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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Workflows, Forms, and Views 2005Q4M3  

Identity Manager Workflow
Topics in this Chapter
Related Chapters
Understanding Workflow
What is Workflow?
Workflow Components
Default Workflow Processes
Using the Business Process Editor
Loading a Workflow Process
Getting Around in the Business Process Editor
Reviewing Process Summary Details
Defining Activities
Creating Transitions
Updating a Process for Identity Manager Use
Editing a Workflow in Production
Standard Workflows
Synchronize User Password Workflow
Customizing a Process
About the Workflow Toolbox
Default Activities
Default Workflow Services
Workflow Task
Tracking Workflow Progress
Enabling Workflow Auditing
What Information Is Stored and Where Is It?
Sample Workflow Customization
Example: Email Notification
Part I – Create an Identity Manager Email Template
Part 2 – Customize the Workflow Process
Adding Applications
Integrating Remedy with Workflow
Creating a Remedy Integration Template
Populating Remedy Template Fields
Configuring Workflow Properties

Workflow Services
Workflow Built-in Variables
General Session Workflow Services Call Structure
Supported Session Workflow Services
addDeferredTask Session Workflow Service
audit Session Workflow Service
authorize Session Workflow Service
checkStringQualityPolicy Session Workflow Service
checkinObject Session Workflow Service
checkinView Session Workflow Service
checkoutObject Session Workflow Service
checkoutView Session Workflow Service
createView Session Workflow Service
disableUser Session Workflow Service
enableUser Session Workflow Service
findUser Session Workflow Service
getObject Session Workflow Service
getProperty Session Workflow Service
getResourceObject Session Workflow Service
getView Session Workflow Service
getViewForm Session Workflow Service
listResourceObjects Session Workflow Service
queryObjectNames Session Workflow Service
queryObjects Session Workflow Service
queryReferencingRoles Session Workflow Service
refreshView Session Workflow Service
removeDeferredTask Session Workflow Service
removeProperty Session Workflow Service
setProperty Session Workflow Service
unlockObject Session Workflow Service
unlockView Session Workflow Service
Provision Workflow Services
General Provision Workflow Services Call Structure
Supported Provision Workflow Services
approveProvision Provision Workflow Service
auditNativeChangeToAccountAttributes Provision Workflow Service
bulkReprovision Provision Workflow Service
authenticateUserCredentials Provision Workflow Service
changeResourceAccountPassword Provision Workflow Service
cleanupResult Provision Workflow Service
checkDeProvision Provision Workflow Service
createResourceObject Provision Workflow Service
deleteResourceAccount Provision Workflow Service
deleteResourceObject Provision Workflow Service
deProvision Provision Workflow Service
deleteUser Provision Workflow Service
disable Provision Workflow Service
enable Provision Workflow Service
getApprovals Provision Workflow Service
lockOrUnlock Provision Workflow Service
notify Provision Workflow Service
provision Provision Workflow Service
questionLock Provision Workflow Service
reject Provision Workflow Service
reProvision Provision Workflow Service
runResourceAction Provision Workflow Service
updateResourceObject Provision Workflow Service
Type Names
Right Names
Action Names

Identity Manager Forms
Topics in this Chapter
Related Chapters
Understanding Forms
What Are Forms?
Customizing Forms
Overview of Customization
Using the Business Process Editor (BPE)
Getting Around in the Business Process Editor
About the Forms Toolbox
Additional Customization-Related Topics
Editing a Form
Working with Display Elements
Working with Other Display Elements
Calculating Values
Adding Guidance Help to Your Form
Other Form-Related Tasks
Alternatives to the Default Create and Edit User Forms
Available Scalable Forms
Customizing Tabbed User Form: Moving Password Fields to the Attributes Area
Testing Your Customized Form
Sample Forms and Form Fields
User Form Library

FormUtil Methods
Invoking Methods
callResourceMethod Method
buildDn Method
buildDns Method
checkStringQualityPolicy Method
controlsAtLeastOneOrganization Method
getObject Method
getObjectNames Method
getOrganizationsDisplayNames Method
getResources Methods
getResourceObjects Methods
getRoles Method
getUnassignedApplications Method
getUnassignedResources Method
getUsers Method
listResourceObjects Methods
testObject Method
testUser Method
hasCapability Method
hasCapabilities Method
Additional Options

Identity Manager Views
Topics in this Chapter
Related Topics
Understanding Identity Manager Views
What Is a View?
What is a View Handler?
Views and Forms
Views and Workflow
Common Views
Using the Business Process Editor to Display Views
Starting the Business Process Editor
Loading View Information
Getting Around in the Business Process Editor
Understanding the User View
How the User View Is Integrated with Forms
How the User View Is Integrated with Workflow
Generic Object Class
Path Expressions
User View Attributes
accounts Attribute
Deferred Attributes
Account Correlation View
Admin Role View
Change User Answers View
Change User Capabilities View
Deprovision View
Disable View
Enable View
Find Objects View
Org View
Common Attributes
Password View
Process View
View Options
Checkin View Results
Reconcile View
Reconcile Policy View
Reconciliation Policies and the Reconcile Policy View
View Attributes
Reconcile Status View
Rename User View
Reprovision View
Reset User Password View
Resource View
Resource Object View
Role View
Task Schedule View
Unlock View
WorkItem View
Returning Information about All Active Work Items
WorkItem List View
View Options
Setting View Options in Forms
Deferred Attributes
When to Use Deferred Attributes
Using Deferred Attributes
Extending Views
Attribute Registration

XPRESS Language
Prefix Notation
XML Syntax and Example
Integration with Identity Manager
Why Use Expressions?
Working with Expressions
Controlling Field Visibility
Calculating Default Field Values
Deriving Field Values
Generating Field Values
Workflow Transition Conditions
Workflow Actions
Workflow Actions Calling Java Methods
Testing Expressions
Value Constructor Expressions
Arithmetic Expressions
Logical Expressions
String Manipulation Expressions
List Manipulation Expressions
Conditional, Iteration, and Block Expressions
Variables and Function Definition Expressions
Object Manipulation Expressions
Java and JavaScript Expressions
Debugging and Testing Expressions
Data Types

XML Object Language
XML Object Language and Corresponding XPRESS
Using XML Objects in XPRESS
When to Use XML Object Language Instead of XPRESS
Representing Lists in XML Object and XPRESS

HTML Display Components
HTML Component
What Are HTML Components?
Component Classes
Component Subclasses

Form and Process Mappings


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