B Installing Additional Sun Network CoProcessors

If you have already installed one or more SNCs, and now, after the SNCs have been up and running, you are installing additional boards, most of your work has been done. However, you must configure additional devices (MAKEDEV.ne)for the new hardware and physically install the new hardware into your system and configure it into your network.

    1. Edit your kernel configuration file to include additional SNCs.

Note - You may have commented out references to unnecessary or non- existent devices and drivers in your kernel configuration file. This is part of normal system administration to improve performance. If you have done so, then you will need to add entries for each new board you are adding. Consult the Sun System and Network Administration manual for a description of how to reconfigure your system kernel.

      a. Become Superuser
      b. Change directory to /sys/sun{4 | 4m}/conf.

The kernel configuration file can be identified by looking at the /etc/motd file and noting the kernel name in parentheses. Typically, this is not GENERIC. The SNC installation procedure will add "_SNC" to your existing kernel name. For example, GENERIC_SNC.

      c. Edit the new kernel configuration file.

      d. Check to see if the lines that refer to the additional SNCs have been commented out.
      e. If they have been commented out, remove the comment character ("#"). If they have not been commented out quit the vi session (you do not have to rebuild your kernel) and go to numbered Step 3.
      f. Write and terminate the edit of the file.

    2. Build and install an SNC kernel.
      a. Change directory to /sys/sun{ 4 |4m }/conf.

      b. Build the kernel configuration files for the new kernel:

      NAME_SNC is the file you edited in the previous numbered step.

      c. Change directories to ../NAME_SNC

      d. Make the kernel.

Note - Errors encountered during the config or make steps are almost always the result of typing mistakes during the previous segment of the software installation process. If they occur, review all of the steps in the previous segment and make sure they were performed correctly.

      e. Move the old SNC kernel to somewhere safe but accessible in case you have to boot with it.

      f. Move the kernel you have just created to a handy location. The kernel can be over a megabyte in length. Be sure you have enough space for it.

      By convention the name used here is the same as the NAME used above, but uppercase is used for one and lowercase is used for the other. The conventions used at your site may vary from these. You may freely modify the convention used here.

      g. Create a symbolic link to the kernel which you intend to boot:

      If name is the same name as your old SNC kernel, this command will report that the link already exists. You may ignore this warning message.

    3. Set up host names for SNCs being added.
      a. Change directory to /etc.

      b. Create a unique host name file for each additional SNC. For each additional SNC type a line as shown below, replacing name with the desired host name for the particular SNC (ne1, 2, ...):

      c. Edit the etc/hosts file.

      d. Add one line of the form shown below for each SNC being added (make sure that the (host)name and internet address match the right SNC (neX) specified above):

      e. Write and terminate the edit of the file.

    4. Install hardware

    Follow the instructions given in Chapter 2. Be sure you set the switches for the additional boards correctly. (Refer to Figure 2-2 for the proper switch settings.)

Note - Additional SNCs should be placed in the slots immediately to the right of the first SNC.

    5. Connect the Ethernet cable(s).
    6. Reboot. The SNCs will automatically begin operation.
    7. If you have modified your network topology or changed your server's host name, you will need to edit the /etc/hosts and /etc/bootparams files.

    Please refer to Appendix F, Multiple Network Configuration Issues, for a full discussion of this topic.

      a. Edit /etc/hosts to add the new hostnames of your server.

      b. Edit the /etc/bootparams file to use a new host name from which the diskless clients will boot.

      c. Modify the fstab file for each client installed on the new network that has NFS mounts from the server. The server name used by each client must be the name associated with the server interface that connects the client to the server.

      d. Modify the files in the server's /tftpboot directory, if necessary. Any new client, or client whose Internet address has changed, must have a corresponding file in this directory. If you have used the standard add_client(8) utility, this file should have been created for you.
      e. Reboot each client whose fstab file has been modified.