
This manual is used to install the NVSIMM in a SPARCstation(TM)10/ SPARCstation 20 system or SPARCserver(TM)10/SPARCserver(TM)20 system. Use this manual in conjunction with the Prestoserve User's Guide that came along with this product to install and use your new Prestoserve option.

What Typographic Changes and Symbols Mean

The following table describes the type changes and symbols used in this book.

    Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Meaning Example Symbol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AaBbCc123                                                          The names of commands, files,      Edit your.login file.
                                                                   and directories; on-screen         
                                                                   computer output                    Use ls -a to list all files.
                                                                                                      system% You have mail.
AaBbCc123                                                          What you type, contrasted with     system% su
                                                                   on-screen computer output          
AaBbCc123                                                          Command-line placeholder:          To delete a file, type rm filename.
                                                                   replace with a real name or                                                 
AaBbCc123                                                          Book titles, new words or terms,   Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide. 
                                                                   or words to be emphasized          These are called class options. 
                                                                                                      You must be root to do this.
Code samples are included in boxes and may display the following:                                     
%                                                                  UNIX C shell prompt                system%
$                                                                  UNIX Bourne and Korn shell         UNIX Bourne and Korn shell 
                                                                   prompt                             prompt
#                                                                  Superuser prompt, all shells       Superuser prompt, all shells


Notes, Cautions, and Warnings

Warning -

This equipment contains lethal voltage. Accidental contact can result in serious injury or death.

Caution -

Improper handling by unqualified personnel can cause serious damage to this equipment. Unqualified personnel who tamper with this equipment may be held liable for any resultant damage to the equipment.

Individuals who remove any outer panels to access this equipment must observe all safety precautions and ensure compliance with skill level requirements, certification, and all applicable local and national laws.

Procedures contained in this document must be performed by qualified service-trained maintenance providers.

Note - Before you begin, carefully read each of the procedures in this manual. If you have not performed similar operations on comparable equipment, do not attempt to perform these procedures.

Hot Surface

Warning -

Hot surface. Avoid contact. Surfaces are hot and may cause personal injury if touched.

Lithium Battery

Warning -

Batteries are NOT customer-replaceable parts. They may explode if mistreated. Do NOT recharge, disassemble, or dispose of in fire.


Batterien können NICHT vom Kunden ausgewechselt werden. Bei falsher Behandlung Explosiongefahr. Batterien NICHT wiederaufladen, auseinandernehmen oder ins Feuer werfen.

Batería de litio

Advertencia -

Las baterías NO son repuestos que debe cambiar el cliente. Estas pueden explotar si se les maneja el forma inaducuada. NO las recargue, ni las desarme ni las arroje al fuego.

Batterie au lithium

Avertissement -

Les batteries ne doivent PAS être remplacées par les utilisateurs. Elles risquent d'exploser si elles ne sont pas correctement