Solstice NFS Client 3.2 User's Guide for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT

Upgrading the PCNFSD Daemon

There are two versions of the PCNFSD protocol:

The current release of the rpc.pcnfsd daemon supports both version 1 and version 2 of the PCNFSD protocol. Source code and binary programs of this daemon are included on the CD-ROM for installation on a SunOS 4.0 or 5.4 operating system or compatible version. Daemons are in compressed UNIX tar files for installation on SunOS 4.0 operating systems and compatible versions.

Since version 2 of the daemon can support existing PC-NFS software users (with one compatibility issue, see Note following), you should replace existing version 1 rpc.pcnfsd server daemons with version 2. If you do not, users may find that certain features of Solstice Network Client will not work. To upgrade rpc.pcnfsd on SunOS 4.0 servers or compatible versions, follow the procedure "To Upgrade rpc.pcnfsd on a Server Running the SunOS 4.0 Operating System or Compatible Version".

Note -

The rpc.pcnfsd version 2 daemon recognizes only those printer names listed by the UNIX lpstat -t command. Run this command on the print server to determine the printer names that the rpc.pcnfsd daemon will recognize. This is different from the rpc.pcnfsd version 1, which allows you to use any names associated with a particular printer.

To Determine if Version 2 Is Running

    On a system running the SunOS 4.0 or 5.4 operating system or compatible version, enter:

    rpcinfo -u servername 150001 2

If version 2 of rpc.pcnfsd is running, you will see the following message:

	proc 150001 vers 2 ready and waiting

If the server is running the old version of rpc.pcnfsd or if rpc.pcnfsd is not running, you will see the following message:

proc 150001 version 2 is not available

To Determine if Version 1 Is Running

    On a system running the SunOS 4.0 operating system or compatible version, enter:

    rpcinfo -u servername 150001 1

If the server is running the old version of pcnfsd, you will see the following message:

proc 150001 vers 1 ready and waiting

In this case, upgrade to version 2.

If neither version is running, try starting the daemon by entering /usr/etc/rpc.pcnfsd and then check the version.

If that fails, you need to install rpc.pcnfsd.

Source code and binary versions of rpc.pcnfsd are distributed on your Solstice Network Client CD-ROM in compressed UNIX tar files. Before installing the daemon, check your server to see if rpc.pcnfsd is already present. If not, install it using the appropriate installation procedure.

With pcnfsd version 1, you were able to install rpc.pcnfsd so that it was started by the inetd superdaemon. The new rpc.pcnfsd daemon must execute a possibly lengthy configuration sequence each time its starts. To avoid delays--and possible time-outs--you should arrange for the daemon to be invoked from /etc/rc.local (SunOS 4.0 operating system or compatible versions) or by means of a script in the init.d directory (SunOS 5.4 operating system or compatible versions). Do not use inetd.

To Upgrade rpc.pcnfsd on a Server Running the SunOS 4.0 Operating System or Compatible Version

  1. If the rpc.pcnfsd daemon is running, stop (kill) it.

    1. Become root.

    2. Determine the rpc.pcnfsd process ID number.

      For example:

      # ps -ax | grep rpc.pcnfsd
    3. Enter kill -9 processid number.

  2. Rename the rpc.pcnfsd version 1 daemon.

    For example, you might rename /usr/etc/rpc.pcnfsd to /usr/etc/rpc.pcnfsd.v1.

  3. Install rpc.pcnfsd version 2 according to the instructions in "To Install rpc.pcnfd on a Server Running the SunOS 4.0 Operating System or Compatible Versions".

  4. When you are satisfied that the new rpc.pcnfsd version is working correctly, delete the old version.