A SUNWrtvc Error Messages

Table A-1 lists the SUNWrtvc I/O device driver's error messages.

    Table A-1 SUNWrtvc I/O Driver Error Messages

Message ID Message Description/Possible Cause --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SUNWrtvc-1    Invalid PORT                 The program requested a non-existent 
              specification                port (either through the PORT or 
                                           PORT_V attribute).
SUNWrtvc-4    Could not open               The open of /dev/rtvc* or 
              SUNWRtvc device              /dev/rtvcctl* failed. The reason for 
                                           the failure is printed in the default 
                                           error handler. Possible causes include: 
                                           the device is being used by another 
                                           program; the device is not installed; 
                                           the program is referencing the wrong 
                                           device number.
SUNWrtvc-5    Could not set video          Either the value of the 
              characteristics              FIRST_SCANLINE attribute is out of 
                                           range, or the program isn't able to set 
                                           the port's characteristics.
SUNWrtvc-8    Could not open rtvc          The file $XILHOME/lib/pipelines/
              microcode file               xilSUNWrtvc_ucode.a is either non-
                                           existent or corrupt.
 SUNWrtvc-9   Problem in loading rtvc      An expected on-board program was 
              microcode file               missing from the microcode file.
 SUNWrtvc-10  Startup of CL4000 failed     Probable problem in the CL4000 
                                           compression engine or supporting 
 SUNWrtvc-11  Reset of CL4000 failed       Probable problem in the CL4000 
                                           compression engine or supporting 
 SUNWrtvc-12  Firmware parameters not      Either the video signal going to the 
              sent/received                SunVideo card is bad, or there is a 
                                           problem on the card. If you determine 
                                           that the card is receiving good video, 
                                           report the error to Sun Microsystems.
 SUNWrtvc-13  Data capture failed          Either the video signal going to the 
                                           SunVideo card is bad, or there is a 
                                           problem on the card. If you determine 
                                           that the card is receiving good video, 
                                           report the error to Sun Microsystems.
SUNWrtvc-14   Could not get video          The program is not able to read video 
              characteristics              characteristics from the SunVideo card.
SUNWrtvc-15   Invalid IMAGE_SKIP           The program passed an illegal value to 
              specification                the xil_device_set_attribute() 
SUNWrtvc-16   Invalid MAX_BUFFERS          The program passed an illegal value to 
              specification                the xil_device_set_attribute() 
SUNWrtvc-17   rtvc UNIX driver does not    The SUNWrtvc and SUNWrtvcu 
              match XIL driver             packages are not compatible (probably 
                                           as a result of doing a package install 
                                           without updating both packages).
SUNWrtvc-18   Internal Error:              The SunVideo card has encountered an 
              Insufficient buffer size     internal error. Please report this error 
                                           to Sun Microsystems.
SUNWrtvc-19   attribute                    When the MPEG_RATE_CONTROL 
              MPEG_RATE_CONTROL            attribute is set to TRUE, only 
              set to TRUE but not          compression of an MPEG-1 CIS is 
              compressing mpeg             valid.
SUNWrtvc-20   UYVY: width must be a        The program tried to compress a 
              positive multiple of 2       UYVY image whose width was not a 
                                           positive multiple of 2.


For a complete list of XIL error messages by number, consult Appendix B of the XIL Programmer's Guide.