Fortran User's Guide


Show parallelization results.

    SPARC: 77/90

Show which loops parallelized and which did not with the -parallel, -autopar, or -explicitpar options. (Option -loopinfo must appear with one of these parallelization options.)

-loopinfo generates a list of messages on standard error:

demo% f77 -o shalow -fast -parallel -loopinfo shalow.f
 MAIN shalow:
"shalow.f", line 78: not parallelized, call may be unsafe
"shalow.f", line 172: PARALLELIZED
"shalow.f", line 173: not parallelized, not profitable
"shalow.f", line 181: PARALLELIZED, fused
"shalow.f", line 182: not parallelized, not profitable
"shalow.f", line 226: PARALLELIZED, and serial version generated
"shalow.f", line 227: not parallelized, not profitable

Use the error(1) utility with f77 compilations to merge this list with the source file to produce an annotated source listing with each loop tagged as parallelized or not.

Example: -loopinfo, in sh, pass standard error to the error utility:

demo$ f77 -autopar -loopinfo any.f 2>&1 | error

Be aware that error rewrites the input source file. For details on error, see the error man page and the Fortran Programming Guide chapter on debugging.