Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server

Installing Document Collections onto the Server

Your documentation server cannot do its job if no documents are installed for it to serve. You can install collections from the Solaris 7 Documentation CD or from other locations, such as existing document collections or collections that come on other CDs.

To install document collection packages from the Solaris 7 Documentation CD, you can use the point-and-click interface available from the Solaris Web StartTM utility, or you can use standard installation utilities, such as pkgadd. To install document collections, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as super-user on the documentation server machine.

    To use the Web Start utility, you must log in as root from the Desktop Login screen. To use a standard installation utility, such as pkgadd, you can log in as root from the Desktop Login screen or enter the following at the command line:

    % su -
  2. Insert the Solaris 7 Documentation CD into your CD-ROM drive.

    The Volume Manager should automatically mount the CD.

  3. If you choose to use the Solaris Web Start utility to install your products, double-click on the installer icon, follow the instructions on the Web Start screens, and go to Step 6.

    The Web Start utility provides pre-selected groups of packages for you to install. Follow the instructions on the Web Start screens to continue.

  4. If you choose to use the pkgadd utility or the swmtool utility, change directory to the location of the documentation collection packages.

    For example:

    # cd cdrom/Solaris_2.7_Doc/common/Product/

    Where cdrom is the mount-point for the CD-ROM device and defaults to /cdrom/sol_2_7_doc.

  5. Launch the installation utility and select document collection packages to install.

    For example, to launch the pkgadd utility:

    # pkgadd -d .

    For a detailed list of document collections included on the Solaris 7 Documentation CD, see the README file located on that CD.

  6. The document collection packages included on the Solaris 7 Documentation CD include a post-install script that add the collections to the server's database and restart the server.

    If you install collection packages from any other location besides the Solaris 7 Documentation CD, you might need to use either the Admin GUI's Add Collection to List function or the ab2admin -o add_coll command to add these collections to the documentation server's database.

    If you have document collections already installed on your system, you can use either the Admin GUI's Scan for Locally Installed Collections function or the ab2admin -o scan command to have them found and added to the documentation server's database. This function only works for locally-installed packages.

    To serve document collections located on some other system, use the Add Collection to List function or the ab2admin -o add_coll command and provide the full path name to the ab_cardcatalog or collinfo file. For example, if the documentation server is imaserver and you want it to serve document collections located on the system elsewhere, you might use the following command:

    # ab2admin -o add_coll -d /net/elsewhere/books/SUNWdtad/collinfo