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Sun Java System Identity Manager 6.0 Resources Reference 2005Q4M3 


The Natural resource adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.NaturalResourceAdapter class.

Resource Configuration Notes


Identity Manager Installation Notes

The Natural resource adapter is a custom adapter. You must perform the following steps to complete the installation process:

  1. To add the Natural resource to the Identity Manager resources list, you must add the following value in the Custom Resources section of the Configure Managed Resources page.
  2. com.waveset.adapter.NaturalResourceAdapter

  3. The Identity Manager mainframe adapters use the IBM Host Access Class Library (HACL) to connect to the mainframe. The HACL is available in IBM Websphere Host On-Demand (HOD). The recommended jar containing HACL is habeans.jar and is installed with the HOD Toolkit (or Host Access Toolkit) that comes with HOD. The supported versions of HACL are in HOD V7.0, V8.0, and V9.0.
  4. However, if the toolkit installation is not available, the HOD installation contains the following jars that can be used in place of the habeans.jar:

    • habase.jar
    • hacp.jar
    • ha3270.jar
    • hassl.jar
    • hodbase.jar
    • Copy the habeans.jar file or all of its substitutes into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your Identity Manager installation. See for more information.

Usage Notes

This section describes dependencies and limitations related to using the Natural resource adapter and provides instructions for configuring SSL for the adapter.
This information is organized into the following sections:


Host resource adapters do not enforce maximum connections for an affinity administrator across multiple host resources connecting to the same host. Instead, the adapter enforces maximum connections for affinity administrators within each host resource.

If you have multiple host resources managing the same system, and they are currently configured to use the same administrator accounts, you might have to update those resources to ensure that the same administrator is not trying to perform multiple actions on the resource simultaneously.

Connecting the Adapter to a Telnet/TN3270 Server
Using SSL or TLS.

Use the following steps to connect Scripted Host resource adapters to a Telnet/TN3270 server using SSL/TLS.

  1. Obtain the Telnet/TN3270 server's certificate in the PKCS #12 file format. Use hod as the password for this file. Consult your server's documentation on how to export the server’s certificate. The procedure “Generating a PKCS #12 File” below for some general guidelines.
  2. Create a CustomizedCAs.class file from the PKCS #12 file. If you are using a recent version of HOD, use the following command to do this.
  3. ..\hod_jre\jre\bin\java -cp ../lib/;../lib/ CustomizedCAs.p12 hod CustomizedCAs.class

  4. Place the CustomizedCAs.class file somewhere in the Identity Manager server's classpath, such as $WSHOME/WEB-INF/classes.
  5. If a resource attribute named Session Properties does not already exist for the resource, then use the BPE or debug pages to add the attribute to the resource object. Add the following definition in the <ResourceAttributes> section:
  6. <ResourceAttribute name='Session Properties' displayName='Session Properties' description='Session Properties' multi='true'>


  7. Go to the Resource Parameters page for the resource and add the following values to the Session Properties resource attribute:


Generating a PKCS #12 File

The following procedure provides a general description of generating a PKCS #12 file when using the Host OnDemand (HOD) Redirector using SSL/TLS. Refer to the HOD documentation for detailed information about performing this task.

  1. Create a new HODServerKeyDb.kdb file using the IBM Certificate Management tool. As part of that file, create a new self-signed certificate as the default private certificate.
  2. If you get a message that is similar to “error adding key to the certificate database” when you are creating the HODServerKeyDb.kdb file, one or more of the Trusted CA certificates may be expired. Check the IBM website to obtain up-to-date certificates.

  3. Export that private certificate as Base64 ASCII into a cert.arm file.
  4. Create a new PKCS #12 file named CustomizedCAs.p12 with the IBM Certificate Management tool by adding the exported certificate from the cert.arm file to the Signer Certificates. Use hod as the password for this file.


You can enable tracing of the HACL by adding the following to the Session Properties resource attribute:


ECLSession=3 ECLPS=3 ECLCommEvent=3 ECLErr=3 DataStream=3 Transport=3 ECLPSEvent=3

Note  The trace parameters should be listed without any new line characters. It is acceptable if the parameters wrap in the text box.

The Telnet/TN3270 server should have logs that may help as well.

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

Identity Manager uses Secure TN3270 to communicate with Natural.

Required Administrative Privileges


Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of this adapter.



Enable/disable account


Rename account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods

Import from resource

Account Attributes

The following table provides information about Natural account attributes.

Resource User Attribute

Data Type




Account’s password



List of groups to which the user is assigned



The account name



The user’s name



Name of the account to use as a template when you create an account. You must specify this attribute when creating an account.



Indicates whether to copy the links specified in COPYUSER when creating the account.

Default is false.



Name of the account’s default library.

Resource Object Management

Not supported

Identity Template


Sample Forms



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following class:


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