Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

Configuring Logging

You can configure the following parameters for the log:

Go to the Log section of the Admin Console main window to configure these parameters.

The log directory /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/log contains the following log files:

You can change the name of the default log directory but you cannot modify the names of the log files themselves.

By default the maximum size of a log file is 500Kb. The maximum size is the same for all log files. When this limit is reached, the log is renamed by appending a .1 suffix, and a new log file is created. When that log reaches the size limit, it is in turn renamed. You can have up to ten files for each log.

Note -

Log files can use up to 40 Mbytes of disk space, or more if you increase the default log file size. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up log files regularly.

The available trace levels are: