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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Resources Reference 2005Q4M3 

Flat File Active Sync

The Flat File Active Sync adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.FlatFileActiveSyncAdapter class.

The flat file Active Sync adapter provides the ability to read from the following types of files:

Custom parsers can also be used, if the parser class implements the com.waveset.util.FlatFileIterator interface.

This adapter is a source-only adapter; it will not write back out to a file.

The following cases are some examples in which it might be appropriate to use the Flat File Active Sync adapter:

Resource Configuration Notes

The flat file to be read in by the adapter must be available to the application server (or all application servers, if running a cluster) on a local hard drive, network share, or mounted drive, depending on the platform. The log directory must also be visible to the application server(s) and writable by the account under which the application server process is running.

The most reliable configuration (and recommended practice) is to store the flat file on a drive that is local to the application server. The log file should also be written to a local directory. If using multiple Identity Manager instances on different hosts, choose one host on which to run the flat file Active Sync adapter, and specify that host in the file as the value of sources.hosts. Setting this property will ensure that the polling operation on the adapter will always run one or more particular hosts.

Note  If the log file cannot be written, the flat file Active Sync adapter will not start.

Identity Manager Installation Notes

No additional installation procedures are required on this resource.

Usage Notes

This section provides configuration notes related to using the Flat File Active Sync resource adapter, which is organized into the following sections:

General Notes

If you are polling an LDIF file, the LDAP API converts attribute names to lower case. Therefore, if you have an attribute name that contains a capital letter, such as accountId, the LDAP API converts it to accountid. The following error is logged when you start Active Sync.

com.waveset.util.WavesetException: No name attribute found for user based on Resolve Identity Rule or schema map.

To correct this situation, in your schema map, set your resource user attribute to accountid.

You can have a comma-separated field in a CSV file by double quoting the field, or by using a pipe delimiter. The data would need to be transformed into a list by the Active Sync form or in subsequent process.

You might encounter the same error message when you import a file that does not directly set the accountId via a column in the file. To avoid this error message, change the Active Sync User Form by adding a Field for global.accountId and adding logic to build the accountId within that field. The following example field sets accountId to be firstname.lastname, but only on create operations.

<Field name='waveset.accountId'>















Active Sync Configuration

The Flat File Active Sync adapter can track the timestamp of a flat file. In addition, the adapter can archive the last file processed and then compare it to the most recent version. Identity Manager will then act on the accounts that are different in the two files.

If these features are enabled, the first time Identity Manager polls the source flat file, the system copies the file and places it in the same directory. The copied (archived) file is named FFAS_timestamp.FFAS, with the timestamp indicating the last time the original file was changed. The format of the timestamp is determined by the operating system on which the source file resides.

On each subsequent poll, Identity Manager compares the timestamp on the original file with the most recent timestamp. If the new timestamp value is the same as the previous value, then the file has not changed, and no further processing is performed until the next poll. If the timestamp values are different, Identity Manager checks for the presence of the FFAS file. If the file does not exist, Identity Manager processes the updated source file as if it were a new file.

If the timestamps are different and the archived FFAS file exists, Identity Manager compares the source file with the archived file. The comparison will filter any users that have not changed. If a user has changed, then it will be sent through the adapter in the normal manner, and the configured process, correlation and delete rules determine what to do with the user.

To facilitate these rules, the adapter will add an additional attribute to indicate the situation discovered by the difference mechanism. If any users exist only in the newly-updated source file, the user record will have an additional attribute diffAction which will have the value of create. If any entries were updated in the source file, the attribute diffAction will be added and the value set to update. If any users were deleted then diffAction will be delete.

After the comparison of the two files is complete and all account processing has taken place, Identity Manager deletes the original FFAS file and copies the current source file to a new FFAS file. The timestamp on this file will be different than the previous FFAS file.

Supported Example Files

The following example files are supported by the adapter.

Comma-Separated Values

accountId,firstname,lastname,email,street address

kb323441,Kevin,Brown,,”1234 Pecan Ave., Ste 30”

pc432343,Penelope,Carter,,4234 Main St.


accountId|firstname|lastname|email|street address

kb323441|Kevin|Brown||1234 Pecan Ave., Ste 30

pc432343|Penelope|Carter||4234 Main St.

LDAP Interchange Format

dn: cn=Kevin Brown,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com

changetype: add

objectClass: top

objectClass: person

objectClass: organizationalperson

objectClass: inetorgperson

employeeNumber: kb323441

cn: Kevin Brown

sn: Brown

departmentNumber: 7013

description: Production

displayName: Kevin

givenName: Kevin


o: Acme

ou: Production

postalAddress: 1234 Pecan Ave., Ste 30

postalCode: 43231

st: CA

street: 1234 Pecan Ave, Ste 30

title: Production Assistant

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

See the Resource Configuration Notes.

Required Administrative Privileges


Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of this adapter.



Enable/disable account


Rename account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods

Active Sync

Account Attributes

The resource adapter schema definition is dependent on the contents of the flat file. If no attributes are specified, the adapter will use the attribute names pulled from the flat file. In the case of a CSV or pipe-delimited file, these values will correspond to the column heads. If different Identity Manager attribute names should be mapped to the column names, specify one or more of those mappings in the schema map.

Resource Object Management

Not applicable

Identity Template

The identity template is ignored by this adapter.

Sample Forms



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following class:


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