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Sun Java[tm] System Identity Manager 6.0 Quick Start Guide for Evaluators 2005Q4M3  


Product Overview
Installation Overview

Before You Install
Required Privileges
Memory Requirements
Prerequisite Tasks
Decide Where to Store Index Repository Files
Set Up a Java Virtual Machine and Java Compiler
Set Up an Index Database
Software Requirements
Setting Up MySQL
Installing Tomcat 5.0 Software

Installing and Configuring Identity Manager
Installing Identity Manager
Configuring Identity Manager
Install Sun Identity Manager Gateway

Quick Start Scenario
Basic Provisioning
Creating Accounts on a Configured Server
Configuring Identity Manager to Send Email Notifications
Configuring Identity Manager to Approve Account Creations
End User Self-Service
Changing Your Authentication Questions’ Answers
Changing Your Password
Changing Your Personal Data
Advanced Features
Loading Users into Identity Manager
Detecting Changes on the Managed Server
Viewing the Historical User’s Change Report
Next Steps

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Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.