TotalNET Advanced Server 5.2 Release Notes

Installation Steps

If you want to upgrade, follow the upgrading instructions in Chapter 2, Upgrading.

The IRIX installation program mounts TAS on the server. It extracts the TAS software package from the distribution media, sets the ownership and permission mode of the files, and moves them to the appropriate directories. This example of the installation process shows the installation of all packages.

Follow these steps to install TAS:

  1. If your CD did not automount, mount it by entering the following command, where device represents the device name of the CD-ROM and mntpnt represents the directory mount point:

    # mount -t iso9660 device/mntpnt

    For example, the command might look like this for a locally-mounted CD-ROM:

    # mount -t iso9660 /dev/scsi/sc0d5l0 /mntpnt

    If your CD automounted, unmount it using the following command, then mount it using the mount command as shown above:

    # umount /CDROM

    The inst installation program expects only efs file system CDs mounted under /CDROM. It does not accept the TAS CD if the TAS CD automounts under /CDROM.

  2. Start the installation by entering the command below at the system prompt. This command installs all packages in the TAS distribution. The mntpnt variable represents the directory mount point, and OSversion represents the name of the software you wish to install--irix5_3, irix6_2, irix6_3 or irix6_4.

    # inst -a -u new -f /mntpnt/TAS/OSversion -I TAS

    Note -

    If you have steps to finish in Chapter 2, Upgrading, go back to Step 9 in your upgrading section at this point.

  3. Read Chapter 7, General TAS Issues.

  4. Connect to TNAS and administer TAS by following the instructions in "Connecting to TNAS and Accessing Documentation".

    You must complete initial setup to enable TAS services. You do not need to complete initial setup to upgrade.