Sun Global Glossary

“machine address” to “MXCC”

machine address

(n.) Obsolete term for absolute address.

machine-collating sequence

(n.) An extended alphabetical sequence that encompasses uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and various other characters recognized by the system.

machine language

(n.) The basic set of instructions for a given computer. A binary code represents these instructions internally.


(1) (n.) A user-defined keyboard shortcut that types text or plays back a sequence of commands.

(2) (n.) In a programming language, a compound instruction composed of simpler instructions.


(n.) In MPEG terminology, a 16-by-16 block of samples from a video frame. This is the unit of data associated with motion information.

macro processor

(n.) A program that runs instructions without an assembler.

magic number

(1) (n.) A code constant inserted (hard-coded) into source code.

(2) (n.) A number in an algorithm that “invisibly” encodes critical information.

(3) (n.) The special data at the start of a data file that indicates its type.


(n.) A disk directory designated for receiving email.

mail client

(n.) A system that does not provide mail spooling for its users. Mail is spooled on a mail server.

mail gateway

(n.) A machine that connects two or more email systems (especially dissimilar email systems on two different networks) and transfers messages between them. Sometimes the mapping and translation can be complex, and generally require a store-and-forward scheme whereby the message is received from one system completely before it is transmitted to the next system and after suitable translations.

mail host

(n.) The main email system on a network that receives and distributes email outside of the network or the domain. A mail host can also be a mail server. See also local host, relay host.

mail server

(n.) A system that stores mailboxes in a mail directory. A mail server can also serve as a mail host. See also mail client.

mail services

(n.) The services provided by a set of programs and daemons that transmit email messages between systems and distribute them to individual mail boxes.


(n.) A protocol that specifies the policy and mechanics used by the SolarisTM sendmail program when it delivers the email.

mailing list

(1) (n.) An email address that is an alias for many other email addresses.

(2) (n.) The people who receive your email when you send it to such an address.

major/minor device numbers

(n.) A numbering sequence for devices connected to the computer. Also called logical unit number (LUN).


(n.) A file used by the make command that describes files which make must process and programs that make must run.

manager widgets

(n.) A class of widgets that contain and manage other widgets.

manifest section

(n.) A section of a Solaris Flash archive that is used to validate a clone system. The manifest section lists the files on a system to be retained, added to, or deleted from the clone system. This section is informational only. The sections lists the files in an internal format and cannot be used for scripting.

man pages

(n.) UNIX® online documentation.


(1) (n.) A file used by NIS that holds information of a particular type; for example, the password entries of all users on a network or the names of all host machines on a network.

(2) (v.) To assign a new interpretation of a terminal key. For example, in vi, you can map, the @ key to represent the sequence a-Esc-j.

marker object

(n.) In the XGLTM library, an object that defines markers.

marker primitive

(n.) In the XGLTM library, an image that is drawn at a particular point in space.

master driver

(n.) A STREAMS-based device supported by the pseudo-terminal subsystem. It is the controlling part of the pseudo-terminal subsystem (also called ptm).

master server

(n.) The server that maintains the master copy of the network information service database. It has a disk and a complete copy of the operating system.


(v) To enlarge a window to fill a workspace. Typically, a maximize push button is located in the upper-right corner of a window frame.


(n.) Message Digest 5.


(n.) A field or method of a class. Unless specified otherwise, a member is not static.

memory management

(n.) The system functions including the hardware's page mapping and protection.

memory management unit

(MMU) (n.) In hardware, memory address mapping. Usually, the virtual addresses are mapped to physical addresses, but each system is different. See also physical address space, virtual address.

Memory Queue Handler

(MQH) (n.) On SunTM server systems, the device on the system board that provides the interface between the system board SIMMs and the backplane XDBus. One MQH is on a system board.


(n.) A list of choices (menu items) logically grouped and displayed by an application so that the user need not memorize all available commands or options. Menus in the JavaTM look and feel are “sticky”—that is, they remain posted on screen after the user clicks the menu title. In the Java look and feel, menus are created using the JMenu component. See also contextual menu, drop-down menu, menu bar, menu item, submenu.

menu bar

(n.) The horizontal strip at the top of a window that contains the titles of the application's drop-down menus. In the JavaTM look and feel, menu bars are created using the JMenuBar component. See also drop-down menu.

menu item

(n.) A choice in a menu. Menu items (text or graphics) are typically commands or other options that the user can select. In the JavaTM look and feel, menu items are created using the JMenuItem component. See also checkbox menu item, radio button menu item.


(1) (n.) The information which is generated by an application that indicates a process's status.

(2) (n.) One or more linked message blocks. A message is referenced by its first message block and its type is defined by the message type of that block.

(3) Data in the form of a gss_buffer_t object that is sent from one GSS-API-based application to its peer. An example of a message is “ls” sent to a remote ftp server. A message can contain more than just the user-provided data. For example, gss_wrap() takes an unwrapped message and produces a wrapped one to be sent. The wrapped message includes both the original message and an accompanying MIC. GSS-API-generated information that does not include a message is a token. See token for more information. See also wrapper.

message block

(n.) In STREAMS programming, a triplet consisting of a data buffer and associated control structures, an msgb structure, and a datab structure. In a Stream, the message block carries data or information, as identified by its message type.

message catalog

(n.) A file of message strings, separated from an application, with an indexed internal structure. The message catalog contains program messages, command prompts, and responses to prompts for a specific application.

Message Integrity Code

(MIC) (n.) A cryptographic “tag” that is attached to transmitted data to ensure the data's validity. The recipient of the data generates its own MIC and compares it to the one that was sent. If both MICs are equal, the message is valid. MICs that are generated by gss_get_mic(), are visible to the application. Other MICs that are generated by gss_wrap() or gss_init_sec_context(), for example, are not visible to the application.

message–level token

See token.


(n.) A character having a special meaning to the UNIX® system. For example, the UNIX shell interprets the ? character to represent any single character. See also wildcard.

meta key

(n.) On the SunTM keyboard, the key labeled with the diamond symbol. On IA systems, the right Control key.


(n.) A function defined in a class. Unless specified otherwise, a method is not static. See also instance method.


(n.) management information base.


See Message Integrity Code.


(v.) To replace a window with an icon. The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper-right corner of the window frame.


(n.) An audio coder/decoder chip that handles the digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversions for the multimedia interface on SunTM workstations.


(memory management unit) (n.) In hardware, memory address mapping. Usually, the virtual addresses are mapped to physical addresses, but each system is different. See also physical address space, virtual address.


(n.) In theJavaTM look and feel and the IA GUIs, an underlined letter, typically in a menu title, menu item, or the text of a button or component. A mnemonic shows the user which key to press (in conjunction with the Alt key) to activate a command or navigate to a component. See also keyboard accelerator, keyboard operations, keyboard shortcut.

mnemonic key

(n.) A key that represents the first letter of a command and is thus memorable. A mnemonic key is generally used in conjunction with a modifier, such as Control or Shift, as a keyboard accelerator. For example, Control-P could mean print.

modifier key

(n.) A key (for example, the Control or the Shift key) that does not produce an alphanumeric character but rather modifies the action of other keys.


(n.) A defined set of kernel-level routines and data structures that process data, status, and control information on a Stream. It is an optional element, but many modules can be in one Stream. A module consists of a pair of queues (read queue and write queue), and it communicates to other components in a Stream by passing messages.

Module XBus Cache Controller

(MXCC) (n.) On SunTM server systems, a device which is located on the processor module that controls the flow of data between the XBus and the module cache RAM and processor chip.


(n.) A group of XILTM library atoms (functions) that are grouped to enhance performance by eliminating redundant operations.


(1) (n.) The video display that is part of a workstation. It is attached to the workstation by a cable.

(2) (n.) The program in the workstation programmable read-only memory (PROM). The PROM program provides a limited set of commands that can be used before the kernel is available.


(1) (n.) The main circuit board of a computer. The motherboard contains slots for plugging in other boards for functions such as memory, controllers, video, and so on. A motherboard usually contains the central processing unit (CPU), memory, BIOS, ports, controllers, and so on.

(2) (n.) In SBus terminology, a circuit board containing the central processor, SBus controller, and any SBus expansion connectors.


(n.) The process of accessing a directory from a disk attached to a machine making the mount request or remote disk on a network. See also unmount.


(n.) The process of providing access to a file system over the network by executing the mount command.

mount point

(n.) A workstation directory to which you mount a file system that exists on a remote machine.

mouse grab

(n.) In the X protocol, a pointer grab that specifies that all mouse input is sent to a specific window (or client). See also button grab.

mouse-over feedback

(n.) A change in the visual appearance of an interface element that occurs when the user moves the pointer over it—for example, the display of a button border when the pointer moves over a toolbar button.


See multiprocessor.


(n.) Multiple Page Size Support.


See Memory Queue Handler.


(n.) The Intel proprietary bus with specific board dimensions and standards.

multibyte character

(n.) A character whose codepoint is stored in 1 or more bytes. It differs from wide-character encoding in that the number of bytes representing a character can vary.


(v.) To click the mouse button rapidly a specified number of times. Multiclicking is usually an accelerator for functions that can be accessed in other ways.

multihomed host

(n.) A host that is on more than one public network.

multihost disk

(n.) A disk that is physically connected to multiple nodes.

multiplexed analog component

(MAC) (n.) A color standard that transmits three color components in time-compressed serial analog form.


(1) (n.) (not “multiplex”) A device that is used for merging information from multiple signals to a single channel.

(2) (n.) A STREAMS mechanism that allows messages to be routed among multiple Streams in the kernel. A multiplexing configuration includes at least one multiplexing pseudo-device driver connected to one or more upper Streams and one or more lower Streams.


(MP) (n.) A computer that uses two or more nearly equal processing units under integrated control.


(1) (n.) Enabling more than one user to access the same program at the same time.

(2) (adj.) Characteristic of the concurrent execution of two or more tasks by a computer.


(adj.) Characteristic of a program that is designed to have parts of its code execute concurrently. See also thread.


(n.) A technique that enables multiprocessing applications to run more efficiently by breaking sequences of instructions (threads) into multiple sequences that can be executed from the kernel simultaneously.

multiuser system

(n.) A network system that is used by two or more people within a given time frame (usually in a serial fashion). Contrast with single system.


(n.) See multiplexer.


See Module XBus Cache Controller.