a Multiselection List of Groups

To add a multiselection list of groups that is populated dynamically from the resource


<Field name='global.AD Groups'>

  <Display class='MultiSelect' action='true'>

    <Property name='title' value='AD Group Membership'/>

    <Property name='availableTitle' value='Available AD Groups'/>

    <Property name='selectedTitle' value='Selected AD Groups'/>

    <Property name='allowedValues'>

      <invoke class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'  name='listResourceObjects'>

        <!-- send session information which will be used by the method to validate authorization user -->


        <!-- resource object type – This will differ from resource to resource, but common types are account, group, and “distribution list” -->


        <!—- Name of resource being called -->

        <s>AD Resource Name</s>

        <!-- options map – Some resources have options like the context that the group is listed in. For example, active directory has multiple containers. By default, the container used will be the one specified on the resource. The value can be overridden by specifying it here. If the resource does not support options, the value should be <null/> -->



          <MapEntry key='context' value='ou=Austin,ou=Texas,dc=Sun,dc=com'/>


        <!-- cacheList – specify true or false whether you would like this list to appear in the Resource Object List Cache-->







If the resource does not support options, the value of options map should be null. Some resources have options such as the context that the group is listed in. For example, Active Directory has multiple containers. By default, the container used will be the one specified on the resource. This value can be overridden by specifying it here.

Specify the value of cacheList as true or false to designate whether this list should be stored in the Resource Object List Cache. This will cause the method to be run once, and the results are stored on the server.

Creating a Text Entry Field in a Selection List

There are some conditions under which you’d like to include an option in a selection list in which the user can enter a value instead of choosing from the list. You can create this feature by implementing the three fields as shown in the following example.

The following example is interspersed with descriptive text.


<defvar name='titleList'>






    <s>Travel Agent</s>




The next part of this example contains two visible fields called title and otherTitle. The otherTitle field is displayed only if the user chooses the other option on the selection list. The third hidden field is global.Title, which is set from either Title or otherTitle.

The Title field is the main field that the user will select from. If the user cannot find the item that he wants in the list, he can select Other. This is a transient field and is not stored or passed to the workflow process when Save is pressed. A Derivation rule is used to send the value from the resource and determine if the value is in the list.

Note  In the following example, action is set to true to ensure that form fields populate automatically.

<Field name='Title'>

   <Display class='Select' action='true'>

      <Property name='title' value='Title'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues'>

      <Property name='nullLabel' value='Select …"/>
























The Other field will appear on the form only if the user has selected Other from the title field. The value of the Other field is set when the form is loaded. It is based upon the value of the Title field and the global.title field.

<Field name='otherTitle'>

    <Display class='Text'>

      <Property name='title' value='Other Title'/>

      <Property name='rowHold' value='true'/>

      <Property name='noWrap' value='true'/>

      <Property name='size' value='15'/>

      <Property name='maxLength' value='25'/>


















The value of Field is based on the value of the Title field. If the value of this field is set to Other, then the field value is defined by the value of the otherTitle field. Otherwise, it will be the value of the Title field.

<Field name='Title'>












Filtering the List of Resource Accounts before Display in a Form

You can filter the list of resource accounts before displaying them in a form. By default, no filters are applied, except with the Change Password Form in the User Interface, which preserves the default behavior of filtering disabled accounts from the list displayed to the user.

This Exclude filter is defined as a Form property. The filter is a list of one or more AttributeConditions that, when evaluated, determine if a given resource account should be excluded from the displayed list.

Forms that Support This Feature

The following Forms support the specification of an Exclude filter as a Form property:

Change Password Form (User Interface)

Administrator Interface Forms:

<Exclude> Property Format

The Exclude Form Property takes the following form:

<Configuration wstype='UserForm' ...


     <Form noDefaultButtons='true'>



To include disabled resource accounts in the list of displayed accounts, remove the disabled attribute condition from the list.

<Property name='Exclude'>


<new class='com.waveset.object.AttributeCondition'>












Valid View Attributes

The list of valid attribute names are those exposed by the views that are associated with each Form listed above for each instance of a currentResourceAccounts object. Valid attributes include:

Example: Excluding an LDAP Resource Type from a List of Resource Accounts

To exclude from the list of any given form all resource accounts of type LDAP that are not directly assigned, set the Exclude property as follows:

<Property name='Exclude'>


<new class='com.waveset.object.AttributeCondition'>





<new class='com.waveset.object.AttributeCondition'>







Calling a FormUtil Method from within the allowedValues Property

From within the allowedValues property, you can also call FormUtil methods that permit you to dynamically retrieve and process information from a resource external to Identity Manager, such as a database.

This example shows how to call a FormUtil method to populate a <Select> list. In the following example, the method is called from within the allowedValues property. The getOrganizationsWithPrefixes method (or any FormUtil method) is invoked from within an expression.


<Field name='waveset.organization'>

   <Display class='Select'>

      <Property name='title' value='Organization'/>

      <Property name='autoSelect' value='true'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues'>


            <invoke class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'








XPRESS also supports the ability to invoke calls to Java methods from within a resource or ActiveSync adapter. The results of the calls can then be used to populate multiselection or select lists. For information on invoking methods from an expression, see XPRESS Language.

Creating a Label Field

Labels are useful components for displaying the value of a read-only field. Properties of the <Label> component permit you to define the display characteristics of the label, including color, value (string), and font style.



   <Display class='Label'>

      <Property name='text' value='Primary Corporate LDAP




The value attribute is always a string.

Working with Other Display Elements

Other display elements that you might want to incorporate into a form include:

Adding a Section Heading to a Form

Section heads are useful to separate sections of long forms with a prominent label. The <SectionHead> element displays a new section heading defined by the value of the title (prompt) property. It is an extension of the Label class that sets the font property to a style that results in large bold text. It also sets the pad property to zero to eliminate the default two-space padding.



   <Display class='SectionHead'>

      <Property name='title' value ='Calculated Fields'/>



From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select SectionHead from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select value, then click OK. A field labeled value displays on the Form element dialog.

Adding a Calendar Icon to a Form

You can add a calendar icon to a page with the DatePicker element. The user can click this icon to select a calendar date and populate a page field. For example, the Identity Manager Create Audit Report page uses this component to select start and end dates.

The DatePicker element returns a date object. Most resource attributes that you set using DatePicker require a date in the form of a string. The extra text field performs the conversion of the new date object into a string or displays the current setting.

You can obtain the date in one of several formats by passing a different format string to the invoke dateToString method as indicated in the following table.

Expiration Date Field









 <Field name='aix_account_expire'>

    <Display class='DatePicker'>

      <Property name='title' value='Set Password Expiration Date'/>



The field defined below displays the password expiration date as found in the /etc/security/user file. It also displays any new date selected by the aix_account_expire field if the refresh or recalculate is performed after selecting a new date.

The following code example uses two fields. One field presents the Datepicker calendar to the user, and the other converts the time into the specified format for the resource.

The following field example looks to see if the aix_account_expire date field has been set (not null) from the DatePicker field.

If this date field has been set, an invoke method is called to convert the date object into a string in the specified format: MMddHHmmyy.

Otherwise, display the current date as set on the AIX OS: accounts[AIX].aix_expires.


      <Field name='accounts[AIX].aix_expires'>

        <Display class='Text'>

          <Property name='title' value='Current Password

Expiration Date'/>

          <Property name='noNewRow' value='true'/>

          <Property name='readOnly' value='true'/>

          <Property name='size' value='10'/>







            <invoke name='dateToString'

            <!-- First argument to dateToString method is a date

object -->


            <!-- Second argument is the format you want the

converted date/string in -->







From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select DatePicker from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select value, then click OK. A field labeled value displays on the Form element dialog.

Adding a Back Link

You can add a component that behaves the same as the browser Back button. This component permits you to add a back link anywhere on the form.


<Field name='back'>

   <Display class='BackLink'>

      <Property name='title' value='Back'/>

      <Property name='value' value='previous page'/>



From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select BackLink from the Display Class menu.
  2. Click New Property. The available properties popup is displayed.
  3. Select value, then click OK. A field labeled value displays on the Form element dialog.

Positioning Components on a Form

The location of a component on a form is determined by the following factors:

Using Hidden Components

Many forms are not visible to the user but help process data from an external resource through the resource adapter before passing it into Identity Manager. In visible forms, too, some components can be hidden. These hidden components are used to process this incoming data as well as to transform data in visible forms.

Some hidden processing within forms is carried out by the methods in the FormUtil Java class. These are frequently used when populating lists in forms from information retrieved dynamically from an external resource.

This section discusses the following tasks, which permit you to process data and optionally hide this processing in forms. Typical tasks include:

Including XPRESS Logic Using the Derivation and Expansion Elements

Typically, a field will have either a Derivation rule or an Expansion rule. If a field includes both types of rules, make sure that these fields do not conflict with each other.

You implement the <Expansion> and <Derivation> components to use XPRESS to calculate values for form fields. These expressions are similar, differing only in the time at which the expression is evaluated. Derivation rules are typically used to set the value of the field when the form is loaded. Expansion rules are used to set the value of the field whenever the page is recalculated or the form is saved.





Unconditionally calculates an arbitrary value to be used as the value of this field. Whenever a Derivation expression is evaluated, the current field value is replaced.

Derivation rules are run when the form is first loaded or data is fetched from one or more resources.


Unconditionally calculates a value for the field

Expansion rules are run whenever the page is recalculated or the form is saved.

For all forms except the User view, Expansion rules are run whenever the page is recalculated or the form is saved. For the User view, an <Expansion> tag runs when the user form is first loaded as well.


Determines whether a value entered in a form is valid.

Validation rules are evaluated whenever the form is submitted.

Examples of <Derivation> Statement

The following two examples illustrate the potential use for the Derivation

Example 1







The preceding example uses the first value, if defined. If the first value is not defined, then it uses the second value.

Example 2

The following example of using the <Derivation> element shows a field definition that uses conditional logic to map one set of values into another set.

In this example, the resource account attribute accounts[Oracle].locCode is evaluated against the AUS case element first. If it is true, then the second value is the value returned and displayed in the location field. If no cases are matched, then the value of the default case is returned. When a matching abbreviation is found as the first expression within a case expression, the value of the second expression within the case expression is returned as the result of the switch expression.

<Field name='location' prompt='Location'>

   <Display class='Text'/>
















            <case default='true'>






Examples of <Expansion> Statement

The following two examples illustrate the potential use for the Expansion element.

Example 1

Expansion rules transform information that has been entered into a field into values that match the format expected by the resource or established by a rule. For example, a free-form text box in which a user enters a name can include an Expansion rule that capitalizes the first initial and lowercases the others.

The use of the global attribute in fields sets any of the resources that have this value when the form is saved. When you load this form, Identity Manager loads the values from each resource (unless the field is disabled). The last resource load sets the value in the form. If a user has made a local change, this change may not show up. Consequently, to ensure that the correct value for the attribute is used, you can use a Derivation rule to specify one or more of the resources as an authoritative source for the field.

<Field name='global.lastname'>

   <Display class='Text'>

       <Property name='title' value='Last Name'/>

       <Property name='size' value='32'/>

       <Property name='maxLength' value='128'/>

       <Property name='noNewRow' value='true'/>

       <Property name='required'>






            <defvar name='lname'>





            <defvar name='nlength'>

























As the preceding XPRESS logic could be implemented in multiple fields, consider presenting it in a rule.

Example 2

In the following example, this field is also hidden by the absence of any Display class definition. The lack of Display class definition prevents the field from being displayed in the form, but the field is still considered to be an active part of the form and will generate values for resource attributes through its <Expansion> expression.

<Field name='accounts[Oracle].locCode'>



















In this example, it performs the reverse of the mapping performed by the location field.

Example of <Validation> Statement

Validation expressions allow you to specify logic to determine whether a value entered in a form is valid.

The validation expression returns null to indicate success, or a string containing a readable error message to indicate failure. The system displays the validation error message in red text at the top of the form.

The following example contains the logic to determine whether the age entered by user in a field is greater than 0. This expression returns null if the age is greater than or equal to zero.

<Field name='age'>







       <s>Age may not be less than zero.</s>




Calling Methods to Populate Lists

Lists in single-selection and multiselection text boxes are often populated with choices that are derived from information from external resources. You can populate lists dynamically with this information by calling one of the FormUtil methods supplied by Sun. These common methods can perform the following tasks:

For information on the <Select> and <MultiSelect> components and the allowedValues property, see the section titled Populating Lists.

Constructing Hash Maps

The listResourceObjects and callResourceMethods methods accept hash maps. Hash maps can be constructed with the <Map> element.

In the following example, the <Map> element builds a static map that never changes.


     <MapEntry name='key1' value='value1'/>

     <MapEntry name='key2' value='value2'/>


You can also construct maps with an XPRESS expression through the use of the <map> element. You can use the <map> element to dynamically build a map whose contents are defined by other expressions.

For information on using the XPRESS language to construct a map, see the section titled Constructing Maps in the XPRESS Language chapter.

Resource Object Names

To search for or request information on a resource and import it into Identity Manager, you must use object definitions supported by Identity Manager.

The following table lists the object types supported by Identity Manager.

Supported Object Types



List of user accounts IDs


Names of the administrative groups to which a user can belong


List of applications

Distribution Lists

List of email distribution aliases


List of PKI entitlements


List of security and distribution list group objects


Security groups


List of email Distribution aliases for Exchange 5.5


List of SP2 nodes


List of GroupWise post offices


List of top secret profiles


List of Oracle profiles from the DBA_PROFILES table


List of Oracle roles from the DBA_ROLES table


List of available UNIX shells


List of NDS Templates


List of Oracle profiles from the DBA_USERS table


List of available unassigned tokens


List of user property definitions (properties that can be set on the user)

Obtaining a List of Resource Object Names

To obtain a list of object names defined for your particular resource, use the listResourceObjects method. You can obtain a list with or without map options. Map options are used only on resources that have a directory structure that permit the filtering of returned values to a single container instead of returning the complete list.

To ensure that you get the resource object list from the resource and not from the server's cache, first invoke the clearResourceObjectListCache() method or set the cacheList argument to false. However, using the cache improves performance on large lists. The resource is contacted only once, and the results are stored on the cache. Consequently, Sun recommends using the cache.

In addition, you can specify a set of one or more key/string value pairs that are specific to the resource from which the object list is being requested.

The following table lists the object types that are supported by each resource.


Supported Object Types


account, Group




account, Group, group, Administrator_Groups, Applications, Entitlements, User_Properties


Group, Role




account, Distribution Lists, PostOffices


account, Group, shell


account, Group




account, Group


account, Group




account, Group


account, table, profiles, activitygroups






account, Group, shell





Windows Active Directory

account, Group

You can specify any Active Directory valid object class name as an object type. (A list of object class names can be found in the Active Directory schema documentation.) The list returned contains the distinguished names of the objects. By default, the method searches in the container that is specified by the Container resource attribute. However, you can specify a container as an option to the listResourceObjects call. Its value should be the distinguished name of a container. Only objects within that container are listed.

Windows NT

account, Group

Obtaining a List of Resource Objects without Map Options

To obtain a list of resource objects without map options, specify the resource object type and resource name. Note: Some resources support acting on a subset of a list. You can do this by specifying a starting directory.


In the following example:

Obtaining a List of Resource Objects with Map Options

To obtain a list of resource objects with map options, specify the resource object type, resource name, and a map option that defines the directory to start the search in. The resource must be directory-based.

For example, you can get a list of all Active Directory groups in the Software Access directory by building a map option that performs the search in the directory path (ou=Software Access, dc=mydomain, dc=com).


In the following example

Building DN Strings

With a given user ID and base context, you can dynamically build a list of distinguished names or a single distinguished name. This method does not return a list and is typically used within an Expansion rule.

Building a Dynamic List of DN strings

You can dynamically build a list of DN strings if you specify a user ID and base context.


The following example shows how to use user IDs and base context to build a dynamic list of DN strings.

The following code first defines the base context to append to users.

<Field name='baseMemberContextContractor'>





<Field name='baseMemberContextEmployee'>





The user of this form enters data in the following field. This is a likely place for providing a dynamically generated list of user IDs.

<Field name='userIds'>

   <Display class='TextArea'>

      <Property name='title' value='UserIds'/>



The following hidden field includes logic that calculates values.

<Field name='Members'>



      // Look at the role assigned to the users



      // If user has "Contractor Role" then build DN like this:

      // ex: CN=jsmith,ou=Contractors,dc=example,dc=com

         <s>Contractor Role</s>

         <invoke name='buildDns' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>






      // Otherwise, if user has "Employee Role", then build DN like          this:

         // ex: CN=jdoe,ou=Employees,dc=example,dc=com

         s>Employee Role</s>

         <invoke name='buildDns' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>








Building a Single DN String

You can call the buildDn method to populate a list or text area with a single DN.


<invoke name='buildDn' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>




This example returns CN=jdoe,dc=example,dc=com.

Getting a List of Unassigned Resources

To retrieve a list of all resources to which the user ID could potentially have permission to view but is currently unassigned, call the getUnassignedResources method.

The <ref> statements identify the view attribute that contains information about the specified user.


<invoke name='getUnassignedResources' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>





Retrieving a List of Accessible Object Types

To get a list of object types that the session owner currently has access to, use the getObjectNames method.

You can request the following object types:

For a complete list of object types, see the List Objects option on the Debug page.


<invoke name='getObjectNames' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>




Retrieving a List of Object Types Accessible by the Session Owner

To get a list of object names for which the session owner has access, use the getObjectNames method.


<invoke name='getObjectNames' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>



Getting a List of Organizations with Prefixes

To get a list of organizations with prefixes (for example, TOP, TOP:IT, TOP:HR), use the getOrganizationsWithPrefixes method.


<invoke name='getOrganizationsWithPrefixes'




Getting a List of Organizations without Prefixes

To retrieve a list of organizations without prefixes (for example, TOP, TOP, TOP), use the getOrganizations method.


<invoke name='getOrganizations'




Getting a List of Organizations Display Names with Prefixes

To retrieve a list of organization display names with prefixes, use the getOrganizationsDisplayNamesWithPrefixes method.

<invoke name='getOrganizationsDisplayNamesWithPrefixes'




Retrieving a List of Applications Unassigned to the User

To get a list of applications to which the user is not currently assigned, use the getUnassignedApplication method.


<invoke name='getUnassignedApplications' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>





Disabling Fields

When you disable a field, the field (and any fields nested within it) is not displayed in the page, and its value expressions are not evaluated. If the view already contains a value for the disabled field, the value will not be modified.


Note  Keep in mind that global.* attributes are derived from enabled fields only. If a form dynamically disables a field (instead of hiding it), this field value will not be available through the global.* attributes.





Note  Disable expressions are evaluated more frequently than other types of expression. For this reason, keep any Disable expression relatively simple. Do not call a Java class that performs an expensive computation, such as a database lookup.

Hiding Fields

When you hide a field, the field (and any fields nested within it) is not displayed on the page, but its value is included in the form processing.

To hide a field, specify that a particular field is hidden by not defining a Display property for the field. (This is not conditional.)

<Field name='field A'/>

Calculating Values

Methods for dynamically calculating values within forms include:

Generating Field Values

In some forms, you might want to first display a set of abstract derived fields to the user, then generate a different set of concrete resource account attribute values when the form is submitted. This is known as form expansion. Expanded fields are often used in conjunction with derived fields. For an example of <Derivation> and <Expansion> elements, see the section titled Using the Derivation and Expansion Elements to Include XPRESS Logic in a Form Field.

Including Rules in Forms

In forms, you typically call a rule to calculate the allowedValues display property or within a <Disable> expression to control field visibility. Within forms, rules could be the most efficient mechanism for storage and reuse of:

For a comprehensive discussion of rules, see the chapter titled Rules in Identity Manager Deployment Tools

Including XPRESS Statements

The XPRESS language is an XML-based expression and scripting language. Statements written in this language, called expressions, are used throughout Identity Manager to add data transformation capabilities to forms and to incorporate state transition logic within Identity Manager objects such as Workflow and forms.

XPRESS is a functional language that uses syntax based on XML. Every statement in the language is a function call that takes zero or more arguments and returns a value. Built-in functions are provided, and you can also define new functions. XPRESS also supports the invocation of methods on any Java class and the evaluation of Javascript within an expression.

For a comprehensive discussion of XPRESS features, see XPRESS Language.


Expressions are used primarily for the following Identity Manager tasks:

The expressions contained in these elements can be used throughout Identity Manager.

Example Expression

In the following example, the <add> element represents a call to the XPRESS function named add.

<add> <ref>counter</ref> <i>10</i> </add>

This function is passed two arguments:

The value returned by the add function will then be the result of adding the integer 10 to the current value of the variable counter. Every function call returns a value for the next operation to use. For example, if the ref call returns the value of the counter, then the <i> call returns the integer 10, then the <add> call returns the addition of the two calls.

Example of Expression Embedded within Form

The following example shows the use of XPRESS logic embedded within a Identity Manager form. XPRESS is used to invoke one of the FormUtil Java methods that will produce the relevant role-related choices for display in the browser. Note that the expression is surrounded by the <expression> tag.

<Field name='waveset.role'>

   <Display class='Select' action='true'>

      <Property name='title' value='Role'/>

      <Property name='nullLabel' value='None'/>

      <Property name='allowedValues'>


            <invoke class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil' name='getRoles'>








Adding Guidance Help to Your Form

Identity Manager supplies two types of online help:

How to Specify Guidance Help for a Component

You can associate guidance help text with any component, although it is currently displayed only by the EditForm container. You can specify guidance text in one of three ways:

How Identity Manager Evaluates Help Resources

When the system renders a component, it will first check to see if the help property is set. If it is, it will use that text. Next, it checks to see if the helpKey is set and searches the catalog for an entry with that key. If the helpKey property is not set, or there is no matching key in the catalog, the system will then try to use the component title as a help key.

Using the help Property

The simplest way to define guidance text is to set the help property. When using XML forms, this means that the help text will be embedded within a potentially large amount of XML, which makes review and editing of the help text more difficult. An alternative is to use a help catalog to store the help text, then reference entries in the catalog from the component.

Using the helpKey Property

Each entry in a help catalog has a unique name or key. One way to reference a catalog entry from a component is by setting the helpKey property. When set, the system assumes that this is the value of a key in the current help catalog and loads the associated help text when rendering the component.

Matching the Component’s title Property with a Help Entry

You can also automatically associate help catalog entries with components by using key values in the catalog that are the same as component titles. When using XML forms, a component title can be specified explicitly with a Property element. Otherwise, it will be taken from the value of the prompt attribute of the containing Field element.

How to Use Help Catalogs

A help catalog is a file that contains XML text. The system determines which help catalog to use for a component in the following way:

For XML form designers, the form processing system automatically locates a suitable catalog. Occasionally though, you might prefer more explicit control over which catalog file is used. You can use the help attribute of the Form element to specify the help catalog to be used by that form. For example:

<Form name='Task Launch Form' help='task/common-help.xml'>



You might find this useful when sharing a single help catalog among forms that can be referenced through several request URLs.

Help Catalog Syntax

The syntax of a help catalog file is relatively simple. You must use the document element WebHelp, which contains one or more Page elements. These Page elements in turn contain one or more Item elements. Each Item element must have a key attribute, which is the catalog key for the help text. The content of the Item element is the help text.

Although the syntax of the help catalog allows you to specify more than one Page element, no page processing system currently supports more than one element.

Example Simple Help Catalog File

An example of a simple help catalog file follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE WebHelp>


   <Page name='user/changeAll.jsp'>

         <Item key='Account Information'>

         Miscellaneous information about your accounts.


         <Item key='Passwords'>


            <b>Passwords</b><br>Enter and confirm a new password.





Specifying Help Text within the Item Element

You can specify the help text within the Item element in two ways:

If you do not use a CDATA marked section, you must "escape" every use of the less-than character in the help text by substituting the string &lt; as indicated by the following example:

&lt;b>Passwords&lt;/b>&lt;br>Enter and confirm a new password.

Overriding Guidance Help

You can use a custom message catalog to override the guidance text that displays in a pop-up window. If you name your custom message catalog defaultCustomCatalog, Identity Manager recognizes and uses it automatically. Alternatively, you can choose a different name, and then specify that name in System Configuration object under the customMessageCatalog name

For example:

<Attribute name='customMessageCatalog' value= 'sampleCustomCatalog' />

The following sample custom catalog displays "Waveset Lighthouse 4.1 SP2" as the flyover text for the Help tab.


   <Configuration name="sampleCustomCatalog">


         <CustomCatalog id="defaultCustomCatalog" enabled="true">

            <MessageSet language="en" country="US">

            <Msg id="UI_END_USER_VERSION">Waveset Lighthouse 4.1                SP2</Msg>


            <MessageSet language="es" country="ES" variant=                "Traditional">

            <Msg id="UI_END_USER_VERSION">Sun Lighthouse 4.1 SP2</Msg>


            <MessageSet language="fr">

            <Msg id="UI_END_USER_VERSION">Waveset Lighthouse 4.1                SP2</Msg>






Note  To override display of the version number in flyover text, you can replace the UI_END_USER_VERSION message with an empty string.

Other Form-Related Tasks

Miscellaneous form-related tasks include:

Invoking the FormUtil Methods

The FormUtil class is a collection of utility methods that you can call from XPRESS expressions with form objects. They can be used to populate lists of allowed values and validate input. The FormUtil methods are typically called to assist the definition of the allowed values in a list or field.

For a list and description of these methods, see the section titled FormUtil Methods. Use the following syntax to invoke the FormUtil methods from within a form:

<invoke class = 'com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'

   name = 'listResourceObjects'>


where the name field identifies the name of the method.

For examples on using these methods within forms, see the section titled Using Hidden Components.

Inserting JavaScript into a Form

To insert pre-formatted Javascript into a form, use the <JavaScript> component, especially when using the onClick or onChange properties in components and want to call custom Javascript functions.

The component has an extended property named script that can contain the Javascript text.

Alternatively, you can include Javascript by setting the source property. This should be a string that contains a URL fragment relative to the base context. It is the Javascript contained in the indicated file to be loaded by the browser.

Using the BPE to Insert JavaScript into a Form

From the Form Element dialog in the BPE

  1. Select Javascript from the Display Class menu.
  2. Enter the JavaScript text into the popup window.
  3. Click Ok.

Testing if an Object or User Exists

You might want to check whether an object exists before performing an action. For example, you could look to see if a user name exists in Identity Manager before creating a new user, or validate whether a manager name entered in a field is valid.

To test if an object exists, use the testObject method. To specify an object type when using this method, use the object types listed in the section titled Retrieving a List of Accessible Object Types. In the following example, the user type is identified as <s>User</s>. The second string gives the value of the object type (in this example, joe).


<invoke name='testObject' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>





The testObject method returns true on successful find of an object. Otherwise, this method returns null.

To test if a user exists, use the testUser method. The <s> element identifies the name of the user object to find.


<invoke name='testUser' class='com.waveset.ui.FormUtil'>




This method returns true on successful find. Otherwise, this method returns null.

Wizard and Tabbed Forms

Both wizard and tabbed forms are mechanisms for structuring unwieldy, single-page forms into more easily managed, multiple-paned forms. Both contain separators between logical sections, or pages. These page separators can be tabs located at the top of the form -- like the tabbed user form -- or a wizard form, which guide the user through the pages using the next/back navigation buttons.

See Tabbed User Form later in this chapter for the XML version of the default Tabbed User Form.

What Is a Wizard Form?

Wizard forms can be a convenient alternative to launching multiple forms from a task when:

Wizard forms contain the two rows of buttons described below.

Row of buttons


top row

Next and Back buttons to traverse through the form panes

second row

Contains the standard user form buttons listed in the following table. You can control the second row by setting noDefaultButtons option to true and implementing your own buttons.

This second row of button can vary as follows:

Wizard page

Default buttons

first page

Next, Cancel

intermediate pages

Prev, Next, Cancel

last page

Prev, Ok, Cancel

Implementing a Wizard Form

The BPE does not support a visual way to define a tabbed or wizard form containers, so you must configure a tabbed or wizard form using XML.

Wizard form syntax closely resembles tabbed user form structure. To create a wizard form,

The following example provides comments for guidance purposes:


   <Display class="HtmlPage"/> ----- If not set, causes indentation and color problems

   <Field name='MainTabs'> -- Name of the top container that wraps the tab pages

      <Display class='TabPanel'/> -- Display class for the top container: either TabPanel or WizardPanel

   <Field name='Identity'> -- Label of the Tab

      <Display class='EditForm'> -- Each “page” must be an Edit Form

         <Property name='helpKey' value='Identity and Password Fields'/>


   <Field name='waveset.accountId'>

      <Display class='Text'>

         <Property name='title' value='_FM_ACCOUNT_ID'/>


<Disable> <ref></ref> </Disable>




Tips and Workarounds

Alternatives to the Default Create and Edit User Forms

When an administrator uses the default User form to edit a user, all resources that are owned by a user are fetched at the moment an administrator begins editing a user account. In environments where users have accounts on many resources, this potentially time-intensive operation can result in performance degradation. If you are deploying Identity Manager in this type of environment, consider using scalable forms as an alternative to the default Create and Edit User interfaces.

Overview: Scalable Forms

Scalable forms are customized forms that help improve the performance of Identity Manager’s Edit and Create User interfaces in environments with many users and resources. This improved performance results from several features, including:

Identity Manager provides scalable versions of the default Edit and Create User forms.

Incremental Resource Fetching

Incremental resource fetching describes one method used by the Identity Manager server to directly query a resource for information over a network connection or by other means. Typically, when an administrator edits a user using the default user form, all resources that are owned by a user are fetched at the moment an administrator begins editing a user account. In contrast, the intent behind the design of scalable forms is to limit fetching by fetching only those resources that the administrator wants to view or modify.

Selective Browsing

Selective browsing, another feature incorporated into scalable forms, permits an administrator to incrementally view resources based on their owning role, on their resource type, or from a list of resources.

Multiple Resource Editing

Multiple resource editing allows an administrator to select subsets of resources for editing resource attributes. An administrator can select subsets based on roles, resource types, or from a list of resources.

When to Use Scalable Forms

Consider using scalable forms when

In addition, the scalable version of the Create User form provides limited benefit over the standard default version because a new user has no resources to begin with.

Available Scalable Forms

Identity Manager ships the following two scalable user forms, which are described below:

Dynamic Tabbed User Form

Provides an alternative to the default Tabbed User form, which fetches all resources as soon as an administrator begins editing. In contrast, Dynamic Tabbed User form features incremental fetching and editing of multiple resources based on resource type.

Note  For detailed implementation information, see the comments associated with each user form in WSHOME/samples/form_name.xml.

Importing and Mapping the Form

Three forms are involved in the substitution of Dynamic Tabbed User form for the default Tabbed User form.



Dynamic Tabbed User Forms

Contains the features of the default Tabbed User Form but dynamically creates one tab per resource type.

Dynamic User Forms

Contains fields for creating resource type tabs on the user form.

Dynamic Forms Rule Library

Contains the rule library for dynamically printing out attributes for resources that have no specified user form.

Dynamic Resource Forms

Contains all forms that are currently compatible with the Dynamic Tabbed User form. Users can customize this list.

Installing Dynamic Tabbed User form involves two steps: importing the form, and changing the form mapping.

Step 1: Import the Form
  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Configure Import Exchange File.
  2. Enter the file name (dynamicformsinit.xml) or click Browse to locate the dynamicformsinit.xml file in the ./sample directory.
  3. Click Import. Identity Manager responds with a message that indicates that the import was successful.
Step 2: Change Form Mapping

There are two methods of assigning a user form to an end user. Select a method to edit these form mapping depending upon how administrators in your environment will be using these forms. These methods include:

Assign Scalable User Form as the Default User Form
  1. From the menu bar, select Configure Configure Form and Process Mappings.
  2. In the Form Mappings section, locate userForm under the Form Type column.
  3. Specify Dynamic Tabbed User Form in the box provided under the Form Name Mapped To column.
Assign Scalable User Form per Administrator
  1. From the menu bar, select Accounts Edit User.
  2. Select a user in one of these two ways:
    • Click on user name, then click Edit
    • or

    • Right-click on the user name to display a pop-up menu, then select the Edit menu option
  3. After the Default Edit User Form appears, click on the Security tab.
  4. Find the User Form field and select Dynamic Tabbed User Form.
  5. Click Save to save the settings.

Resource Table User Form

The Resource Table User Form contains most of the driving logic of the scalable version of the Edit User form. This form implements incremental fetching and multiple resource editing based on resource type.

For additional implementation information, see the comments in WSHOME/samples/resourcetableformsinit.xml.

Importing and Mapping the Form

Five forms are involved in the substitution of Resource Table User form for the default Tabbed User form.



Resource Table User Form

Contains all globally available fields that are used for navigation, incremental fetching, and form layout. This main form drives all the other resource-related scalable forms.

Resource Table User Form Library

Contains primary fields for the Resource Table User form. Includes bread crumb and navigation fields.

Resource Table Account Info Form

Contains Fields for account information section of Resource Table form.

Resource Table Rule Library

Contains the rule library for retrieving, counting, analyzing a user's resources. This is mostly used by the User Form Library and to build table data on roles and resources.

Resource Table Utility Library

Contains the rules used during the selection process on Resource Table Form, for example these rules retrieve resources per role or per type.

Installing Resource Table User form involves two steps: importing the form, and changing the form mapping.

Step 1: Import the Form
  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Configure Import Exchange File.
  2. Enter the file name or click Browse to locate WSHOME/sample/resourcetableforms.xml. Importing this file also imports:
Step 2: Change Form Mapping
  1. From the menu bar, select Configure Configure Form and Process Mappings.
  2. In the Form Mappings section, locate userForm under the Form Type column.
  3. Specify Resource Table User Form in the box provided under the Form Name Mapped To column.

Customizing Scalable Forms

After importing and mapping the scalable user form, you must customize it. To enable incremental fetching, you must identify:

Both the Dynamic User Forms and the Resource Table User Forms use resource-specific forms for displaying a user's resource-specific attributes. The following user forms are located in the WSHOME/sample/forms directory and have been adapted for use by scalable forms.

These forms are automatically imported along with both Dynamic Tabbed User Forms and Resource Table User forms.

If a deployment is using a resource type other than a type listed above, the scalable forms display a default User form that simply lists all attribute name and values specified in the schema mapping. To use an existing customized resource user form other than those listed above, you must make certain modifications in order to ensure compatibility with the scalable forms. The following procedure describes some of the steps necessary to ensure compatibility.

Note  Refer to any one of the forms in this list as an example of this modification.

Customizing a Resource Form for Compatibility with Scalable User Forms

To add your own customized resource form for use with either the Dynamic Tabbed or Resource Table user forms, follow these general steps.

Step One: Modify Dynamic Resource Forms

Instructions for adding your own resource form are provided in the dynamicformsinit.xml file. Search within this file for the Dynamic Resource Form and follow the steps provide with the form.

Note  The steps described within the form are presented in comments, and are not displayed in the form once it is imported.

Step Two: Modify Your Resource Form (if not using one from the list above)

You will need to modify your resource form so that it is compatible. Refer to any of the files listed above for examples. Instructions are listed on the top of each resource form.

Customizing Tabbed User Form: Moving Password Fields to the Attributes Area

To update two resources with different passwords simultaneously, you must generate a separate password field for each assigned resource. For example, you can have an Exchange password field on the Exchange resource Attribute area (on the Accounts page) that still conforms to password policies that can be set separately from other resources.

Default Password Policy Display

By default, Identity Manager displays password policy information on the Accounts > Identity area, as shown below.

default Identity area of Accounts page

Figure 22. Default Identity Area on the Accounts Page

To move the password fields from their default position on the Identity area to the Attribute area, you must disable the default Identity Manager password synchronization mechanism by following these three steps:

  1. Set the manualPasswordSynchronization checkout property
  2. Add Field and FieldLoop components to the Tabbed User form
  3. Add resource-specific password fields to the Tabbed User form

These steps are described in more detail below.

Step One: Set the manualPasswordSynchronization Checkout Property

Specify the manualPasswordSynchronization view check out option by adding the following property to the form:



     <Property name='manualPasswordSynchronization' value='true'/>





When manualPasswordSynchronization is set to true, Identity Manager displays per-resource password fields rather than using the password synchronizer.

Step Two: Turn Off Password Synchronization

You can disable password synchronization by turning off the selectAll flag under the Password view. To do this, add the following fields to the default forms:

<Field name='password.selectAll'>


    Force the selectAll flag off so we do not attempt synchronization.

    Necessary because it sometimes is set to true by the view handler.




   <FieldLoop for='res'>








   Also must force the individual selection flags to false and display

   a password prompt for each resource since the view handler will

   default to true for new accounts.


   <Field name='password.accounts[$(res)].selected'>




Step Three: Add Resource-Specific Password Fields to Attributes Page

Write resource specific password fields for each resource as follows:

<Field name='accounts[resname].password'>

Testing Your Customized Form

You can gather information about edited forms before implementing them in your runtime environment through the following ways:

Turning On and Off Error Logging

The Identity Manager logging utility reports to standard output any problems with the syntax of form expressions. Once XPRESS tracing is turned on, you can limit log messages to XPRESS statements for a subset of the form with the <block> tag. To obtain more information about the processing of XPRESS statements, a configuration option in the file, xpress.trace, can be set to true. When this option is set to true, all evaluations of XPRESS statements will generate trace messages to the console. This can be used to debug statements that are evaluated inside a running application whose code cannot be changed to enable tracing through the XPRESS API.

You can turn on XPRESS tracing for all XPRESS fields through either the command line or the Identity Manager Administrator Interface. Turning on tracing this way affects all fields. To limit log messages to a subset of the form, use the <block> tag set to limit error tracing to only code within the <block></block> tags.

To turn on error logging from the command line for all expression evaluations in Identity Manager:

  1. Open the config/ file for editing.
  2. Search on the line xpress.trace=false.
  3. Change the false value to true.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart the application server.

Alternatively, you can use the Identity Manager Administrator Interface to turn on and off error logging.

  1. Login into Identity Manager as Configurator.
  2. Select Debug to open the Debug page.
  3. From the Debug page, select Reload Properties.

To turn tracing off for XPRESS, set the xpress.trace value to false, and reload the file.

Sample Forms and Form Fields

This section provides examples of the default forms that ship with the product. It also describes how to incorporate sample forms in your environment.

Note  Note that the versions of forms that ship with your version of Identity Manager may differ slightly from these samples.

User Form Library

A form can be used as a container for a collection of fields rather than being used in its entirety. Identity Manager supports this use of forms with an object called User Form Library, which contains complex fields related to granular resource selection, such as those used for changing passwords.

The following table summarizes each of the libraries associated with User Library

User Library

The primary user form library. It includes the other libraries in this table and also defines the AuthenticationAnswers field for the display and editing of authentication question answers.

Password Library

Fields related to password specification and synchronization.

Account Summary Library

Fields that display read-only summary information about the accounts associated with a user.

Account Link Library

Fields related to account linking, and multiple accounts per resource.

User Security Library

Fields related to user security including capabilities, form assignment, and approval forwarding.

User Form Library

This library contains only fields that are related to the Resource Accounts views which include:

The library primarily consists of tables that display information about the resource accounts associated with an Identity Manager user and allows them to be selected for various operations.

Sample Forms

The following table lists the sample forms that are shipped with Identity Manager and their location on the product CD. All are located in the sample\forms.

User Form Name

File Name

Active Directory, Active Sync


AD User Form


Domino User Form


GroupWise User Form


HP-UX User Form


LDAP Active Sync


Linux User Form


Netegrity Siteminder Admin


Netegrity Siteminder LDAP


Netegrity Siteminder ExampleTable


NDS User Form


NT User Form


Open Networks


Oracle ERP


OS400 User Form


RACF User Form




RSA ClearTrust


SecurID User Form


Solaris User Form


AIX User Form  


Exchange55 User Form


Global Attributes


Tivoli Access Manager






Using the Sample Forms Library

You can include the sample forms shipped with Identity Manager in any of the forms you are customizing through the use of the <FormRef> element.

Follow these general steps to add sample forms to your environment:

Step 1: Import the Rule

Step 2: Import the Form

Step 3: Create a New Form from the Default Form (Add Include References and Add the Form Reference)

Step 1: Import the Rule

Use the Identity Manager Administrator Interface to load the sample rules. To do this:

  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Configure Import Exchange File.
  2. Enter the sample file name or click Browse to locate the file in the idm\sample\rules directory.
  3. Sample common rule file names are:

      • sample\rules\ListGroups.xml
      • sample\rules\NamingRules.xml
      • sample\rules\RegionalConstants.xml
      • Sample resource rule file names are:

      • sample\rules\ADRules.xml
      • sample\rules\NDSRules.xml
      • sample\rules\NTRules.xml
      • sample\rules\OS400UserFormRules.xml
      • sample\rules\RACFUserFormRules.xml
      • sample\rules\TopSecretUserFormRules.xml
  4. Click Import. Identity Manager responds with a message indicating that the import was successful.
Step 2: Import the Form

Use the Identity Manager Administrator Interface to load the sample form. To do this:

  1. From the Identity Manager menu bar, select Configure Import Exchange File.
  2. Enter the sample file name or click Browse to locate the file in the idm\sample\forms directory. Sample form file names are:
      • sample\forms\ACF2UserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\ AIXUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\Exchange55UserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\HP-UXUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\NDSUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\NTform.xml
      • sample\forms\OS400UserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\SecurIDUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\SolarisUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\TopSecretUserForm.xml
      • sample\forms\vitalStatform.xml
  3.     Click Import. Identity Manager responds with a message indicating that the import was successful.
Step 3: Update the Tabbed User Form (Add Include References)

Add an include reference to the sample form from the Tabbed User Form or a main form you created. To do this:

  1. Copy the Tabbed User Form and rename it (for example, <CompanyName>tabbedUserForm).
  2. In your Web browser address line, type this URL, and then press Enter.


After you authenticate, Identity Manager displays the System Settings page.

  1. Select the UserForm option from the Type list, and then click List Objects.
  2. Click Edit next to the <CompanyName>tabbedUserForm (or the main form you created).
  3. Change the includes area of the form to add each sample form, shown in the following example in bold text:
  4. <Include>
    <ObjectRef type='UserForm' id='#ID#UserForm:UserformLibrary' name='UserForm Library'/>
    <ObjectRef type='UserForm' name='UserFormName'/>

    Values for UserFormName can be:

      • ACF2 User Form
      • AIX User Form
      • Exchange55 User Form
      • HP-UX User Form
      • LDAP Active Sync User Form
      • Netegrity Siteminder Admin Form
      • Netegrity Siteminder LDAP User Form
      • Netegrity Siteminder ExampleTable User Form
      • NDS User Form
      • NT User Form
      • Open Networks User Form
      • OS400 User Form
      • Oracle ERP User Form
      • RACF User Form
      • RSA ClearTrust User Form
      • SecurID User Form
      • Skeleton Database Active Sync User Form
      • Solaris User Form
      • Tivoli Access Manager
      • Top Secret User Form
      • Global Attributes (vitalStatform.xml)
      • Continue with the next section before saving the form.

Step 4: Update the Tabbed User Form (Add the Form)

Add a FormRef for each sample form to add it to the main form.

  1. Add the following line for each sample form in an appropriate location in the main form:
  2. <FormRef name='UserFormName'/>

  3. Remove the following line:
  4. <FormRef name='MissingFields'/>

  5. Click Save to save form changes.

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