A Servicing the SSHA Card

A.1 Field Replacement Units

Table A-1 lists the Field Replacement Units (FRUs) for the SSHA card. You can order replacement units from your Sun sales representative or from Sun Telemarketing (1-800-USA-4SUN).

    Table A-1 Field Replacement Units for the SSHA Card

Description FRU Number ------------------------
SSHA card    501-1850
Fuse         150-1174


A.2 Replacing the CSI Fuse

If the fuse on the SSHA card blows, the yellow LED will light. Replace the fuse by pulling the fuse out of the socket on the card and inserting a replacement. See Figure A-1.

    Figure A-1 Replacing the SCSI Fuse

Caution - For continued protection against the risk

of fire, replace the fuse