Sun Performance WorkShop Fortran Overview



Online documentation tools that display this manual and all other Sun WorkShop manuals.


To inspect source code for all or selected occurrences of a symbol, string constant, or search pattern that you specify.


A tool used to set up an application for performance data collection. You can collect performance data on an application of your choice.


A set of samples taken on the target application program.

experiment record

The pointer file and hidden directory for an experiment.


The Sun WorkShop TeamWare utility used to make snapshots of workspaces (or portions of them) at important junctures or "freezepoints."


A symbol for which the source browser searches. The identifier can be a variable name, constant name, or user-defined type name.

integration workspace

A workspace to which multiple developers put back (merge) their work.


To produce a single version of a file from two conflicting files (deltas). Usually accomplished with the assistance of the Merging tool.


The Sun WorkShop TeamWare utility used to merge deltas during Resolve transactions.

performance tuning

The steps taken to make a program more efficient, reliable, and fast. These steps estimate the performance of a program, identify the bottlenecks limiting performance, and identify where the code spends most of its time.


An instruction to the source browser to find a specified symbol.

Sampling Analyzer

A tool used to examine performance data collected by the Sampling Collector. The Sampling Analyzer processes the collected data into displays of your choice. You then use these displays to examine the collected performance data.

SCCS history file

The file that contains a given file's delta history; also referred to as an "s-dot-file." All SCCS history files must be located in a directory named SCCS, which is located in the same directory as the g-file.


The Sun WorkShop TeamWare utility that provides a graphical interface to SCCS.


A specially designated (but standard) directory and its subdirectory hierarchy. Usually all developers on a project work in their own workspaces. The Sun WorkShop TeamWare Configuring utility lets you intelligently copy files from workspace to workspace.