TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Reference Manual


This command allows the current system to display the remote server's system time. Any user can display the remote server's time. When you use the -s option, you--the superuser--can synchronize the local system time to that of the remote server.




rutime [-u username] [{-p password|-P}] [-s] //servername/object


-u username

Specify the name of the user for the remote server. 

-p password

Specify username's password on the command line. No subsequent password prompt appears.


Prompt for username's password. The password does not display as you type it. This option proves especially if you want to include the command but not the password in a batch file.


Synchronize the local time to that of the remote server. This requires superuser privileges. 


Specify the name of the remote server. 


Specify the name of a shared object on a remote LM-NT-OS/2 server. 


  1. Only the superuser can change the local system time. Any user can run this command to display the remote server's time.

  2. The remote server must run TAS. When used with any other server, an error message may result.


  1. Use the following command to display the time at the remote TAS server syntax as user orange and prompt for a password:

    rutime -u orange -P //syntax
  2. Use the following command to access the remote server, make the server prompt you for a password, and synchronize the local time to the time on the server syntax and the object time, as the user Tommy.

    rutime -u Tommy -P -s //syntax/time