Sun Directory Services 3.1 User's Guide

Using Search Contraints

If you do not set all of the search constraints, the default values are used.

  1. Type the Distinguished Name (DN) of the root of the subtree you want to search.

    Or, select the root of the subtree you want to search in the browser window and click Get from Browser.

  2. Select the search time limit (in ms) from the Time Limit option button.

    By default, there is no time limit.

  3. Select the maximum number of search results from the Max. Matches option button.

    The default maximum number of search matches is 100.

  4. Select the scope of the search from the Search Scope option button.

    • One Level searches the entries on the level immediately below the search root.

    • Subtree searches all entries below the search root.

    The default scope is subtree.

  5. If you want to dereference aliases as you search, check the Dereference Aliases check box.

    If you choose to dereference aliases as you search, the distinguished name (DN) of an alias entry is translated to the DN of the actual entry. With the dereferencing flag checked, the object referred to by the alias is returned by a search. With the dereferencing flag unchecked, the alias entry is returned by a search.