Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran Overview

Chapter 5 Managing Source Code

Large development projects require complex coordination of the work of many programmers using common and interdependent files. Keeping track of the complex information under the Source Code Control System (SCCS) can be time-consuming and frustrating. The Sun WorkShop TeamWare source management tools provide a solution to this problem.

Extend the Sun WorkShop Compilers Fortran language systems and Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran products with Sun WorkShop TeamWare, a suite of graphical tools for source code version control, release integration, and release management.

Use Sun WorkShop TeamWare code management tools to:

Coordinate Large Software Projects

Simplify the complex task of coordinating common and interdependent files with the Configuring tool. Choose a command-line interface (CLI) or a graphical user interface (GUI). Then copy project files from a central workspace into your own workspace, notify other team members that you're using files, make changes to files, and copy your changes back to the central workspace.

Use the Configuring tool to:

Merge Files Easily

Use the Merging tool to merge two versions of the same source file, with or without reference to a common earlier version. You can work on the same files and compare respective versions of the files without introducing discrepancies. The Merging tool displays both versions of a file side-by-side, highlighting any differences in color. You can then automatically or selectively merge your changes into a new file, and view them in an editable window.

With the Merging tool, you can also merge entire directories or lists of files. This feature is useful when two versions of a program have diverged significantly and must be made to converge.

Coordinate File Access Easily

Take advantage of the Versioning tool, a graphical user interface to SCCS, to manipulate files and perform SCCS functions. Even if you don't know SCCS commands, this intuitive method lets you check files in and out, as well as display and move through history branches.

Use the Versioning tool to:

Establish Milestones

During the software development process, you might want to create "freezepoints" of your work at various key junctures. These points serve as snapshots of the project that enable you to later recreate the state of the project at key development points. The Freezepointing tool creates a file that registers all source files for a given software release.

Put the Freezepointing tool to work to: