Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Introduction to Freezepointing

During the software development process it is often useful to create "freezepoints" of your work at key points. Those freezepoints serve as snapshots of a project that enable you to later recreate the state of the project at key development points.

One way to preserve the state of the project is to make a copy of the project hierarchy using the tar or cpio utilities. This method is very effective, but it requires a large amount of storage resources and time.

With Freezepointing, you preserve freezepoints quickly and simply, using a small amount of storage resource.

You can use Freezepointing through two functionally equivalent user interfaces. You can access the user interfaces with the following commands:

This chapter refers primarily to the GUI. For information about the CLI, see the freezept(1) man page. The GUI is documented online. You can access the online help from any TeamWare GUI by opening the pull-down menu from the Help button, and clicking on Help Contents.