Netra Proxy Cache Server User's Manual

External Program Options

To View or Modify External Program Options
  1. Click External Program Options in the Advanced Proxy Cache Configuration page. The page shown in Figure 4-12 is displayed.

    Figure 4-12 External Program Options Page


  2. Under the External Program Options heading, enter or accept values for the following properties:

FTP User

The string supplied as the login password for anonymous ftp. This enables you to supply an informative address, if you want.

Options for 'ftpget'

The arguments supplied to the ftpget command. The ftpget command retrieves FTP data for the cache. HTTP and Gopher protocol support are built into the proxy cache software. To view a list of valid ftpget arguments, invoke /opt/SUNWcache/lib/ftpget, with no arguments.

No. of Processes for DNS Lookups

Number of processes spawned by the Netra Proxy Cache Server to service DNS name lookups. This number indicates the maximum number of concurrent DNS lookups. On heavily loaded caches, you might want to increase the this value from a default of 5 to 10. The maximum is 32.