D Coexistence with Optional Sun and Other Third Party Products

This appendix briefly discusses the implications of using the SNC simultaneously with other optional hardware/software systems.


The SNC is fully compatible with Sun's Network Software Environment product. However, the NSE-supplied installation verification script /usr/nse/etc/nseivp does not recognize the ne interface. If the Sun native Ethernet interface (ie0 or le0) is not in use, it will display the error message:

D.2 PrestoServe

The Sun Network CoProcessor is fully compatible with the Sbus or VME PrestoServe board. Using both in one server can result in excellent NFS performance.

It is possible for conflicts to occur with the VME address space. The address 0x0800000, in particular, is used by the VME Prestoserve board. The standard VME address space configuration for SNC avoids this conflict, but if you have chosen 0x0800000 as an alternate address, the problem will occur, and you will have to choose an alternate address for that SNC.

See Appendix C , "Address Space Conflicts with Other Hardware" for more SNC switch settings and their corresponding 32/24-bit VME addresses.

D.3 AppleTalk

The SNC is fully compatible with TOPS AppleTalk. If you are discontinuing your use of the standard ie or le interface, or you are going to use the SNC to drive the AppleTalk interface, you must perform the steps shown below.

The example below assumes that you are using vi to edit the file.

D.3.1 Current AppleTalk Versions

    1. Edit the /etc/rc.local file.

    2. Find the line that configures AppleTalk for the interface.

Note - If you cannot find these lines, you may have an early version of TOPS AppleTalk. If that is the case, go to "Early AppleTalk Versions.

    3. Comment out the line by adding a "#" character to the front of the line.

    4. Insert a line to configure AppleTalk for the SNC.

    5. Find the line that configures the AppleTalk ethernet address for the Sun interface.

    6. Comment out the line by adding a "#" character to the beginning of the line.

    7. Insert an line to configure AppleTalk for the SNC.

    8. Close the file and reboot.

D.3.2 Early AppleTalk Versions

    1. Edit the /etc/rc.local file.

    2. Find the atconfig line that configures AppleTalk for the interface.

    3. Comment out the line by adding a "#" character.

    4. Insert an atconfig line to configure AppleTalk for the SNC.

    5. Close the file and reboot.

D.4 Network Coprocessor

You cannot run NC400 and NC600 software on the system at the same time as the SNC software.

D.5 SunLink DNI 7.0

You can install SunLink DNI 7.0 before or after installing the SNC.

D.5.1 Installing SunLink DNI 7.0 After Installing SNC

In this case, when you run the SunLink installation script, it will not list the neX devices when it asks you which interface you want to use to run DECnet. You may, however, specify an neX device and the installation will proceed correctly.

D.5.2 Installing SNC After Installing SunLink DNI 7.0

If you replace an interface that was used to run DECnet with an SNC interface, you must change the name of the interface in both /etc/sunlink/dni/etc /etc/rc.boot.

For example, assume that you want to replace the le0 interface with ne0.

    1. Change all reference to le0 with ne0 in /etc/sunlink/dni/rc.

    2. Change all reference to le0 with ne0 in /etc/rc.boot