TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command displays the browse list of all LM-NT-OS/2 servers on the network. Use it only with LM-NT-OS/2 servers.




To obtain the list of all LM-NT/OS/2 servers known to the local system and display a combined list:

ruslist [-v] [-w workgroup]

To obtain the list as known to a server for a particular workgroup or domain by a domain master browser running on the local system:

ruslist [-v] -w workgroup -n transport -i interface [
 	-p ipaddr] [-l] //servername



Display verbose output. 

-w workgroup

Specify the name of the workgroup or domain whose browse-list you want to see. 

-n transport

Indicate the transport over which ruslist will obtain the browse-list. Possible values include tcpip, tnnbu, and altnb.

-i interface

Indicate the interface over which ruslist will obtain the browse-list. Possible values include names of the interfaces as displayed by the output of tniface for a given transport type.

-p ipaddr

Specify the IP address of the server. 


Obtain only the local list--the list of names learned by the server. 


Specify the server in the workgroup or domain from which you want to obtain the list. 


  1. Use the following command to obtain the list of servers with all transports and interfaces known to the local system and display a combined list:

  2. Use the following command to obtain the list of servers with all transports and interfaces for the workgroup tasserver:

    ruslist -w tasserver
  3. Use the following command if a user on a system with TCP/IP interface name wants to obtain a verbose list of all servers in the tasserver workgroup with master browser huey and transport tcpip:

    ruslist -v -w tasserver -n tcpip -i //huey