Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Error Messages

Table 19-1 describes error messages, their meanings, and possible remedies.

Table 19-1 Configuring Error Messages

1000 - 1999 

System Errors 


Error messages between 1000 and 1999 report errors from operating system calls made by Configuring commands. They consist of a short Configuring message and an appended system error message and number. Refer to operating system documentation for information regarding these errors. 


Line too long or unexpected end of file in file_name


Meaning: While reading the file_name, a line was encountered that contained too many characters for a Configuring command to buffer. The maximum line length is 1024 characters.


Remedy: Reduce the size of the long line and re-execute the command. 


Must specify a [child]* workspace either with the -w option or via the CODEMGR_WS environment variable


Meaning: The Configuring command could not determine the workspace on which to act. Configuring commands attempt to acquire the workspace path name in the following order: 

  • As specified by the command's -w option

  • As specified by the value of the environment variable CODEMGR_WS

  • The current directory, if it is hierarchically within a workspace


*When the error is reported by Bringover and Putback the word child is included, when reported by Undo and Resolve it is not included. 


Remedy: Specify the workspace path name using one of the methods listed above. 


Cannot use the -p option to reparent the child of an NSE environment


Meaning: You cannot use the --p option with the CLI bringover and putback commands to reparent a workspace that has an NSE environment as a parent.


Remedy: Use the workspace reparent command to reparent a workspace whose parent is an NSE environment to a Configuring workspace. You cannot reparent such a workspace to another NSE environment. 


directory_name is not a workspace


Meaning: The directory specified in the command is not a Configuring workspace. Configuring workspaces are distinguished by the presence of the Codemgr_wsdata directory in the top level directory.


Remedy: Specify a different workspace name or use the CLI workspace create command or the GUI File Create Workspace command to convert the directory into a workspace.


Workspace workspace_name doesn't have a parent workspace


Meaning: A Configuring command (Bringover or Putback) could not complete execution because a parent workspace could not be found for workspace workspace_name. 


Remedy: Use the CLI workspace parent command or the GUI Edit Parent menu item to reparent the orphaned workspace.


Parent workspace workspace_name is not visible as it is not mounted on machine_name


Meaning: The file system that contains the parent workspace is not currently mounted on machine machine_name. 


Remedy: Mount the file system that contains the parent workspace and re-issue the command. 


Filename file_name has too many ".." path components in it


Meaning: Relative file names specified to Configuring commands are interpreted as being relative to the root directory of the workspace. If a file name contains ".." components, it is possible for one of the ".." components to reach a directory that is hierarchically above the workspace root.


Remedy: Specify the path name with fewer (or no) ".." path name components


Could not get username for uid uid_number


Meaning: The uid could not be found in the NIS maps or in /etc/passwd


Remedy: Check NIS server and maps. 


No version number in file file_name


Meaning: When a Configuring command accesses a metadata file (a file in the Codemgr_wsdata directory) it checks the version number written in the file when it was created (for example, VERSION 1). The metadata file file_name does not contain the version string.


Remedy: Check the integrity of file_name. The version string may have been removed when the file was edited. If the version string is missing, and the file is not otherwise corrupted, use the CLI workspace create command or the GUI File Create Workspace menu item to create a new workspace. Check the value of the version string for the analogous file in the new workspace and edit that string into file_name.


Command command_name failed, /bin/sh killed by signal signal


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to execute command_name and was unable to because the shell was killed by signal. 


Remedy: Re-execute the Configuring command. 


Command command_name failed, could not execute the shell, /bin/sh


Meaning: A Configuring command could not start a shell. This indicates that some system resource, such as swap space or memory was insufficient. 


Remedy: Check system resources. 


Command command_name killed by signal signal


Meaning: A command started by a Configuring command received signal signal. 


Remedy: Re-execute the command. If the error re-occurs, refer to the Solaris documentation for information about the signal. 


Command command_name exited with status status


Meaning: Configuring expects commands it executes to exit with a status of zero indicating successful completion. Configuring considers it an error if a command exits with a non-zero status. 


Remedy: Refer to the documentation for command_name to determine the meaning of status. 


FLP FLP_name does not exist in the parent or child workspace


Meaning: The file list program (FLP) FLP_name specified for the Bringover or Putback transaction, could not be found in either the parent or child workspace 


Remedy: Check the path name of the intended FLP and re-execute the transaction. 


Could not execute program_name


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to execute another program and was unable to do so. 


Remedy: Ensure that your installation is correct. Ensure that the program is in your search path and that its permissions are set correctly. 


Workspace workspace_name already exists


Meaning: An attempt was made to create a workspace that already exists. 


Remedy: Re-execute the command using a different workspace name. 


Workspace name does not exist


Meaning: The workspace name specified as an argument for a Configuring command could not be found. 


Remedy: Ensure that the path name was specified correctly. 


Can't open file file_name so can't get comments for check in


Meaning: Configuring stored checkin comments in a temporary file and was unable to open that file to read the comments. 


Remedy: Check file permissions and other file system problems that would prohibit opening the file. 


Can't reparent a workspace to itself


Meaning: An attempt was made (either as part of a transaction, or by using an explicit reparent command) to make a workspace its own new parent. 


Remedy: Re-execute the command, specifying a different parent. 


Internal error: unknown locktype lock


Meaning: The workspace lock file (Codemgr_wsdata/locks) is corrupted. An unknown lock value was found.


Remedy: Edit the lock file to repair the damage. For more information, see the locks(4) man page or "Ensuring Consistency Through Workspace Locking".


You must specify a workspace name


Meaning: The Configuring command could not determine the workspace on which to act. Configuring commands attempt to acquire the workspace path name in the following order: 

  • As specified by the command's --w option

  • As specified by the value of the environment variable CODEMGR_WS

  • The current directory, if it is hierarchically within a workspace


Remedy: Specify the workspace path name using one of the methods listed above. 


Cannot obtain a type lock in workspace workspace_name because it has the following locks: Command: command (pid), user: user, machine: machine, time: time


Meaning: To ensure consistency, Configuring interworkspace commands lock workspaces while they read and write data in them. The command you issued could not obtain a lock because the workspace is already locked. While Configuring is reading and examining files in the parent workspace during a Bringover transaction, it obtains a read-lock for that workspace. When it is manipulating files in the child workspace, it obtains a write-lock. Read-locks may be obtained concurrently by multiple Configuring commands that read files in the workspace. No commands may write to a workspace while any read-locks are in force. Only a single write-lock can be in force at any time; no Configuring command may write to a workspace while a write-lock is in force. Lock status is controlled by the Codemgr_wsdata/locks file in each workspace.


Remedy: If the system is running normally, wait until the command that is locking the workspace releases its lock. If the workspace is stuck in a locked state (for example, the system crashed while a command had a lock in force), use the GUI Options Workspace menu item and selecting Locks from the Category list box in the Workspace Properties dialog box, or use the workspace locks command, to remove the lock.


Invalid subcommand - command_name


Meaning: An attempt was made to obtain help on a subcommand of the resolve, workspace, or codemgr command and the name of a non-existent subcommand was specified.


Remedy: For the list of valid subcommands for each command, type the command and specify the help subcommand. 


Not used. 


File file_name has no deltas


Meaning: The SCCS history file file_name contains no deltas, therefore it cannot be processed.


Remedy: Perhaps the history file was mistakenly overwritten. 


Could not find the command_name command.Executable does not exist: name Also could not find the name command in PATH PATH_contents


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to execute another program and was not able to find it. 


Remedy: Ensure that your installation is correct. Include the directory that contains the missing program. 


Unknown SCCS control character (char) in file file_name at line line_number


Meaning: A Configuring command expected file_name to be an SCCS history file; based on the character it encountered, it is either not a history file, or it has been corrupted.


Refer to the Solaris SCCS documentation regarding SCCS history file format. 


Corrupted file - file_name, line line_number


Meaning: A Configuring command was unable to read a workspace metadata file (a file in the Codemgr_wsdata directory). Illegal characters were found in line line_number.


Remedy: Check and repair the file. All Configuring metadata files are ASCII text files and can be edited. See the file_name(4) man page or Chapter 7, TeamWare Configuring Workspace" for more information on its format.


Could not find the command_name command in PATH path_name


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to execute another program and was not able to find it. 


Remedy: Ensure that your installation is correct. Include the directory that contains the missing program. 


The file has unresolved conflicts. Run `edit m' and search for ^<<<<<<<


Meaning: This error is issued by the resolve command. An attempt was made to save the file while it still contained unresolved conflicts. 


Remedy: Use the edit m subcommand (edit the merged result) to resolve the conflicts and then save the file. Conflicts are marked with ^<<<<<<<.


No file with number file_number


Meaning: The resolve command creates a numbered list of files that contain conflicts. The file_number chosen does not exist in this list.


Remedy: Use the list subcommand to list the files and determine the correct number of the file you wish to specify.


Can't find home directory so can't write to file file_name


Meaning: A Configuring command was unable to find the user's home directory and cannot locate file file_name. This usually indicates a problem with NIS maps.


Remedy: Check NIS server and appropriate NIS maps. 


Can't parse line in file file_name: line


Meaning: Upon startup, the resolve command reads the ~/.codemgr_resrc file to obtain user defined properties. The line line could not be interpreted correctly by the program.


Remedy: Correct the file ~/.codemgr_resrc file so that it includes only valid entries. For information regarding these entries, see the resolve(1) manual page.


Must specify a directory list either as arguments or via the CODEMGR_WSPATH variable


Meaning: This message is reported by the workspace list command when a directory (or list of directories) was not specified in a way in which workspace list can search for workspaces to list. Directories can be specified as the standard argument to the command, or by defining the CODEMGR_WSPATH variable to contain the path name of a directory.


Remedy: Re-execute the command specifying a directory, or set the CODEMGR_WSPATH directory to contain a directory path.


internal error: Access control operation operation_name does not have a Ibuilt-in default


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to verify access permission for a workspace operation (for example: bringover-from, putback-to, reparent-to). An internal consistency check failed. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 


Access control file does not exist


Meaning: A Configuring command attempted to verify access permission for a workspace operation (for example: bringover-from, putback-to, reparent-to). The access control file (Codemgr_wsdata/access_control) in the affected workspace was not found.


Remedy: If the access control file has been deleted from the workspace, copy a new one from another workspace and edit it so that the access permissions are correct. If no other workspaces are available, create a new workspace using the CLI workspace create command or the GUI File Create Workspace menu item and copy the file from the newly created workspace. For more information refer to the access_control(4) man page or "Controlling Access to Workspaces".


Cannot specify common ancestor file; there is no common ancestor delta


Meaning: The ancestor (a) was specified as an argument to a resolve subcommand (diff, edit, more). The files that are being resolved do not have an ancestor in common. This occurs most commonly in cases where files with the same name are created concurrently in both the child and the parent. They have the same name but are not descended from a common ancestor. For more information about ancestors and their role in resolving conflicts, see Chapter 9, Resolving Conflicts."


Remedy: Proceed with the conflict resolution process without specifying the ancestor (a) as an argument to the diff, edit, and more subcommands.


Invalid argument - character


Meaning: An invalid argument was specified to one of the resolve subcommands. The command expected one of the following characters: a (ancestor), c (child), p (parent), m (merged result).


Remedy: Specify one of the valid arguments: a, c, p, m. See the resolve(1) man page for more information.


Parent workspace is an NSE environment. Use the nseputback command


Meaning: The "parent" in a putback transaction is an NSE environment and not a Configuring workspace. 


Remedy: Use the nseputback command to putback changes from the workspace to the environment.


File file_name is probably not an s-file on line line_number expected ^A, but got char


Meaning: A Configuring command expected file_name to be an SCCS history file; based on the format it is either not a history file, or it was corrupted. 


Remedy: Refer to Solaris SCCS documentation regarding SCCS history file format. 


File file_name has not been merged. Use the twmerge subcommand first or the filemerge subcommand


Meaning: An attempt was made to commit (save) a file that had not yet been merged. 


Remedy: Merge the file using either the twmerge subcommand, or the filemerge subcommand (which executes the Merging GUI). For more information about the resolve command see the resolve(1) man page.


path_name is not a workspace or a directory


Meaning: The string path_name specified in the Bringover Create transaction is not a Configuring workspace or a directory. 


Remedy: Specify a different workspace or directory name. 


Can't create ToolTalk message, error = TT_error_code


Meaning: The resolve command communicates with the Merging program via the ToolTalk service. ToolTalk is an interapplication communication service distributed with the Solaris OpenWindows windowing system. In this case the resolve command called a ToolTalk routine to create a ToolTalk message for Merging. The ToolTalk routine could not create the message and passed back TT_error_code.


Remedy: Refer to the OpenWindows ToolTalk documentation for information about the error. 


SCCS file file_name is corrupted


Meaning: The SCCS admin -h command reports that the newly computed check-sum does not compare with the one stored in the first line of the file. 


Remedy: See the Solaris SCCS documentation for more information. 


Unable to create a temporary name from template temp_file_name


Meaning: A Configuring command was unable to create a temporary file for its use. This is a Configuring internal error. 


Remedy: Check for any system-level reasons why the command could not write this file (for example, file permission restrictions or incorrect command ownership). 


Fprintf of file_name failed


Meaning: A command was unable to write to the file file_name.


Remedy: Check file permissions and other such file system problems that would prohibit writing in the file system. 


Version mismatch in file file_name, expected version expected_number, but found actual_number


Meaning: Each Configuring metadata file (Codemgr_wsdata/*) contains a string that includes a version number (for release 1.0 the version number string is VERSION 1). As a consistency check, when Configuring commands read and write to these files, they check to determine whether the file contains the version that the command expects. In this case the command expected to find expected_number but found actual_number instead. This may indicate that old binaries are being used with new metadata files and could cause the file to be corrupted.


Remedy: Make sure that the most current versions of the Configuring binaries are being accessed. 


Do not know how to convert file file_name from version found_version_number to current_version_number


Meaning: Each Configuring file (Codemgr_wsdata/*) contains a string that includes a version number (for release 1.0 the version number string is VERSION 1). As a consistency check, when Configuring commands read and write to these files, they check to determine whether the file contains the version that the command expects. It is anticipated that when new versions of Configuring binaries and metadata files are released, the formats of some of these files may change. Commands contain code to make this conversion. A command found a metadata file with a version number earlier than 1.


Remedy: Since this is the first release of Configuring, the version string in the metadata file must have been inadvertently changed during editing. Check the file and make sure that the first line reads "VERSION 1". 


Must specify at least one file, directory or -f argument to a bringover that creates a child workspace


Meaning: The command-line for a Bringover transaction was not constructed properly. An argument that specifies at least one file, directory or FLP must be included. If this argument is omitted, Configuring attempts to take the arguments from the workspace's Codemgr_wsdata/args file.


Remedy: Re-enter the command and ensure that you've included the correct number of arguments. 


Could not determine where file_name is mounted from


Meaning: Configuring commands convert path names of NFS mounted directories to the machine_name:path_name format to do much of their work. This message indicates that the mount entry contained in /etc/mnttab is no longer present.


Remedy: Remount the file system that contains file_name. 


Could not determine the absolute pathname for file_name


Meaning: A Configuring command was unable to read a directory. This indicates some corruption in the file system; for example, incorrect directory permissions. 


Remedy: Check the file system, especially directory and file permissions in the path of file_name. 


Can't rename to file_name; it exists


Meaning: During a Bringover, Putback, or Undo transaction, a file was found that was renamed in the source workspace to a name already in use in the destination workspace. 


Remedy: Change the name in one of the directories. 


Corrupted file - file_name, text after BEGIN, line number. Can't send notification


Meaning: A Configuring command encountered an error when reading the workspace notification file Codemgr_wsdata/notification. The BEGIN statement that delimits the list of files/directories for which notification is requested must be the only text on the line, other text was encountered. The Configuring command cannot correctly parse the request; if the file contains a notification request, it cannot be sent.


Remedy: Edit the notification file and enter the appropriate BEGIN statement. See the notification(4) man page or "How to Notify Users of Changes to Workspaces" for more information on its format.


Corrupted file - file_name, text after END, line number. Can't send notification


Meaning: A Configuring command encountered an error when reading the workspace notification file Codemgr_wsdata/notification. The END statement that delimits the list of files/directories for which notification is requested must be the only text on the line, other text was encountered. The Configuring command cannot correctly parse the request; if the file contains a notification request, it cannot be sent.


Remedy: Edit the notification file and enter the appropriate END statement. See the notification(4) manual page or "How to Notify Users of Changes to Workspaces" for more information on its format.


Corrupted file - file_name, missing BEGIN, line number. Can't send notification


Meaning: A Configuring command encountered an error when reading the workspace notification file Codemgr_wsdata/notification. The BEGIN statement that delimits the list of files/directories for which notification is requested, is missing. The Configuring command cannot correctly parse the request; if the file contains a notification request, it cannot be sent.


Remedy: Edit the notification file and enter the appropriate BEGIN statement. See the notification(4) man page or "How to Notify Users of Changes to Workspaces" for more information on its format.


File file_name has incomplete delta table


Meaning: The delta table in the SCCS history file file_name is incomplete. This indicates that the file was corrupted. 


Remedy: Fix the file, or copy in a new version. 


Badly formatted line in file_name: line_number


Meaning: A Configuring command was reading a temporary log file left over from an aborted Bringover or Putback operation and encountered a malformed line. This indicates that the file was corrupted. 


Remedy: Execute the workspace updatenames command to rebuild the nametable and then re-execute the command.


Zero-length SCCS file, file_name


Meaning: An SCCS history file was encountered that contained no data. 


Remedy: Remove the SCCS history file. 


Can't get a version of the child file until it is checked in


Meaning: During a Resolve transaction a file was encountered that is not checked in to SCCS. Files must be checked in before conflicts can be resolved. 


Remedy: Check the file in and re-start the transaction. 


Name history serial number number out of order in file file_name


Meaning: Rename information in the SCCS history file file_name is corrupted. The name history records in this SCCS file are not in numerically descending order. 


Remedy: Reorder the name history records, or copy in a new version of the file using the Bringover or Putback transaction. 


Delta serial number number out of order in file file_name


Meaning: Delta numbers are not in numerically descending order in the SCCS history file file_name. This indicates that the file is corrupted. 


Remedy: Reorder the delta numbers, or copy in a new version of the file using the Bringover or Putback transaction. 


Must have DISPLAY environment variable set to invoke twmerge or filemerge


Meaning: Merging is an XWindows program. The DISPLAY environment variable is is used to determine where the program displays its windows. If you are running CDE or OpenWindows, this variable is usually set for you. For tother XWindow display servers, you may need to set this variable manually before starting Merging.


Remedy: Determine the correct setting for your display server and set the DISPLAY environment variable appropriately.


Can't resolve file file_name because it is writable


Meaning: The file file_name is not checked out from SCCS but its file permissions indicate that it is writable. Resolving this conflict will result in writing to a file that is not checked out. 


Remedy: Reconcile the file permissions (for example, check the file out and then check it back in) and then re-execute the Resolve transaction. 


Cannot create workspace name because it would be nested within workspace name


Meaning: An attempt was made to create a workspace hierarchically beneath an existing workspace. 


Remedy: Create the new workspace hierarchically outside of any existing workspaces. 


Cannot delete a workspace that is a symbolic link. Run workspace delete workspace_name


Meaning: Configuring commands will not delete directories or files that are symbolic links. You must delete the physical copy of the file. The appropriate command line is provided. 


Remedy: Use the workspace delete command to delete workspace_name.


This error message may be issued in any of the following forms: 

User user_name does not have access to bringover from workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to bringover to workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to putback from workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to putback to workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to undo workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to delete workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to move workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to change the parent of workspace workspace_name

User user_name does not have access to change the parent to workspace workspace_name


Meaning: The user user_name attempted an operation that affected the workspace workspace_name; access permissions in workspace_name do not permit user_name access to execute that operation.


Remedy: The file workspace_name/Codemgr_wsdata/access_control is a text file that specifies access permissions for various workspace operations. The owner of the workspace must change the permissions to include user_name in order for the operation to proceed. Permissions can be changed using the Options Workspace menu item and selecting Access Control from the Category list box in the Workspace Properties dialog box, or by editing the access_control file directly. See the access_control(4) man page or Chapter 7, TeamWare Configuring Workspace" for more information.


Corrupted file - file_name, whitespace in pathname, line line_number. Can't send notification


Meaning: A Configuring command encountered an error when reading the workspace notification file Codemgr_wsdata/notification. A whitespace character was encountered in a line where a single path name was expected.


Remedy: Edit the Codemgr_wsdata/notification file to remove the whitespace characters from the line. See the notification(4) man page or "How to Notify Users of Changes to Workspaces" for more information on its format.


Corrupted file - file_name, missing notification event, line line_number. Can't send notification


Meaning: A Configuring command encountered an error when reading the workspace notification file Codemgr_wsdata/notification. The Configuring event (for example, bringover-to) was not specified.


Remedy: Edit the Codemgr_wsdata/notification file to add the correct event. See "How to Notify Users of Changes to Workspaces" for a list of valid events.


putback: sccs error for file file can not create lock file
  Meaning: Someone else is updating the SCCS file or the p-file, or you do not have write permission for the directory in which the SCCS file resides.
  Remedy: If someone else is updating the SCCS file or the p-file, wait until they release the lock and then try again to access the file. If you do not have write permission in the directory, you cannot create a lock file in that directory until you obtain write permission.


Not used 


Not used 


Not used 


Not used 


Not used 


Workspace workspace_name has no locks


Meaning: An attempt was made to remove locks from a workspace that had no active locks. 


Lock lock_name does not exist for workspace workspace_name


Meaning: While using the workspace locks -r command, a lock number was specified that is out of range of the lock list.


Remedy: Check the lock numbers for the workspace using the workspace locks command and enter a valid number.


Internal error: Cannot find the directory in which command command_name is located because avo_find_dir_init() has not been called


Meaning: This is an internal error. 


Remedy: Please contact your local service representative. 


number is not a valid number


Meaning: While using the resolve command, a number was referenced that is outside of the listed values.


Remedy: List the values to determine the valid number for your selection. 


Cannot access workspace workspace_name


Meaning: File permissions for workspace_name prohibit access by the Configuring command. 


Remedy: Default permissions for workspace directories are 777. 


Could not parse name history for file file_name, contains: text


Meaning: There is a format error in the name history record in the SCCS history file file_name. The troublesome text is displayed. 


Remedy: If possible, fix the record; otherwise copy a new version of the file using the Bringover or Putback transaction. 


Could not remove or rename backup directory directory_name


Meaning: Configuring attempted to clear the backup area directory_name so that it could backup a new transaction. Configuring was not able to delete or rename the directory out of the way. The most likely cause is that file permissions have been changed for the directory. 


Remedy: Check directory permissions for directory_name. Default Configuring permissions for this directory are 777. 


build_workspace_list: path_name does not start with a /


The Configuring GUI program was expecting a fully qualified path name to be returned from a subprocess. This is an internal error. 


Please contact your local service representative. 


Workspace workspace_name's parent does not exist in the filesystem


Meaning: The parent workspace is not mounted or visible on this machine.  


Remedy: Mount the parent workspace on the executing machine. 


Workspace workspace_name's child does not exist in filesystem


Meaning: The child workspace is not mounted or visible on this machine. 


Remedy: Mount the child workspace on the executing machine. 


codemgrtool: internal error in args_strlist_from_wsname() : NULL args_list


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 


codemgrtool: internal error in undo_strlist_from_wsname() : NULL undo_list


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 


codemgrtool: path_name doesn't start with a /


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Please contact your local service representative. 


Not used. 


Nametable in workspace workspace_name cannot be read because the following SCCS files have identical root deltas



Run the following command and then re-execute the command_name command:


path_name/workspace updatenames workspace_name


Meaning: An SCCS history file was copied within a workspace using the cp command. As a result, the two files contain the identical root delta. Configuring uses the root delta to distinguish between files. The workspace updatenames command enables Configuring to distinguish between the files.


Remedy: Execute the workspace updatenames command and then re-execute the command that spawned the error.


Cannot move workspace workspace_name

Because it is a symlink to directory_name.

Use a workspace name that is not a symlink.


Meaning: Configuring commands will not move directories or files that are symbolic links. 


Remedy: Move the workspace to a name that is not a symbolic link. 


Nametable in workspace workspace_name not written because the following SCCS files have identical root deltas



Run the following command and then re-execute the command_name command:

path_name/workspace updatenames workspace_name


Meaning: An SCCS history file was copied within a workspace using the cp command. As a result the two files contain the identical root delta. Configuring uses the root delta to distinguish between files. The workspace updatenames command enables Configuring to distinguish between the files.


Remedy: Execute the workspace updatenames command and then re-execute the command that spawned the error.


Internal error: hash table missing entry


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 


An SCCS file (A) was copied (to file B). The original SCCS file (A) cannot be found.

Run the following command and then re-execute the command_name command:

path_name/workspace updatenames workspace_name


Meaning: An SCCS history file was copied within a workspace using the cp command. The original file (A) was subsequently renamed or removed from the workspace. Configuring is unable to determine whether the files has been renamed (and to what name) or removed from the workspace. The workspace updatenames command interactively displays the possible names to which the file could have been renamed, and asks you to determine the file's current state: its new name, or its absence from the workspace. Configuring can then correctly propagate the changes throughout the workspace hierarchy.


Remedy: Execute the workspace updatenames command and then re-execute the command that spawned the error.


Internal error: SmIDs not equivalent


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 


Internal error: SmID not found


Meaning: Internal error. 


Remedy: Contact your local service representative. 

2095 - 2499 

Not used 

2500 - 2600 

Internal errors 


Meaning: Error numbers 2500 through 2600 are Configuring programs internal errors. These errors indicate problems that users cannot correct. If you encounter any of these errors, contact your local service representative.