Fortran User's Guide


Inline selected libm library routines for optimization.

    SPARC: 77/90 x86:77

There are inline templates for some of the libm library routines. This option selects those inline templates that produce the fastest executable for the floating-point options and platform currently being used. The routines include the following:

d_infinity, d_max_normal, d_max_subnormal, d_min_normal, d_min_subnormal, d_quiet_nan, d_signaling_nan, d_sqrt, ir_finite, ir_fp_class, ir_isinf, ir_isnan, ir_isnormal, ir_issubnormal, ir_iszero, ir_signbit, r_copysign, r_fabs, r_hypot, r_infinity, r_max_normal, r_max_subnormal, r_min_normal, r_min_subnormal, r_quiet_nan, r_signalling_nan, r_sqrt

This list of routines may change with subsequent compiler releases. For more information, see the man pages libm_single(3F) and libm_double(3F)