2 TurboGXplus Frame Buffer

This chapter describes how you can configure your system using a TurboGXplus card to suit your specific video/graphics requirements. The information describes how to set up your TurboGXplus to support different screen resolutions and how to set up the system to support multiple monitors.

TurboGXplus Supported Monitors

Table 2-1 shows the list of monitors supported by the TurboGXplus card.

    Table 2-1 Monitors Supported by TurboGXplus

Model Sun Part Type/Size/FCC Monitor ID Standard Resolution and Number Sense Code Refresh Rate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
X248A                                                                              365-1068-01   Color 21"      2            1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz
GDM-20D10                                                                          365-1167-01   Color 20"      4            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
                                                                                                                             1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
                                                                                                                             1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
                                                                                                                             1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz
GDM-1955A15                                                                        365-1081-01   Color 19"      3            1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
GDM-1962                                                                           365-1095-01   Color 19"      4            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
                                                                                                                             1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
                                                                                                                             1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
GDM-1962B                                                                          365-1160-01   Color 19"      4            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
                                                                                                                             1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
                                                                                                                             1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
GDM-1604A15                                                                        365-1079-01   Color 16"      3            1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
GDM-1662B                                                                          365-11593-01  Color 16"      6            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
                                                                                                                             1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
CPD-1790                                                                           365-1151-01   Color 16"      3            1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
                                                                                                                             1024 \xb4 768 at 77 Hz 
X449                                                                               365-1286-01   Color 15"      0            1024 \xb4 768 at 77 Hz
GDM-20S5                                                                           365-1168-01   Greyscale 20"  2 or         1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz or
                                                                                                                4*           1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
                                                                                                                             1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
17SMM4 A                                                                           365-1100-01   Grayscale 17"  6            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
M20P110                                                                            365-1099-01   Grayscale 19"  4            1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz 
Non-Sun                                                                            --            Unknown        7            1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
Resolutions in bold type are the default resolution at power-on initialization.                                              
* Monitor ID sense code is user-selectable by switch on rear.                                                                                           


Note - The monitors listed in Table 2-1 are subject to change as Sun Microsystems announces new monitors. Contact your local Sun representative for a listing of supported monitors.

Default Screen Resolutions

Table 2-2 lists the default screen resolutions by monitor ID sense code.

    Table 2-2 TurboGXplus Monitor Sense Codes

Code Screen Resolution ----------------------------
7     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
6     1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
5     1024 \xb4x 768 at 60 Hz
4     1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
3     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
2     1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz
1     1600 \xb4 1280 at 76 Hz
0     1024 \xb4 768 at 77 Hz


Programming the Screen Resolution

Nvramrc is a nonvolatile PROM script memory. When the PROM reaches the device probing stage, it checks the variable use-nvramrc?, if it is true, executes the forth code that resides in nvramrc, otherwise it calls probe-sbus, install-console and banner.

The following code places resolution initialization between the probe-sbus stage and the install-console and banner stages. First probe-sbus is called to probe all devices, so that the device tree is created, and the devices are initialized.

The next line defines a forth word called vsetup which contains the monitor video setup values. The following string of values (defined in Table 2-3) are the specifications for a video setup:

" 117000000,71691,67,16,112,224,1280,2,8,33,1024,COLOR,0OFFSET"

    Table 2-3 Video Setup Specifications

Value Description 117000000 Pixel frequency or dot clock in Hz 71691 Horizontal frequency in Hz 67 Vertical frequency in Hz 16 Horizontal Front Porch (in pixels) 112 Horizontal Sync Width (in pixels) 224 Horizontal Back Porch (in Pixels) 1280 Horizontal Displayed pixels (in pixels) 2 Vertical Front Porch (in lines) 8 Vertical Sync Width (in lines) 33 Vertical Back Porch (in lines) 1024 Vertical Displayed lines (in lines) COLOR Color monitor flag 0OFFSET No sync pedestal flag ---------------------------------------------------

The line, vsetup 4, basically pushes the video string on the stack, the number 4 defines the sense code of the monitor we want to change the resolution on. See Table 2-4 on page 8 for supported monitor codes.

The next line, pushes the string /sbus/cgsix@1 onto the forth stack, the path for the device where the resolution is to be changed.

The following example changes the cgsix frame buffer on sbus slot 1. The string "override" is the actual entry point in the cgsix fcode PROM which reconfigures the resolution from the data present on the forth stack. execute- device-method actually calls override and returns a pass/fail flag which is ignored by the drop command that follows.

The remaining two lines install-console and banner, installs a terminal driver on the display device, then prints the banner at reset time or reboot time.

Configuring Monitors Using a UNIX Script

The following is an example of a UNIX script used to configure the TurboGXplus for a resolution of 1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz:

Configuring Monitors Using the PROM Method

The following example uses the PROM method to configure the TurboGXplus for a resolution of 1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz:

Table 2-4 contains codes for TurboGXplus supported resolutions:

    Table 2-4 TurboGXplus Resolution Codes

Resolution Code 1024 \xb4 768 at 60 Hz " 64125000,48286,60,16,128,160,1024,2,6,29,768,COLOR" 1024 \xb4 768 at 70 Hz " 74250000,56593,70,16,136,136,1024,2,6,32,768,COLOR" 1024 \xb4 768 at 77 Hz " 84375000,62040,77,32,128,176,1024,2,4,31,768,COLOR" 1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz " 94500000,61845,66,40,128,208,1152,2,4,31,900,COLOR" 1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz " 108000000,71808,76,32,128,192,1152,2,4,31,900,COLOR,0OFFSET" 1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz " 117000000,71691,67,16,112,224,1280,2,8,33,1024,COLOR,0OFFSET" 1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz " 135000000,81128,76,32,64,288,1280,2,8,32,1024,COLOR,0OFFSET" 1600 \xb4 1280 at 76 Hz " 216000000,101890,76,24,216,280,1600,2,8,50,1280,COLOR,0OFFSET" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Setting up a Single Monitor Using the PROM Method

The following is an example of how to set up a TurboGXplus card in slot 2 to 1024 \xb4 768 at 60 Hz using a 16-inch monitor:

Setting up a Single Monitor Using a UNIX Script

The following example is a UNIX script that sets a 1024 \xb4 768 at 60 Hz for the TurboGXplus card in slot 2.

Setting up Multiple Monitors using a UNIX Script

The following screen shows a UNIX script, which sets up the TurboGXplus cards in slot 1 to 1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz, and another TurboGXplus card in slot 3 to 1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz using two 19-inch monitors:

For more information on running multiple monitors, see Chapter 6, "Multiple Monitors on a System."