Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Chapter 2 Introduction

Sun WorkShop TeamWare (TeamWare) is a source management product that provides you and your team with:

You can access TeamWare through the command-line interface (CLI) or through several graphical-user interfaces (GUIs). The GUIs and a description of what they do is in the following table:

Table 2-1 TeamWare GUI Descriptions
 GUI Description


Software configuration management, previously called CodeManager. 


Version control. Versioning is a GUI for SCCS. Previously called VersionTool. 


Serial, parallel, or distributed make. Building is a GUI for the make utility. Previously called Maketool 


Obtaining a snapshot or freezepoint. Previously called FreezePoint. 


Selectively merging two files. Previously called FileMerge.