2 Installing Your Card

This chapter explains how to:

Tools Required

Before you begin, make sure you have a #1 Phillips screwdriver, needlenose pliers, and the installation guide for your system.


To install your card, complete the following steps explained in this chapter:

Unpacking the Serial Parallel Controller

Unpack the Serial Parallel Controller from the packing box. You should have the following parts:

1/4-inch (6.35 mm) tape is available as an option to the diskette.

    Figure 2-1 Serial Parallel Controller Parts

After removing the parts from your packing box, be sure to store your packing box and packing materials for future use.

Halting the System

Before installing the card, halt your system.

When the operating system or any other stand-alone program has already booted, do not use the L1-A keys to halt your system. Abruptly aborting program execution can damage your files. To halt your system:
    1. Save files you are editing and quit applications that will lose information when your system halts.

    If you do not know how to end a work session, see your Sun System User's Guide.

    2. Type su to become superuser and press the Return key. Then type your superuser password and press the Return key.

    If you are unfamiliar with this command, see your Sun System & Network Manager's Guide.

    3. Type the halt command.

    Your system displays halt messages followed by the Monitor prompt > as the following example shows.

    4. Turn off the power to your system components in this sequence:
Do not disconnect the power cord from the power outlet on your system or from the wall outlet. This connection provides the ground path necessary to remove and install the printed circuit card and components without damaging them with static electricity.

Removing the System Cover

Remove the system cover. For information, see the installation guide for your system.

Attaching the Wrist Strap

You must attach the anti-static wrist strap to both yourself and the system to prevent damage to your system. The wrist strap provides a ground between your body and the chassis of your system for static electricity. Electric current and voltage do not pass through the wrist strap. Sun provides wrist straps with all SBus cards which might otherwise be damaged by static electricity.

If you do not wear a wrist strap, the card and modules can be damaged by electrical charges. To attach the wrist strap to your wrist and the system:
    1. Wrap the wrist strap twice around your wrist with the conductive adhesive tape.

    The adhesive side must be against your skin.

    Figure 2-2 Attaching the Wrist Strap

    2. Attach the adhesive copper strip to the metal casing of the power supply inside your system.

Choosing a Protocol on the Card

Before installing the card into your system, you must choose one of two protocols for communicating data between your computer system and other systems. Your peripheral devices must also operate in the protocol you choose. You must set your card to use RS-423 or RS-232 using two jumper blocks. The following figure shows the location of the jumper blocks on your card. To set your card for the appropriate protocol, follow the instructions on the next pages for the protocol you choose.

If you use your card in the Federal Republic of Germany, you must configure the serial ports on your system to operate in RS-232.

    Figure 2-3 Location of Jumper Blocks


If you choose RS-423, your pins are already set in the following position on your card. Proceed to the next step.

    Figure 2-4 Preset RS-423 Jumper Positions


If you choose RS-232, make sure the wrist strap is attached to your wrist and the metal casing of the power supply inside your system. Use a pair of needlenose pliers to move the jumper blocks on your card from the RS-423 position to the RS-232 position shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2-5 RS-232 Jumper Positions

Locating SBus Slots

Locate the SBus slots on your system. The following figure shows the general interior of an SBus-based SPARC desktop system. A frame buffer card is normally installed in SBus slot 3. See the installation guide for your system for a more specific illustration of the SBus slots on your system.

Normally, the first Serial Parallel Controller card is installed in SBus slot 1, the second in SBus slot 2, and the third in SBus slot 3. If you install your card(s) in another order, the addressing scheme used by the device driver to reference your card is changed. For more information, see "Card Addresses" in Appendix C.

    Figure 2-6 Location of SBus Slots

Removing an SBus Card

If all three SBus slots contain a card, remove one of the cards to install your Serial Parallel Controller card. SBus slot 3 normally contains a frame buffer card which you should not remove.

Do not remove SBus cards necessary for the correct operation of your system. Check with the person responsible for maintaining your system before removing any card. If you need to remove an SBus card from your system:
    1. Make sure you have turned the power on your system off and have attached a wrist strap as explained earlier in this chapter.
    2. Locate the card(s) to remove.
    3. Remove the external connectors attached to the card.
    4. Place your index fingers or thumbs underneath the corners of the card where it is plugged into the slot, and pull up on the card carefully.

    This action releases the card from the SBus slot, as the following figure shows.

The plastic SBus card retainer is not a handle. Pulling on the retainer might cause it to break.

    Figure 2-7 Removing an SBus Card

Inserting the Serial Parallel Controller Card

In a SPARCstation 1 or 1+, insert your card into any available SBus slot. SBus slot 3 normally contains a frame buffer card which should not be removed.

Normally, the first Serial Parallel Controller card is installed in SBus slot 1, the second in SBus slot 2, and the third in SBus slot 3. If you install your card(s) in another order, the addressing scheme used by the device driver to reference your card is changed. For more information, see "Card Addresses" in Appendix C.

To insert your card into an SBus slot:

    1. Make sure you have turned the power to your system off, attached the wrist strap, and chosen a protocol as explained earlier in this chapter.
    2. Remove the filler panel in front of the SBus slot you wish to use.

    Use your fingers to lift the two release clips at the bottom of the filler panel and pull the filler panel out toward the front panel of your system unit.

    Figure 2-8 The SPARCstation 1's Filler Panels

    3. Slide the card at an angle into the back panel of your system unit.

    Be sure the backplate on your card hooks upward into the holes at the back panel of your system unit. The mounting holes are above the rectangular opening for the connector in the back panel.

    4. Then push the card against the back panel.

    Align the plug with the socket of the SBus slot, and gently press the plug into the socket.

Using excessive force can bend or damage the pins. Do not push on the center of the SBus card retainer, which might cause it to break.

    Figure 2-9 Inserting the Serial Parallel Controller Card

Replacing the System Cover

To replace your system cover, see the installation guide for your system.

Booting the System

To boot your system, turn on the power to your system components in this sequence:

    1. Monitor.
    2. External peripherals (if present).
    3. System unit.

The login prompt appears on your screen after a minute.

After the login prompt appears, you can log in to your system. If you are unfamiliar with the login procedure, see your Sun System User's Guide.