Fortran Programming Guide

--Xlist and its Suboptions

Combine suboptions according to the following rules:

Example: Each of these two command lines performs the same task:

demo% f77  -Xlistc  -Xlist  any.f

demo% f77  -Xlistc  any.f

The following table shows the reports generated by these basic --Xlist suboptions alone:

Table 5-1 Xlist Suboptions

Generated Report 


Errors, listing, cross-reference 


Errors only 


Errors and source listing only 


Errors and cross-reference table only 


Errors and call graph only 


The following table summarizes all -Xlist suboptions.

Table 5-2 Summary of --Xlist Suboptions



-Xlist (no suboption)

Shows errors, listing, and cross-reference table 


Shows call graphs and errors (f77 only)


Shows errors 


Suppresses error nnn in the verification report


Produces fast output (f77 only)


Puts the .fln files in dir (f77 only)


Shows errors from cross-checking stop compilation (f77 only)


Lists and cross-checks include files


Shows the listing and errors 


Sets page breaks 

-Xlisto name

Renames the -Xlist output report file


Suppresses unreferenced symbols from cross-reference (f77 only)


Sets checking "strictness" level (f77 only)


Sets the width of output lines 


Suppresses warning nnn in the report


Shows just the cross-reference table and errors