Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

Displaying the Current Schema

There are two ways of displaying the current schema:

Displaying the Schema with ldapsearch

Use the ldapsearch command with the following arguments to read the current schema through the directory server:

/opt/SUNWconn/bin/ldapsearch -h hostname -b "cn=schema" -s base 'objectclass=*'

where hostname is the name of the directory server.

Table 8-1 shows an extract of the type of information returned.

Table 8-1 Extract from the Directory Schema
objectclasses=( NAME 'top' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
MUST ( objectclass ) )
objectclasses=( NAME 'alias' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ aliasedobjectname )  MAY ( * )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'country' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ c )  MAY ( description $ searchguide
)  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'locality' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass )  MAY ( description $
l $ searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'organization' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ o )  MAY (
businesscategory $ description $ destinationindicator $
facsimiletelephonenumber $ internationalisdnnumber $ l $
physicaldeliveryofficename $ postofficebox $ postaladdress $
postalcode $ preferreddeliverymethod $ registeredaddress $
searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street $ telephonenumber $
teletexterminalidentifier $ telexnumber $ userpassword $
x121address )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'organizationalUnit' DESC 'Standard
ObjectClass' SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ ou )  MAY (
businesscategory $ description $ destinationindicator $
facsimiletelephonenumber $ internationalisdnnumber $ l $
physicaldeliveryofficename $ postofficebox $ postaladdress $
postalcode $ preferreddeliverymethod $ registeredaddress $
searchguide $ seealso $ st $ street $ telephonenumber $
teletexterminalidentifier $ telexnumber $ userpassword $
x121address )  )
objectclasses=( NAME 'person' DESC 'Standard ObjectClass'
SUP 'top'  MUST ( objectclass $ sn $ cn )  MAY ( description $
seealso $ telephonenumber $ userpassword )  )

When you use the ldapsearch command to display the schema, the keywords are shown in capitals. They introduce the following:

Displaying the Schema in the Admin Console

  1. In the Admin Console, go to the Schema section.

    This section displays a list of object classes in hierarchical order, or in alphabetical order. Use the buttons below the pane to change the display mode.

    Click the folder icon for an object class to display its mandatory (M) and optional (O) attributes. With the hierarchical display, clicking on the folder icon of an object class will display any subclasses of that object class.

  2. To display a list of attributes, click the Attributes list button.

    An attribute list window is displayed. It contains a five-column table that shows:

    • The name of the attribute

    • Alias names for this attribute (separated by commas)

    • The attribute syntax, identified by a keyword (see "Attribute Reference")

    • A unique OID for the attribute

    • Whether the attribute is a naming attribute (that is, an attribute that can be used in the distinguished name of an entry), and whether it is single-valued