Solaris for ISPs Administration Guide

Security Issues

Any network with Internet access exposes the network to some security risks. In addition, some Solaris for ISPs features introduce others. In every case, there are several security measures that can be implemented to protect your network. The following sections discuss some good system administration practices and Solaris for ISPs features that will enable you to secure your network from these risks.

Standard Internet Security Risks

Connecting the network to other networks on the Internet exposes your network to potential service interruptions, unauthorized intrusion, and considerable damage. This section discusses such standard network security risks that you must be aware of. Protections against these risks are discussed in "How To Tighten Security".

Security Risks in Solaris for ISPs

This section discusses some Solaris for ISPs features that leave the software open to some security risks. Please refer to "How To Tighten Security" for protection against these risks.

How To Tighten Security

To protect your system from unauthorized users accessing, corrupting, or changing information, and to make the network available to authorized users: