5 FFB Graphics Accelerator

This chapter describes how to change the FFB Graphics Accelerator screen resolution to work properly with different monitors.

You can change the FFB X11 screen and associated graphics hardware through the ffbconfig utility. Options are specified on the command line. The specified options are stored in the OWconfig file. You use these options to initialize the FFB device the next time Xsun is run on that device. Updating options in the OWconfig file provides persistence of these options across Xsun sessions and system reboots.

You use the ffbconfig utility to specify the following:

Default Screen Resolutions

Table 5-1 lists the default screen resolutions by monitor ID sense code.

    Table 5-1 FFB Frame Buffer Monitor Sense Codes

Code Screen Resolution ----------------------------
7     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
6     1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
5     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
4     1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
3     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
2     1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz
1     1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
0     1024 \xb4 768 at 76 Hz


If the FFB is unable to determine the monitor type, such as for non-Sun monitors, it defaults to a resolution of 1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz.

Supported Screen Resolutions

Table 5-3 lists the screen resolutions the FFB Graphics Accelerator supports.

    Table 5-2 FFB Supported Screen Resolutions

Screen Vertical Description Resolution Refresh Rate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1280 \xb4 1024    76 Hz         Non-interlaced
1280 \xb4 1024    67 Hz         Non-interlaced
1152 \xb4 900     76 Hz         Non-interlaced
1152 \xb4 900     66 Hz         Non-interlaced
1024 \xb4 800     84 Hz         Non-interlaced
1024 \xb4 768     77 Hz         Non-interlaced
1024 \xb4 768     70 Hz         Non-interlaced
1024 \xb4 768     60 Hz         SVGA
960 \xb4 680      112 Hz        Stereo, non-interlaced, 56 Hz field rate per eye
960 \xb4 680      108 Hz        Stereo, non-interlaced, 54 Hz field rate per eye
768 \xb4 575      50            Interlaced  -  PAL
640 \xb4 480      60 Hz         VGA
640 \xb4 480      60 Hz         Interlaced  -  NTSC


Changing the Screen Resolution Temporarily

This example changes the screen resolution temporarily, for example as a test to determine if the monitor supports the specified resolution.

ffbconfig -res video-mode try

The video-mode options are listed in Table 5-3.

You will have 5 seconds to confirm the video mode by typing y.

    Table 5-3 FFB Screen Resolution Formats

Video Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------
Built-in Symbolic Name Resolution ----------------------------------------------------------------
1280x1024x76  1280           1280 \xb4 1024 at 76 Hz
1280x1024x67                 1280 \xb4 1024 at 67 Hz
1152x900x76   1152           1152 \xb4 900 at 76 Hz
1152x900x66                  1152 \xb4 900 at 66 Hz
1024x800x84                  1024 \xb4 800 at 84 Hz
1024x768x77                  1024 \xb4 768 at 77 Hz
1024x768x70                  1024 \xb4 768 at 70 Hz
1024x768x60   svga           1024 \xb4 768 at 60 Hz
960x680x112s  stereo         960 \xb4 680 stereo at 112 Hz per eye
960x680x108s                 960 \xb4 680 stereo at 108 Hz per eye
768x575x50i   pal            768 \xb4 575 at 50 Hz, interlaced
640x480x60    vga            640 \xb4 480 at 60 Hz, non-interlaced
640x480x60i   ntsc           640 \xb4 480 at 60 Hz, interlaced


Changing Screen Resolution to Stereo

This example changes the screen resolution to 960 \xb4 680 at 112 Hz, stereo the next time Xsun is run.

ffbconfig -res stereo

Changing the Visual List Order

By default, the nonlinear visual is displayed before the linear visual on the screen visual list. Nonlinear visual is the default 24-bit TrueColor visual. If you prefer gamma-corrected 24-bit TrueColor to become your default value, you can modify the order of the visual list by using the ffbconfig command.

OpenWindows should not be running when you run the ffbconfig script. Start OpenWindows after ffbconfig has set the linearity you desire.

To change the setting, enter the ffbconfig command with one of the
-lineorder options. For example:

ffbconfig -linearorder first