2 Software Installation

This chapter describes the steps that you take to install the SunVideo software packages, which are included on the Solaris CD-ROM.

We suggest that you install the SunVideo software before you install the card; that way you will only have to reboot your system once. The instructions in Chapter 3 tell you how to install the card and how to verify that the SunVideo software and card are installed correctly.

Software Prerequisites

The SunVideo software must be installed on a SPARC SBus system. The system must be running the version of the Solaris operating system that is bundled on the Solaris CD-ROM with the SunVideo software. For example, you must not install the SunVideo software that is bundled on the Solaris 2.4 CD-ROM on a system that is running the Solaris 2.3 operating system.

Table 2-1 lists the XIL software packages that are required to run XIL programs that use the SunVideo subsystem. These packages are included on the Solaris CD-ROM.

    Table 2-1 Prerequisite XIL Runtime Packages

Package Name Description --------------------------------------------------------
SUNWxilrt XIL Runtime Environment --------------------------------------------------------
SUNWxildg     XIL Loadable Pipeline Libraries
SUNWxiler     XIL English Localization
SUNWxilow     XIL Deskset Loadable Pipeline Libraries


Table 2-2 lists the additional XIL software packages that support the development of XIL applications for the SunVideo subsystem. These packages are included on the Software Developer's Kit (SDK) CD-ROM. Install the version of these packages that match the version of the XIL runtime packages listed in Table 2-1.

    Table 2-2 Prerequisite XIL Development Packages

Package Name Description ----------------------------------------------------------
SUNWxilh XIL Developer's Kit (required) ----------------------------------------------------------
SUNWAxi       XIL Imaging Library AnswerBook (optional)


If you are building an XIL application under Solaris 2.4, it is recommended that you link in the threads library. Although this linking is not necessary for the program to run under Solaris 2.4, it may be necessary if you wish the program to run as is (without a recompile) in future versions of the Solaris operating system.

The SPARCompiler(TM) C 3.0 or later compiler and SPARCworks(TM) C 3.0 or later debugger are the recommended tools for compiling the example SunVideo programs or for developing XIL application programs for use with the SunVideo card; each can be used to build and debug XIL applications that have been linked with -lthread. However, linking with -lthread doesn't work with the SPARCworks C 2.0.1 debugger (it does work with the SPARCompiler C 2.0.1 compiler); see the following Note.

Note - If your debugger doesn't work with -lthread, you may have to link without -lthread to debug your application, and then link with -lthread when the application is complete. Be aware, however, that compiling without -lthread generates a different binary file than compiling with -lthread. Thus, a feature that works in the binary file that isn't linked with -lthread may not work in the binary file that is linked with -lthread; or, the feature may not work in the binary file that is linked whereas it does work in the binary file that isn't linked.

For information about installing the XIL runtime environment, refer to the Solaris document Open Issues and Late-Breaking News. To install the XIL developer's kit, refer to the Solaris document Software Developer Kit Installation Guide.

Verifying the Prerequisite XIL Packages Are Installed

To verify that the prerequisite XIL packages are installed, use the following command:

% pkginfo | grep xil

If the packages are installed, this command returns a line of text identifying each package.

Installing the SunVideo Software

In addition to the prerequisite XIL packages shown in Table 2-1, the Solaris CD-ROM includes two SunVideo packages that you must install to use the SunVideo subsystem (Table 2-3).

    Table 2-3 SunVideo Packages

Package Name Description SUNWrtvc Real Time Video Compression Device Driver SUNWrtvcu Real Time Video Compression Runtime Support Software ---------------------------------------------------------------------

The Solaris CD software is divided into four software clusters. The SunVideo packages are bundled on the Entire Distribution cluster, which automatically installs the SunVideo packages.

There are two ways to install the SunVideo software:

Adding the SunVideo Packages Using the pkgadd Utility

    1. Log in as superuser.
    2. Verify that the SunVideo packages are not already installed by typing the following at the prompt:

    # pkginfo | grep rtvc

    If this command returns nothing, the SunVideo packages are not installed, and you should continue with these instructions. If the packages are already installed, you can stop.

    3. Place the CD-ROM into its caddy and insert the caddy into the CD player.

    When the CD is started, it is automatically mounted on a path similar to the following:

    # cd /cdrom/solaris_2_4/s0/Solaris_2.4

    4. Use the pkgadd command to install the SunVideo software as follows:

    # pkgadd -d `pwd` SUNWrtvc SUNWrtvcu

    5. Verify the software is installed as follows:

    # pkginfo | grep rtvc

    If the packages are installed, this command returns a line of text identifying each package.

Note - If you use the pkgadd(1M) utility and have not yet installed the SunVideo card, the pkgadd(1M) utility displays the following warning message, which you can ignore.

"Drvconfig: System call `modctl_modconfig' failed: No such device or
address add_drv: WARNING: Driver configuration failed. Perhaps the
hardware for the rtvc driver is not yet installed? If so, simply
shutdown your system (init 0), and install the hardware and boot your

When you install the SunVideo card and reboot the computer (with boot -r), the driver will find the card.

Where the Packages Are Installed

The SunVideo packages are installed in the directories:

The SunVideo Manual Pages

The names of the SunVideo manual (man) pages are:

These man pages are installed in the directories:

To access the man pages, you must modify the MANPATH environment variable to include these directories. Assuming the latter directory is already included in the MANPATH environment variable as per the XIL installation instructions, set the variable as follows:

% setenv MANPATH $MANPATH:/opt/SUNWrtvc/man

When the SUNWrtvcu package is installed, the windex databases (see man(1)) are automatically recreated if possible. Depending on the order in which other packages are installed, the following message may appear during the installation of the SUNWrtvcu package:

Warning: Can't automatically recreate windex files,
see the SunVideo User's Guide for instructions on
doing this manually.

If you receive this message, you must log in as superuser and use the following two commands to create the SunVideo windex database and update the windex database:

# catman -w -M /opt/SUNWrtvc/man
# catman -w -M /opt/SUNWits/Graphics-sw/xil/man

The catman(1M) command recreates a windex database. If you are not sure whether the windex database was created successfully (for example, if someone else performed the installation), you can execute the catman commands again. (There is no harm in executing the commands more than once.)

Login-Based Device Permissions

The SunVideo device installed on a workstation is owned by whomever logs into the console. The modes are, for example:

-rw------- jsmith /dev/rtvc0
-r-------- jsmith /dev/rtvcctl0

You cannot use rlogin to gain access to a SunVideo device installed on another workstation if someone else is logged into the console of that workstation.

At logout, ownership reverts to root, but modes are unaffected.

To override login-based device permissions, you can place a pound sign (#) at the beginning of the appropriate line in the file /etc/logindevperm. For example,

# /dev/console 0600 /dev/rtvc0

This file is re-read at every console login. See the man page logindevperm(4).