FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Termination Control (:)

The colon (:) edit descriptor allows for conditional termination of the format. If the I/O list is exhausted before the format, then the format terminates at the colon.

Example: Termination control:

* col1.f The colon (:) edit descriptor 
	DATA INIT / 3 /, LAST / 8 / 
	WRITE ( *, 2 ) INIT 
	WRITE ( *, 2 ) INIT, LAST 
2	FORMAT ( 1X 'INIT = ', I2, :, 3X, 'LAST = ', I2 ) 

The above program produces output like the following

	INIT = 3 
	INIT = 3 LAST = 8 

Without the colon, the output is more like this:

	INIT = 3 LAST = 
	INIT = 3 LAST = 8