Sun WorkShop Quick Install

Using the clustadd Command-Line Executable

To use clustadd, follow these steps:

  1. Find the names of the metaclusters you want to install by typing the following:

    # bin/clustinfo

    Note -

    It might take a few moments before you get the output from the clustinfo command.

    See the clustinfo man page for more information; to access the clustinfo man page, type:

    man -M /cdrom/devpro_v6n1_platform/man clustinfo

    Review the output of the clustinfo command for the names to use to replace metacluster in Step 2.

    You must install FLEXlm version 6.1 (available with this release) to get the new sunwlicd vendor daemon binary; otherwise, licensing will not function properly. If your application server and your license server are different machines, install FLEXlm 6.1 license manager software on your license server, not on your application server (install your Sun WorkShop development tools on your application server). To identify FLEXlm as a metacluster to be installed, use FLEXlm_6.1 in place of metacluster in the clustadd command in Step 2.

  2. Type the following:

    # bin/clustadd metacluster( ... metacluster)

    Replace metacluster with the output of the clustinfo command described in Step 1 for each metacluster you want to install.

    See the clustadd man page for usage and options, including how to install in a non-default location (not in /opt) and how to install only 32-bit packages (the default SPARC installation is 64-bit and 32-bit packages). To access the clustadd man page, type:

    man -M /cdrom/devpro_v6n1_platform/man clustadd

    If you install the Sun WorkShop AnswerBook2 document collections (the SPROWSDOC metacluster), you must add the Sun WorkShop AnswerBook2 document collections to your AnswerBook2 Documentation Server. For information about adding and working with document collections, see Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server online in the AnswerBook2 Help Collection, in your Solaris printed documentation, or on the web at For information about downloading AnswerBook2 Documentation Server software packages and viewing Sun WorkShop AnswerBook2 document collections, see Chapter 6, Viewing Online Documents.

    Note -

    If you are upgrading to FLEXlm 6.1 license manager software from an earlier FLEXlm version, you will automatically bring down your license manager during the upgrade. After you install your new licenses in Chapter 4, Installing Your Licenses, the license installation tool will start your license manager again. During the upgrade, your licensed software will be unavailable.

  3. Install the required operating system and product patches by typing:

    # ./install_required_patches

    To get patch information, type help at the install_required_patches prompt. Then follow the instructions on the screen to install all the patches for this release.

    Note -

    Read the README files in each of the patch directories to understand the fixes addressed by the patches.

    To access current Sun WorkShop product patches, see the following web site:

  4. If you mounted the product directory during a remote installation, unmount by typing:

    # cd /

    # /usr/sbin/umount /remote_products

  5. Exit from superuser privileges by typing:

    # exit

  6. If you performed a remote installation, follow these steps (if you did not perform a remote installation, skip to Step 7):

    1. Exit from the remote machine by typing:

      % exit

    2. Regarding the NFS server, follow these steps if they apply:

      If nfsd was already running, type the following command.

      # /usr/sbin/unshare /cdrom/devpro_v6n1_platform

      If you manually started nfsd, stop it by typing:

      # /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop

    3. Remove the following line from the /etc/dfs/dfstab file:

      share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom/devpro_v6n1_platform

    4. Exit from superuser privileges by typing:

      # exit

  7. Review the README files located in the top directory of the software you installed.

  8. Set your PATH and MANPATH variables by following the steps in "PATH and MANPATH Variables".