Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

Displaying the Schema with ldapsearch

Use the ldapsearch command with the following arguments to read the current schema through the directory server:

/opt/SUNWconn/bin/ldapsearch -h hostname -b "cn=schema" -s base 'objectclass=*'

where hostname is the name of the directory server.

Table 8-1 shows an extract of the type of information returned.

Table 8-1 Extract from the Directory Schema
objectclasses=( NAME 'top' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
MUST ( objectclass ) )
objectclasses=( NAME 'alias' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ aliasedobjectname )  MAY ( * )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'country' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ c )  MAY ( description $ searchguide
)  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'locality' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass )  MAY ( description $
l $ searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'organization' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ o )  MAY (
businesscategory $ description $ destinationindicator $
facsimiletelephonenumber $ internationalisdnnumber $ l $
physicaldeliveryofficename $ postofficebox $ postaladdress $
postalcode $ preferreddeliverymethod $ registeredaddress $
searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street $ telephonenumber $
teletexterminalidentifier $ telexnumber $ userpassword $
x121address )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'organizationalUnit' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ ou )  MAY (
businesscategory $ description $ destinationindicator $
facsimiletelephonenumber $ internationalisdnnumber $ l $
physicaldeliveryofficename $ postofficebox $ postaladdress $
postalcode $ preferreddeliverymethod $ registeredaddress $
searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street $ telephonenumber $
teletexterminalidentifier $ telexnumber $ userpassword $
x121address )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'person' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ sn $ cn )  MAY ( description $
seealso $ telephonenumber $ userpassword )  )

When you use the ldapsearch command to display the schema, the keywords are shown in capitals. They introduce the following: