Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

Operations to Perform on the Master Server

On the master server you must:

To Create Replicas

  1. In the Create Data Store window or the Modify Data Store window, choose Replica from the Create menu.

    The Add Replica window is displayed.

  2. Specify the type of replica (subtree or object).

  3. In the Subtree/Entry field, specify the distinguished name of the subtree or object to be replicated.

    To create a replica of the whole data store, specify the DN of the naming context used to identify the data store.

  4. Select the attributes to be replicated.

    You can specify that all attributes are replicated, or you can exclude or include certain attributes. If you choose Exclude or Include from the Attributes pop-up menu, specify the particular attributes you want to exclude from or include in the replica.

  5. Specify the following parameters for the target:

    • The name of the target host (replica server) where the replica will be stored

    • Specify the port of the dsservd server on the replica server to be used by the replication daemon, dspushd

    • The distinguished name and password that the master will supply when requesting authentication

    • The Bind method, simple, SASL with CRAM-MD5, or SASL with the EXTERNAL mechanism

    • The security mode, insecure, TLS, or SSL, and the SSL key package if you select TLS or SSL as the security mode

    For example, Figure 9-1 shows an example of replicating the naming context ou=People, o=XYZ, c=US from the boston server (not shown) to the london slave server.

    Figure 9-1 Add Replica Window


  6. Click OK to save the replica definition and exit from the Add replica window.

    Information concerning the replica is added to the list in the Replicas section of the Create Data Store or Modify Data Store window.

  7. Click OK to dismiss the data store window.

    In the Data Store section of the Admin Console main window, click on the folder icon for the data store to check that the replica you have just created is listed under the Replicas folder.

    For example, Figure 9-2 shows the naming contexts held on the boston server, and the replica defined for the london slave server.

    Figure 9-2 Data Store Contents


To Set Up a Replication Synchronization Schedule for a Master Server

  1. Go to the Data Store section of the Admin Console.

  2. From the Send Updates to Replica menu button select Delayed.

    A Day menu button and Time menu button are displayed.

  3. Select the day and time at which you want replication to occur periodically.

  4. Click Apply in the Admin Console main window to save your changes.

To Start Replication At Any Time from a Master Server

    In the Data Store section of the Admin Console main window, highlight the replica that you want to synchronize with the master, and click the Send updates now button.