Sun Global Glossary

“X11” to “x-y plane”


See X Window System, Version 11.

X11/NeWSTM system

(n.) A SunTM window system that is based on both X and NeWS systems.


(n.) The X Window System, Version 11 revision 5. See X Window System, Version 11.


(n.) The horizontal axis in the Cartesian coordinates system. Although coordinate systems can be moved and their orientations can be altered, the x-axis is always perpendicular to the y-axis. See also z-axis.


(n.) A packet-switched bus that supports multiple buses by using a cache controller in large multiprocessing configurations. See also multiprocessor.


(n.) On SunTM server systems, the backplane bus for the main card cage.

X Display Manager

(XDM) (n.) A program which is supplied with the OpenWindowsTM interface that manages X displays.


(X Display Manager) (n.) A program which is supplied with the OpenWindowsTM interface that manages X displays.


See external data representation.


(n.) X Event Integration Extension.

XGLTM library

(n.) The SunTM graphics library.

XILTM library

See X imaging library.

X imaging library

(XIL) (n.) A platform programming interface for imaging and video support. The X imaging library provides a common implementation of imaging functionality to multiple higher-level interfaces. XIL also provides imaging capabilities that are not currently available, and a way for independent software vendors (ISVs) to access low-level and hardware capabilities.


(n.) The C language interface to the X protocol.


(n.) Extensible Markup Language.


(n.) cross-platform component object model.


(n.) X/Open Portability Guide.

X server

(n.) In the X protocol, a basic windowing mechnanism that handles interprocess communication (IPC) connections from clients. An X server also demultiplexes graphics requests onto the screens and multiplexes input back to the appropriate clients. An X server controls a single keyboard and pointer and one or more screens that constitute a single display.

XView toolkit

(n.) An X11 toolkit for building applications. The XViewTM API is derived from the SunViewTM API and is based on Xlib, the lowest level of programming available to the X window system developer.

X Window System Protocol

(X Protocol) (n.) The computer protocol by which clients communicate with the X server and the X server communicates with clients.

X Window System Toolkit

(n.) An X consortium standard that provides the structure and library functions for creating and assembling widgets into a user interface. Also called the X Toolkit, Xt Intrinsics, Intrinsics, and Xt.

X Window System, Version 11

(X11) (n.) The system that was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Consortium. X11 is a network-based protocol.

x-y plane

(n.) The plane that is created by the x and y axes in a coordinate system.